Bézier curves/Intersections: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Added Wren)
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(-0.6810249, 2.68102500)
(-0.8549834, 1.34501657)</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">/* The control points of a planar quadratic Bézier curve form a
triangle--called the "control polygon"--that completely contains
the curve. Furthermore, the rectangle formed by the minimum and
maximum x and y values of the control polygon completely contain
the polygon, and therefore also the curve.
Thus a simple method for narrowing down where intersections might
be is: subdivide both curves until you find "small enough" regions
where these rectangles overlap.
import "./dynamic" for Struct
import "./trait" for ByRef
import "./math" for Math, Nums
import "./assert" for Assert
import "./seq" for Stack
import "./fmt" for Fmt
// Note that these are all mutable as we need to pass by reference.
var Point = Struct.create("Point", ["x", "y"])
var QuadSpline = Struct.create("QuadSpline", ["c0", "c1", "c2"]) // non-parametric
var QuadCurve = Struct.create("QuadCurve", ["x", "y"]) // planar parametric
var Workset = Struct.create("Workset", ["p", "q"])
// Subdivision by de Casteljau's algorithm
var subdivideQuadSpline = Fn.new { |q, t, u, v|
var s = 1 - t
var c0 = q.c0
var c1 = q.c1
var c2 = q.c2
u.c0 = c0
v.c2 = c2
u.c1 = s * c0 + t * c1
v.c1 = s * c1 + t * c2
u.c2 = s * u.c1 + t * v.c1
v.c0 = u.c2
var subdivideQuadCurve = Fn.new { |q, t, u, v|
subdivideQuadSpline.call(q.x, t, u.x, v.x)
subdivideQuadSpline.call(q.y, t, u.y, v.y)
// It is assumed that xa0 <= xa1, ya0 <= ya1, xb0 <= xb1, and yb0 <= yb1.
var rectsOverlap = Fn.new { |xa0, ya0, xa1, ya1, xb0, yb0, xb1, yb1|
return (xb0 <= xa1 && xa0 <= xb1 && yb0 <= ya1 && ya0 <= yb1)
// This accepts the point as an intersection if the boxes are small enough.
var testIntersect = Fn.new { |p, q, tol, exclude, accept, intersect|
var pxmin = Nums.min([p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2])
var pymin = Nums.min([p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2])
var pxmax = Nums.max([p.x.c0, p.x.c1, p.x.c2])
var pymax = Nums.max([p.y.c0, p.y.c1, p.y.c2])
var qxmin = Nums.min([q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2])
var qymin = Nums.min([q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2])
var qxmax = Nums.max([q.x.c0, q.x.c1, q.x.c2])
var qymax = Nums.max([q.y.c0, q.y.c1, q.y.c2])
exclude.value = true
accept.value = false
if (rectsOverlap.call(pxmin, pymin, pxmax, pymax, qxmin, qymin, qxmax, qymax)) {
exclude.value = false
var xmin = Math.max(pxmin, qxmin)
var xmax = Math.min(pxmax, qxmax)
Assert.ok(xmax >= xmin)
if (xmax - xmin <= tol) {
var ymin = Math.max(pymin, qymin)
var ymax = Math.min(pymax, qymax)
Assert.ok(ymax >= ymin)
if (ymax - ymin <= tol) {
accept.value = true
intersect.x = 0.5 * xmin + 0.5 * xmax
intersect.y = 0.5 * ymin + 0.5 * ymax
var findIntersects = Fn.new { |p, q, tol|
var intersects = []
var workload = Stack.new()
workload.push(Workset.new(p, q))
// Quit looking after having found four intersections or emptied the workload.
while (intersects.count != 4 && !workload.isEmpty) {
var work = workload.peek()
var exclude = ByRef.new(false)
var accept = ByRef.new(false)
var intersect = Point.new(0, 0)
testIntersect.call(work.p, work.q, tol, exclude, accept, intersect)
if (accept.value) {
} else if (!exclude.value) {
var p0 = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0), QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0))
var p1 = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0), QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0))
var q0 = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0), QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0))
var q1 = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0), QuadSpline.new(0, 0, 0))
subdivideQuadCurve.call(work.p, 0.5, p0, p1)
subdivideQuadCurve.call(work.q, 0.5, q0, q1)
workload.push(Workset.new(p0, q0))
workload.push(Workset.new(p0, q1))
workload.push(Workset.new(p1, q0))
workload.push(Workset.new(p1, q1))
return intersects
var p = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new(-1, 0, 1), QuadSpline.new(0, 10, 0))
var q = QuadCurve.new(QuadSpline.new( 2, -8, 2), QuadSpline.new(1, 2, 3))
var intersects = findIntersects.call(p, q, 0.000001)
for (intersect in intersects) Fmt.print("($ f, $f)", intersect.x, intersect.y)</syntaxhighlight>
( 0.654983, 2.854984)
( 0.881025, 1.118975)
(-0.681025, 2.681025)
(-0.854984, 1.345017)
