Boolean values: Difference between revisions

(13 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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PRINT TRUE</syntaxhighlight>
The boolean value of true in Cherrycake is represented with a 'true' keyword, and the boolean value of false in Cherrycake is represented with a 'false' keyword. Booleans can also be represented with other types, such as binary and integers. In binary types, 0x01 and 0b01 represent true, and 0x00 and 0b00 represent false. In integer types, 1 represents true and 0 represents false.
==={{header|Commodore BASIC}}===
Line 548 ⟶ 551:
if not(2 < 1) then print "2 not < 1"
if not(1 = 0) then print "1 not = 0"</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
a = true
b = false
==={{header|smart BASIC}}===
Line 656 ⟶ 665:
Zero is false, non-zero is true. This is only used by the horizontal and vertical switch operators (<code>_</code> and <code>|</code>).
=={{header|Binary Lambda Calculus}}==
The standard representations for the booleans in lambda calculus are true = \then. \else. then, false = \then. \else. else, which correspond to BLC programs <code>00 00 110</code> and <code>00 00 10</code>.
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EasyLang does not have built-in boolean types or constants. Operators that "return" a boolean type (e.g. >, <=) cannot be used outside of conditional statements and loops.
You can use 1 or 0 in place of true and false, or you can just use the strings "true" and "false".
<syntaxhighlight lang="easylang">
boolNumber = 1
if boolNumber = 1
print "True"
print "False"
boolString$ = "true"
if boolString$ = "true"
print "True"
Line 1,413 ⟶ 1,421:
[...or use as a condition]
if the CPU is working correctly, say "Whew."</syntaxhighlight>
Simply <code>true</code> and <code>false</code>, however, anything which is not <code>false</code> or <code>null</code> is considered truthy.
Line 2,015 ⟶ 2,028:
''See also [[#Delphi|Delphi]], [[#Free Pascal|Free Pascal]], and [[#Object Pascal|Object Pascal]]''
''See [[#Pascal|Pascal]]
Line 2,418 ⟶ 2,435:
v := 1.bool; -- ok
if i.bool then ... end; -- ok</syntaxhighlight>
In this case, <code>0.bool</code> is false, and <code>n.bool</code> with n not equal to 0 is true.
Although S-BASIC has no explicit boolean data type, it allows integer,
real, fixed, string, and character variables to hold the results of boolean operations and to represent true and false conditions in IF, WHILE, and REPEAT statements. For types real.double, real, and fixed, a value of zero is false, and any non-zero value is true. For integers, the value 0 is treated as false, while -1 (or FFFFH), the bit-wise negation of zero, is treated as true.
For characters and strings, 'Y', 'y', 'T', and 't' are treated as true,
while 'N', 'n', 'F', and 'f' are treated as false. (For strings, only the first character is considered.) For convenience, the $CONSTANT compiler directive can be used to provide values for "true" and "false".
<syntaxhighlight lang = "BASIC">
$constant true = 0FFFFH
$constant false = 0
var a, another = char
var b, adult, age = integer
var c = real
input "Applicant's age in years"; age
adult = (age >= 18)
if adult then
print "Applicant has full access"
print "Applicant has restricted access"
input "Do another (y/n)"; another
until not another
a = (2 > 3)
b = (2 > 3)
c = (2 > 3)
print "2 > 3 as char: "; a
print "2 > 3 as int : "; b
print "not (2 > 3) : "; not b
print "2 > 3 as real: "; c
print "not (2 > 3) : "; not c
Applicant's age in years? 19
Applicant has full access
Do another (y/n)? n
2 > 3 as char: F
2 > 3 as int : 0
not (2 > 3) :-1
2 > 3 as real: 0
not (2 > 3) :-1
Booleans in Scala are given by the literals <code>true</code> and <code>false</code>, case sensitive, which are the only instances of the class <code>Boolean</code>.
Line 2,447 ⟶ 2,512:
is False
Sidef defines the ''true'' and ''false'' boolean values, which are part of the ''Bool'' type.
Line 2,626 ⟶ 2,692:
This class has two methods: the operator ''!'' which returns the logical complement of its receiver and ''toString'' which returns its string representation.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var embed = true
System.printAll([embed, ", ", !embed, ", ", "Is Wren embeddable? " + embed.toString])</syntaxhighlight>
Line 2,633 ⟶ 2,699:
true, false, Is Wren embeddable? true
Boolean "false" may be represented by <tt>#F</tt>, <tt>#!FALSE</tt>, <tt>NIL</tt>, or the empty list; any other value is counted as true in conditional expressions, but it is also possible to represent the Boolean value "true" using your choice of the symbols <tt>#T</tt>, <tt>#!TRUE</tt>, and <tt>T</tt>. All these symbols are case-insensitive. Note that <tt>T</tt>, unlike the others, is a variable: it is bound by default to the constant <tt>#T</tt>, but you can (although you shouldn't) assign it any other value including "false" (by doing something like <tt>(setq t nil)</tt>). Boolean values are printed as <tt>#T</tt> and <tt>()</tt>.
