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Rosetta Code/Count examples/Full list: Difference between revisions

Update full list output
m (Update full list output)
m (Update full list output)
Line 25:
<div style="height:40em;overflow:scroll;">
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|+ As of 2023-0304-26T2102T20:5246:02Z18Z :: Tasks: 1214 ::<span style="background-color:#ffd"> Draft Tasks:393395 </span>:: Total Tasks: 16071609 :: Total Examples: 9043190516
Line 44:
| 301302
| [[Comments|Comments]]
Line 88:
| 226225
| [[Loops%2FWhile|Loops/While]]
Line 144:
| 189190
| [[String%20concatenation|String concatenation]]
Line 200:
| 176177
| [[EmptyString%20string20case|EmptyString stringcase]]
| 176
| [[StringEmpty%20case20string|StringEmpty casestring]]
Line 213:
| 175
| [[SumLoops%20of2FFor%20with%20a%20series20specified%20step|SumLoops/For ofwith a seriesspecified step]]
| 174175
| [[LoopsSum%2FFor%20with20of%20a%20specified%20step20series|Loops/ForSum withof a specified stepseries]]
Line 258:
| 163
| [[Hailstone%20sequence|Hailstone sequence]]
| 160
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
| 159
| [[Associative%20array%2FCreation|Associative array/Creation]]
| 158
| [[Loops%2FN%20plus%20one%20half|Loops/N plus one half]]
Line 284:
| 156155
| [[Caesar%20cipher|Caesar cipher]]
Line 389:
| 142
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FEncode|Roman numerals/Encode]]
| [[Sleep|Sleep]]
| 141142
| [[Sleep|Sleep]]
| [[Balanced%20brackets|Balanced brackets]]
| 141
| [[Balanced%20brackets|Balanced brackets]]
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FEncode|Roman numerals/Encode]]
Line 450:
| 133
| [[Compound%20data%20type|Compound data type]]
| 133
| [[Function%20composition|Function composition]]
Line 462 ⟶ 466:
| 133
| [[Literals%2FInteger|Literals/Integer]]
| 133
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FDecode|Roman numerals/Decode]]
| 132
| [[Function%20composition|Function composition]]
Line 600 ⟶ 596:
| 122123
| [[Input%20loop|Input loop]]
Line 614 ⟶ 610:
| 120
| [[Call%20a%20function|Call a function]]
| 120
| [[Roman%20numerals%2FDecode|Roman numerals/Decode]]
Line 632:
| 118119
| [[String%20append|String append]]
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
| 118119
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
| [[Rename%20a%20file|Rename a file]]
| 118
| [[Assertions|Assertions]]
| [[String%20append|String append]]
| 118
| [[Rename%20a%20file|Rename a file]]
| [[Substring%2FTop%20and%20tail|Substring/Top and tail]]
Line 670:
| 116
| [[Variadic%20function|Variadic function]]
| 115
| [[Arithmetic-geometric%20mean|Arithmetic-geometric mean]]
Line 680 ⟶ 684:
| 114115
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
| [[Arithmetic-geometric%20mean|Arithmetic-geometric mean]]
Line 717 ⟶ 721:
| 113
| [[N%27th|N'th]]
| [[Reverse%20words%20in%20a%20string|Reverse words in a string]]
| 113
| [[Reverse%20words%20in%20a%20string|Reverse words in a string]]
| [[Run-length%20encoding|Run-length encoding]]
| 113
| [[Run-length%20encoding|Run-length encoding]]
| [[Sum%20digits%20of%20an%20integer|Sum digits of an integer]]
Line 734 ⟶ 738:
| 112
| [[Evaluate%20binomial%20coefficients|Evaluate binomial coefficients]]
| 112
| [[N%27th|N'th]]
Line 810:
| 108
| [[Random%20numbers|Random numbers]]
| 108
| [[Sequence%20of%20non-squares|Sequence of non-squares]]
Line 822 ⟶ 826:
| 107
| [[Arbitrary-precision%20integers%20%28included%29|Arbitrary-precision integers (included)]]
