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Add task to arm assembly for raspberry pi or android
(Added Racket solution)
(Add task to arm assembly for raspberry pi or android)
Line 88:
3 abc
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI or android 32 bits */
/* program complength.s */
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes */
.include "../constantes.inc"
/* structures */
.struct 0
list_string: @ string address
.struct list_string + 4
list_length: @ string length
.struct list_length + 4
/* Initialized data */
szMessResult: .asciz "@ length : @\n"
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szLibSort: .asciz "\nAfter sort\n"
szString1: .asciz "abcd"
szString2: .asciz "123456789"
szString3: .asciz "abcdef"
szString4: .asciz "1234567"
.align 4
tabStrings: .int szString1 @ string address array
.int 0
.int szString2
.int 0
.int szString3
.int 0
.int szString4
.int 0
.equ NBTABSTRINGS, (. - tabStrings) / list_end @ compute items number
/* UnInitialized data */
sZoneConv: .skip 24
/* code section */
.global main
main: @ entry of program
ldr r4,iAdrtabStrings @ string array address
mov r5,#0 @ indice
mov r6,#list_end @ structure size
1: @ item loop
mla r3,r5,r6,r4 @ compute item address
ldr r0,[r3,#list_string] @ load string address
bl stringRoutine @ length string compute
str r0,[r3,#list_length] @ store result in array
add r5,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r5,#NBTABSTRINGS @ end ?
blt 1b @ no -> loop
mov r0,r4 @ string array address
mov r1,#0 @ first item
mov r2,#NBTABSTRINGS @ item number
bl insertionSort @ sort
ldr r0,iAdrszLibSort
bl affichageMess
mov r0,r4 @ string array address
mov r5,#0 @ indice
mov r6,#list_end
2: @ item loop
mla r3,r5,r6,r4
ldr r0,[r3,#list_string]
bl stringRoutine @ use same routine for display result after sort
add r5,#1
cmp r5,#NBTABSTRINGS @ end ?
blt 2b @ no -> loop
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc #0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrszMessResult: .int szMessResult
iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv
iAdrtabStrings: .int tabStrings
iAdrszLibSort: .int szLibSort
/* string exec */
// r0 contains string address
// r0 return length
push {r1-r3,lr} @ save registers
mov r3,r0 @ save string address
mov r1,r0
ldr r0,iAdrszMessResult
bl strInsertAtCharInc @ insert string in result message
mov r2,r0 @ save new message address
mov r0,r3 @ restaur string address
bl stringlength @ compute length
mov r3,r0
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
bl conversion10 @ call decimal conversion
mov r0,r2
ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv @ insert conversion in message
bl strInsertAtCharInc
bl affichageMess @ display result message
mov r0,r3
pop {r1-r3,pc} @ restaur registers
/* compute string length */
// r0 contains string address
push {r1-r2,lr} @ save registers
mov r1,#-1 @ init counter
1: @ loop
add r1,#1 @ increment counter
ldrb r2,[r0,r1] @ load byte string
cmp r2,#0 @ zero final ?
bne 1b @ no -> loop
mov r0,r1 @ return length
pop {r1-r2,pc} @ restaur registers
/* insertion sort */
/* r0 contains the address of table */
/* r1 contains the first element */
/* r2 contains the number of element */
push {r1-r10,lr} @ save registers
mov r6,r0
mov r7,#list_end
add r3,r1,#1 @ start index i
1: @ start loop
mla r8,r7,r3,r6
ldr r10,[r8,#list_length] @ load value A[i]
ldr r0,[r8,#list_string] @ load string address A[i]
sub r5,r3,#1 @ index j
mla r9,r7,r5,r6
ldr r4,[r9,#list_length] @ load value A[j]
cmp r4,r10 @ compare value
bge 3f
add r5,#1 @ increment index j
mla r8,r7,r5,r6
str r4,[r8,#list_length] @ store value A[j+1]
ldr r4,[r9,#list_string] @ load string address
str r4,[r8,#list_string] @ store string address
subs r5,#2 @ j = i - 1
cmp r5,r1 @ compare with first item
bge 2b @ loop if j >= first item
add r5,#1 @ increment index j
mla r9,r7,r5,r6
str r10,[r9,#list_length] @ store value A[i] in A[j+1]
str r0,[r9,#list_string] @ and store string address
add r3,#1 @ increment index i
cmp r3,r2 @ end ?
blt 1b @ no -> loop
pop {r1-r10,lr}
bx lr
.include "../affichage.inc"
abcd length : 4
123456789 length : 9
abcdef length : 6
1234567 length : 7
After sort
123456789 length : 9
1234567 length : 7
abcdef length : 6
abcd length : 4


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