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Steady squares: Difference between revisions

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ready for Scala3
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">
def steadySquares(cand: Seq[Int], modulo: Long, acc: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
if (cand.isEmpty) return acc
val num = cand.head
val numl = num.toLong
val modulo1 = if (modulo > numl) modulo else 10 * modulo
val acc1 = if (numl * numl % modulo1 != numl) acc
else acc :+ num
steadySquares(cand.tail, modulo1, acc1)
val limit = 1_000_000
val candidates = Seq(0, 1) ++ (5 to limit by 10).flatMap(n => Seq(n, n + 1))
val list = steadySquares(candidates, 1, Seq())
@main def main = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val max = list.last.toLong
val Seq(maxLen, sqrLen) = Seq(max, max * max).map(_.toString.length)
for (steadySquare <- list) {
val stSqr = steadySquare.toLong
val sqr = stSqr * stSqr
println("%%%dd %%%dd".format(maxLen, sqrLen).format(stSqr, sqr))
val duration = System.currentTimeMillis - start
println(s"time(ms): $duration")
0 0
1 1
5 25
6 36
25 625
76 5776
376 141376
625 390625
9376 87909376
90625 8212890625
109376 11963109376
890625 793212890625
time(ms): 7
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