| 107
| [[Sequence%20of%20non-squares|Sequence of non-squares]]
Line 854:
| 104
| [[Amicable%20pairs|Amicable pairs]]
| 104
| [[Prime%20decomposition|Prime decomposition]]
Line 862 ⟶ 866:
| 103
| [[Power%20set|Power set]]
| 103
| [[Prime%20decomposition|Prime decomposition]]
Line 886:
| 102
| [[Gray%20code|Gray code]]
| 102
| [[Range%20extraction|Range extraction]]
Line 915 ⟶ 911:
| [[Interactive%20programming%20%28repl%29|Interactive programming (repl)]]
| 100
| [[Tree%20traversal|Tree traversal]]
| 99
Line 1,013:
| 95
| [[Range%20extraction|Range extraction]]
| [[Terminal%20control%2FClear%20the%20screen|Terminal control/Clear the screen]]
| 95
| [[Terminal%20control%2FClear%20the%20screen|Terminal control/Clear the screen]]
| [[Tree%20traversal|Tree traversal]]
Line 1,038:
| 93
| [[Averages%2FSimple%20moving%20average|Averages/Simple moving average]]
| 93
| [[CSV%20data%20manipulation|CSV data manipulation]]
Line 1,054 ⟶ 1,058:
| 93
| [[Sorting%20algorithms%2FBogosort|Sorting algorithms/Bogosort]]
| 92
| [[CSV%20data%20manipulation|CSV data manipulation]]
Line 1,106:
| 90
| [[URL%20decoding|URL decoding]]
| 89
| [[Box%20the%20compass|Box the compass]]
Line 1,146 ⟶ 1,142:
| 88
| [[Anti-primes|Anti-primes]]
| 88
| [[Box%20the%20compass|Box the compass]]
Line 1,234:
| 85
| [[File%20modification%20time|File modification time]]
| 85
| [[Find%20common%20directory%20path|Find common directory path]]
Line 1,258 ⟶ 1,262:
| 84
| [[Count%20the%20coins|Count the coins]]
| 84
| [[Find%20common%20directory%20path|Find common directory path]]
Line 1,306:
| 83
| [[Spiral%20matrix|Spiral matrix]]
| 83
| [[Thue-Morse|Thue-Morse]]
Line 1,378 ⟶ 1,382:
| 81
| [[Empty%20directory|Empty directory]]
| 81
| [[Gamma%20function|Gamma function]]
Line 1,398 ⟶ 1,406:
| 80
| [[Anagrams%2FDeranged%20anagrams|Anagrams/Deranged anagrams]]
| 80
| [[Gamma%20function|Gamma function]]
Line 1,474 ⟶ 1,478:
| 79
| [[Sudoku|Sudoku]]
| 79
| [[Thue-Morse|Thue-Morse]]
Line 1,490:
| 78
| [[Additive%20primes|Additive primes]]
| 78
| [[Averages%2FMean%20angle|Averages/Mean angle]]
Line 1,518 ⟶ 1,522:
| 78
| [[Sort%20disjoint%20sublist|Sort disjoint sublist]]
| 77
| [[Averages%2FMean%20angle|Averages/Mean angle]]
Line 1,614:
| 74
| [[Damm%20algorithm|Damm algorithm]]
| 74
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
Line 1,678 ⟶ 1,682:
| 72
| [[Chinese%20remainder%20theorem|Chinese remainder theorem]]
| 72
| [[Exponentiation%20order|Exponentiation order]]
Line 1,726:
| 72
| [[Strip%20control%20codes%20and%20extended%20characters%20from%20a%20string|Strip control codes and extended characters from a string]]
| 72
| [[Trabb%20Pardo%E2%80%93Knuth%20algorithm|Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm]]
Line 1,742 ⟶ 1,746:
| 71
| [[Amb|Amb]]
| 71
| [[Closest-pair%20problem|Closest-pair problem]]
Line 1,754:
| 71
| [[Continued%20fraction|Continued fraction]]
| 71
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20is%20collapsible|Determine if a string is collapsible]]
| 71
| [[Dutch%20national%20flag%20problem|Dutch national flag problem]]
Line 1,778 ⟶ 1,786:
| 71
| [[Text%20processing%2FMax%20licenses%20in%20use|Text processing/Max licenses in use]]
| 71
| [[Trabb%20Pardo%E2%80%93Knuth%20algorithm|Trabb Pardo–Knuth algorithm]]
Line 1,789 ⟶ 1,793:
| 70
| [[Closest-pair%20problem|Closest-pair problem]]
| [[Determine%20if%20a%20string%20is%20collapsible|Determine if a string is collapsible]]
| 70
