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add text to arm assembly raspberry pi
m (BaCon moved to the BASIC section.)
(add text to arm assembly raspberry pi)
Line 216:
It is probably much easier to use some an operating system library. This library is not part of
the standard ALGOL 68 language definition.
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<syntaxhighlight lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI or android with termux */
/* program filelen.s */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes */
.include "../constantes.inc"
.equ OPEN, 5
.equ NEWFSTAT, 0xc5
.equ O_RDWR, 0x0002 @ open for reading and writing
/* structure de type stat : file infos */
.struct 0
Stat_dev_t: /* ID of device containing file */
.struct Stat_dev_t + 8
Stat_ino_t: /* inode */
.struct Stat_ino_t + 8
Stat_mode_t: /* File type and mode */
.struct Stat_mode_t + 4
Stat_nlink_t: /* Number of hard links */
.struct Stat_nlink_t + 4
Stat_uid_t: /* User ID of owner */
.struct Stat_uid_t + 4
Stat_gid_t: /* Group ID of owner */
.struct Stat_gid_t + 4
Stat_rdev_t: /* Device ID (if special file) */
.struct Stat_rdev_t + 8
Stat_size_deb: /* la taille est sur 8 octets si gros fichiers */
.struct Stat_size_deb + 8
Stat_size_t: /* Total size, in bytes */
.struct Stat_size_t + 4
Stat_blksize_t: /* Block size for filesystem I/O */
.struct Stat_blksize_t + 4
Stat_blkcnt_t: /* Number of 512B blocks allocated */
.struct Stat_blkcnt_t + 4
Stat_atime: /* date et heure fichier */
.struct Stat_atime + 8
Stat_mtime: /* date et heure modif fichier */
.struct Stat_atime + 8
Stat_ctime: /* date et heure creation fichier */
.struct Stat_atime + 8
/* Initialized data */
szMessResult: .asciz " File size = "
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessErrOpen: .asciz "Error open file\n"
szMessErrStat: .asciz "Error stats file\n"
szFileName: .asciz "input.txt"
szFileName1: .asciz "../../../input.txt"
.align 2
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
sBuffer: .skip Stat_End
/* code section */
.global main
ldr r0,iAdrszFileName @ file name
bl filesize
cmp r0,#0
blt 100f
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 @ call décimal conversion
mov r0,#4
ldr r1,iAdrszFileName
ldr r2,iAdrszMessResult
ldr r3,iAdrsZoneConv @ insert conversion in message
ldr r4,iAdrszCarriageReturn
push {r4}
bl displayStrings @ display message
add sp,#4 @ 1 parameter on stack
ldr r0,iAdrszFileName1 @ file name
bl filesize
cmp r0,#0
blt 100f
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 @ call décimal conversion
mov r0,#4
ldr r1,iAdrszFileName1
ldr r2,iAdrszMessResult
ldr r3,iAdrsZoneConv @ insert conversion in message
ldr r4,iAdrszCarriageReturn
push {r4}
bl displayStrings @ display message
add sp,#4 @ 1 parameter on stack
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc #0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv
iAdrszMessResult: .int szMessResult
iAdrszFileName: .int szFileName
iAdrszFileName1: .int szFileName1
iAdrsBuffer: .int sBuffer
iAdrszMessErrOpen: .int szMessErrOpen
iAdrszMessErrStat: .int szMessErrStat
/* display multi strings */
/* r0 contains number strings address */
filesize: @ INFO: filesize
push {r1-r8,fp,lr} @ save des registres
mov r1,#O_RDWR @ flags
mov r2,#0 @ mode
mov r7,#OPEN
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
ble 99f
mov r8,r0 @ Fd save
ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
mov r7,#NEWFSTAT
svc 0
cmp r0,#0
blt 98f
ldr r0,iAdrsBuffer
ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
ldr r4,[r1,#Stat_size_t] @ file size
mov r0,r8
mov r7,#CLOSE
mov r0,r4 @ return size
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessErrStat
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
b 100f
ldr r0,iAdrszMessErrOpen
bl affichageMess
mov r0,#-1
pop {r1-r8,fp,pc}
/* display multi strings */
/* r0 contains number strings address */
/* r1 address string1 */
/* r2 address string2 */
/* r3 address string3 */
/* other address on the stack */
/* thinck to add number other address * 4 to add to the stack */
displayStrings: @ INFO: displayStrings
push {r1-r4,fp,lr} @ save des registres
add fp,sp,#24 @ save paraméters address (6 registers saved * 4 bytes)
mov r4,r0 @ save strings number
cmp r4,#0 @ 0 string -> end
ble 100f
mov r0,r1 @ string 1
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#1 @ number > 1
ble 100f
mov r0,r2
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#2
ble 100f
mov r0,r3
bl affichageMess
cmp r4,#3
ble 100f
mov r3,#3
sub r2,r4,#4
1: @ loop extract address string on stack
ldr r0,[fp,r2,lsl #2]
bl affichageMess
subs r2,#1
bge 1b
pop {r1-r4,fp,pc}
.include "../affichage.inc"
input.txt File size = 8
../../../input.txt File size = 3


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