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Product of min and max prime factors: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H
(Created Nim solution.)
m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H)
(6 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 1:
{{draft task}}
Exactly as the task title implies.
Line 912:
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="D">
import std.stdio : writef;
void main() {
auto sieve = sieve(100);
for(ulong i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
writef("%4d ", min_prime_factor(i, sieve) * max_prime_factor(i, sieve));
if(i % 10 == 0)
bool []sieve(ulong max) {
bool []sieve = new bool[](max + 1);
sieve[] = true;
sieve[0] = false;
sieve[1] = false;
for(ulong i = 2; i <= max; i++)
for(ulong j = i * 2; j <= max; j += i)
sieve[j] = false;
return sieve;
ulong min_prime_factor(ulong number, bool []sieve) {
if (number <= 1)
return 1;
for(ulong index = 2; index <= number; index++)
if(sieve[index] && number % index == 0)
return index;
assert(0 && "Sieve was not initialized correctly");
ulong max_prime_factor(ulong number, bool []sieve) {
if (number <= 1)
return 1;
for(ulong index = number; index >= 2; index--)
if(sieve[index] && number % index == 0)
return index;
assert(0 && "Sieve was not initialized correctly");
1 4 9 4 25 6 49 4 9 10
121 6 169 14 15 4 289 6 361 10
21 22 529 6 25 26 9 14 841 10
961 4 33 34 35 6 1369 38 39 10
1681 14 1849 22 15 46 2209 6 49 10
51 26 2809 6 55 14 57 58 3481 10
3721 62 21 4 65 22 4489 34 69 14
5041 6 5329 74 15 38 77 26 6241 10
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10
Line 1,361 ⟶ 1,422:
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strformat
func primeFactors(n: Positive): seq[Natural] =
if n == 1: return @[1]
var n = n
var d = 2
while d * d <= n:
if n mod d == 0:
result.add d
while n mod d == 0:
n = n div d
inc d
if n != 1: result.add n
for n in 1..100:
let pf = n.primeFactors
stdout.write &"{pf[0] * pf[^1]:4}"
stdout.write if n mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
<pre> 1 4 9 4 25 6 49 4 9 10
121 6 169 14 15 4 289 6 361 10
21 22 529 6 25 26 9 14 841 10
961 4 33 34 35 6 1369 38 39 10
1681 14 1849 22 15 46 2209 6 49 10
51 26 2809 6 55 14 57 58 3481 10
3721 62 21 4 65 22 4489 34 69 14
5041 6 5329 74 15 38 77 26 6241 10
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10
Line 1,495 ⟶ 1,522:
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/strformat
func primeFactors(n: Positive): seq[Natural] =
if n == 1: return @[1]
var n = n
var d = 2
while d * d <= n:
if n mod d == 0:
result.add d
while n mod d == 0:
n = n div d
inc d
if n != 1: result.add n
for n in 1..100:
let pf = n.primeFactors
stdout.write &"{pf[0] * pf[^1]:4}"
stdout.write if n mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
<pre> 1 4 9 4 25 6 49 4 9 10
121 6 169 14 15 4 289 6 361 10
21 22 529 6 25 26 9 14 841 10
961 4 33 34 35 6 1369 38 39 10
1681 14 1849 22 15 46 2209 6 49 10
51 26 2809 6 55 14 57 58 3481 10
3721 62 21 4 65 22 4489 34 69 14
5041 6 5329 74 15 38 77 26 6241 10
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10
Line 1,840 ⟶ 1,902:
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10</pre>
{{works with|HP|49g}}
≪ {1}
2 100 '''FOR''' j
* +
'''NEXT '''
≫ '<span style="color:blue">TASK</span>' STO
1: {1 4 9 4 25 6 49 4 9 10 121 6 169 14 15 4 289 6 361 10 21 22 529 6 25 26 9 14 841 10 961 4 33 34 35 6 1369 38 39 10 1681 14 1849 22 15 46 2209 6 49 10 51 26 2809 6 55 14 57 58 3481 10 3721 62 21 4 65 22 4489 34 69 14 5041 6 5329 74 15 38 77 26 6241 10 9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10 91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10}
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby" line>require 'prime'
Line 1,856 ⟶ 1,933:
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby" line>1..100 -> map {|n| lpf(n) * gpf(n) }.slices(10).each {|a|
a.map{ '%5s' % _ }.join(' ').say
1 4 9 4 25 6 49 4 9 10
121 6 169 14 15 4 289 6 361 10
21 22 529 6 25 26 9 14 841 10
961 4 33 34 35 6 1369 38 39 10
1681 14 1849 22 15 46 2209 6 49 10
51 26 2809 6 55 14 57 58 3481 10
3721 62 21 4 65 22 4489 34 69 14
5041 6 5329 74 15 38 77 26 6241 10
9 82 6889 14 85 86 87 22 7921 10
91 46 93 94 95 6 9409 14 33 10
Line 1,903 ⟶ 1,999:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./math" for Int
import "./fmt" for Fmt


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