| [[Dutch%20national%20flag%20problem|Dutch national flag problem]]
Line 1,838:
| 69
| [[Abundant%20odd%20numbers|Abundant odd numbers]]
| 69
| [[Best%20shuffle|Best shuffle]]
Line 1,882 ⟶ 1,878:
| 69
|data-sort-value="write language name in 0B3d ascii"| [[Write%20language%20name%20in%203D%20ASCII|Write language name in 3D ASCII]]
| 68
| [[Best%20shuffle|Best shuffle]]
Line 1,966:
| 66
| [[Cartesian%20product%20of%20two%20or%20more%20lists|Cartesian product of two or more lists]]
| 66
| [[Chinese%20zodiac|Chinese zodiac]]
Line 2,006 ⟶ 2,010:
| 66
| [[Vector|Vector]]
| 65
| [[Averages%2FMean%20time%20of%20day|Averages/Mean time of day]]
| 65
Line 2,062 ⟶ 2,074:
| 64
| [[Arithmetic%20evaluation|Arithmetic evaluation]]
| 64
| [[Averages%2FMean%20time%20of%20day|Averages/Mean time of day]]
| 64
| [[Bitmap%2FWrite%20a%20PPM%20file|Bitmap/Write a PPM file]]
| 64
| 64
| [[Cantor%20set|Cantor set]]
| 64
| [[Chinese%20zodiac|Chinese zodiac]]
Line 2,146:
| 63
| [[Partial%20function%20application|Partial function application]]
| 62
| [[Discordian%20date|Discordian date]]
Line 2,198 ⟶ 2,202:
| 61
| [[Kernighans%20large%20earthquake%20problem|Kernighans large earthquake problem]]
| 61
| [[Left%20factorials|Left factorials]]
Line 2,230 ⟶ 2,238:
| 60
| [[Dinesman%27s%20multiple-dwelling%20problem|Dinesman's multiple-dwelling problem]]
| 60
| [[Discordian%20date|Discordian date]]
Line 2,258 ⟶ 2,262:
| 60
| [[LZW%20compression|LZW compression]]
| 60
| [[Left%20factorials|Left factorials]]
Line 2,290:
| 59
| [[Call%20a%20function%20in%20a%20shared%20library|Call a function in a shared library]]
| 59
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
Line 2,298 ⟶ 2,302:
| 59
| [[Dijkstra%27s%20algorithm|Dijkstra's algorithm]]
| 59
| [[Iterated%20digits%20squaring|Iterated digits squaring]]
Line 2,339 ⟶ 2,347:
| [[Associative%20array%2FMerging|Associative array/Merging]]
| 58
| [[Convert%20decimal%20number%20to%20rational|Convert decimal number to rational]]
| 58
Line 2,350 ⟶ 2,354:
| 58
| [[Forest%20fire|Forest fire]]
| 58
| [[Iterated%20digits%20squaring|Iterated digits squaring]]
Line 2,483:
| [[XML%2FXPath|XML/XPath]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 55
| [[Code%20Golf%3A%20Code%20Golf|Code Golf: Code Golf]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 55
Line 2,535 ⟶ 2,539:
| [[Bell%20numbers|Bell numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 54
| [[Code%20Golf%3A%20Code%20Golf|Code Golf: Code Golf]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 54
Line 2,570:
| 54
|data-sort-value="text processing/0B2"| [[Text%20processing%2F2|Text processing/2]]
| 54
| [[Water%20collected%20between%20towers|Water collected between towers]]
Line 2,630 ⟶ 2,634:
| 53
| [[Spinning%20rod%20animation%2FText|Spinning rod animation/Text]]
| 53
| [[Water%20collected%20between%20towers|Water collected between towers]]
Line 2,655:
| [[Doubly-linked%20list%2FTraversal|Doubly-linked list/Traversal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 52
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton|Elementary cellular automaton]]
| 52
Line 2,694 ⟶ 2,698:
| 51
| [[Append%20a%20record%20to%20the%20end%20of%20a%20text%20file|Append a record to the end of a text file]]
| 51
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton|Elementary cellular automaton]]
Line 2,902:
| 47
| [[Deepcopy|Deepcopy]]
| 47
| [[Factorions|Factorions]]
Line 2,955 ⟶ 2,959:
| [[Abbreviations%2C%20simple|Abbreviations, simple]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 46
| [[Brazilian%20numbers|Brazilian numbers]]
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 46
Line 2,973 ⟶ 2,977:
| 46
| [[Feigenbaum%20constant%20calculation|Feigenbaum constant calculation]]
| [[Factorions|Factorions]]
| 46
| [[File%20extension%20is%20in%20extensions%20list|File extension is in extensions list]]
| [[Feigenbaum%20constant%20calculation|Feigenbaum constant calculation]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,043 ⟶ 3,047:
| [[Atomic%20updates|Atomic updates]]
| 45
| [[Brazilian%20numbers|Brazilian numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 45
Line 3,054:
| 45
| [[Display%20a%20linear%20combination|Display a linear combination]]
| 45
| [[File%20extension%20is%20in%20extensions%20list|File extension is in extensions list]]
Line 3,078 ⟶ 3,074:
| 45
| [[Palindrome%20dates|Palindrome dates]]
| 45
| [[Primorial%20numbers|Primorial numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,174:
| 44
| [[Percentage%20difference%20between%20images|Percentage difference between images]]
| 44
| [[Primorial%20numbers|Primorial numbers]]
Line 3,199 ⟶ 3,195:
| [[Voronoi%20diagram|Voronoi diagram]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
|data-sort-value="base 0C16 numbers needing a to f"| [[Base%2016%20numbers%20needing%20a%20to%20f|Base 16 numbers needing a to f]]
| [[Calendar%20-%20for%20%22REAL%22%20programmers|Calendar - for "REAL" programmers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||O||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 43
Line 3,271 ⟶ 3,267:
| [[Variable-length%20quantity|Variable-length quantity]]
| 42
| [[Arithmetic-geometric%20mean%2FCalculate%20Pi|Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi]]
| 42
| [[Calendar%20-%20for%20%22REAL%22%20programmers|Calendar - for "REAL" programmers]]
| 42
Line 3,286 ⟶ 3,290:
| 42
| [[Find%20the%20intersection%20of%20a%20line%20with%20a%20plane|Find the intersection of a line with a plane]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 42
| [[Frobenius%20numbers|Frobenius numbers]]
Line 3,291 ⟶ 3,299:
| [[Function%20prototype|Function prototype]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 42
| [[Integer%20roots|Integer roots]]
| 42
Line 3,314 ⟶ 3,326:
| 42
| [[Penney%27s%20game|Penney's game]]
| 42
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FMiddle-square%20method|Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method]]
Line 3,330 ⟶ 3,346:
| 42
| [[Topswops|Topswops]]
| 41
| [[Arithmetic-geometric%20mean%2FCalculate%20Pi|Arithmetic-geometric mean/Calculate Pi]]
Line 3,355 ⟶ 3,367:
| [[Find%20words%20whose%20first%20and%20last%20three%20letters%20are%20equal|Find words whose first and last three letters are equal]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Frobenius%20numbers|Frobenius numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Implicit%20type%20conversion|Implicit type conversion]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 41
| [[Integer%20roots|Integer roots]]
Line 3,374 ⟶ 3,378:
| 41
| [[Metered%20concurrency|Metered concurrency]]
| 41
| [[Multiple%20regression|Multiple regression]]
Line 3,387 ⟶ 3,395:
|data-sort-value="primes whose sum of digits is 0C25"| [[Primes%20whose%20sum%20of%20digits%20is%2025|Primes whose sum of digits is 25]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 41
| [[Pseudo-random%20numbers%2FMiddle-square%20method|Pseudo-random numbers/Middle-square method]]
| 41
Line 3,455 ⟶ 3,459:
| [[Lychrel%20numbers|Lychrel numbers]]
| 40
| [[Multiple%20regression|Multiple regression]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 40
Line 3,470:
| 40
| [[Parsing%2FRPN%20to%20infix%20conversion|Parsing/RPN to infix conversion]]
| 40
| [[Pinstripe%2FDisplay|Pinstripe/Display]]
Line 3,502 ⟶ 3,506:
| 39
| [[Draw%20a%20rotating%20cube|Draw a rotating cube]]
| 39
| [[Entropy%2FNarcissist|Entropy/Narcissist]]
Line 3,543 ⟶ 3,551:
| [[Order%20disjoint%20list%20items|Order disjoint list items]]
| 39
| [[Pinstripe%2FDisplay|Pinstripe/Display]]
| 39
Line 3,562 ⟶ 3,566:
| 39
| [[Square-free%20integers|Square-free integers]]
| 39
| [[Sum%20of%20elements%20below%20main%20diagonal%20of%20matrix|Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix]]
Line 3,597 ⟶ 3,605:
| 38
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
| [[Eban%20numbers|Eban numbers]]
| 38
| [[Eban%20numbers|Eban numbers]]
| [[Entropy%2FNarcissist|Entropy/Narcissist]]
Line 3,649 ⟶ 3,657:
| 38
| [[Successive%20prime%20differences|Successive prime differences]]
| [[Sum%20of%20elements%20below%20main%20diagonal%20of%20matrix|Sum of elements below main diagonal of matrix]]
Line 3,666 ⟶ 3,674:
| 37
| [[Chaocipher|Chaocipher]]
| 37
| [[Diversity%20prediction%20theorem|Diversity prediction theorem]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 3,703 ⟶ 3,707:
| [[Steady%20squares|Steady squares]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 37
| [[Successive%20prime%20differences|Successive prime differences]]
| 37
Line 3,803:
| [[Decimal%20floating%20point%20number%20to%20binary|Decimal floating point number to binary]]
| 35
| [[Esthetic%20numbers|Esthetic numbers]]
| 35
Line 3,811 ⟶ 3,815:
| [[Find%20first%20missing%20positive|Find first missing positive]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 35
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 35
Line 3,910 ⟶ 3,918:
| 34
| [[Decision%20tables|Decision tables]]
| 34
| [[Esthetic%20numbers|Esthetic numbers]]
Line 3,931 ⟶ 3,935:
| [[Find%20words%20which%20contain%20the%20most%20consonants|Find words which contain the most consonants]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
|data-sort-value="first 0B9 prime fibonacci number"| [[First%209%20prime%20Fibonacci%20number|First 9 prime Fibonacci number]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 34
Line 3,951:
| [[Magnanimous%20numbers|Magnanimous numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Maximum%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20elements%20of%20list|Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list]]
| 34
Line 3,971 ⟶ 3,975:
| [[Pierpont%20primes|Pierpont primes]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 34
| [[Primes%20with%20digits%20in%20nondecreasing%20order|Primes with digits in nondecreasing order]]
| 34
Line 4,002 ⟶ 4,010:
| 33
| [[Bitcoin%2Faddress%20validation|Bitcoin/address validation]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 33
| [[Chat%20server|Chat server]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
Line 4,031 ⟶ 4,035:
| [[Largest%20prime%20factor|Largest prime factor]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 33
| [[Maximum%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20elements%20of%20list|Maximum difference between adjacent elements of list]]
| 33
Line 4,047:
| [[Pragmatic%20directives|Pragmatic directives]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 33
| [[Primes%20with%20digits%20in%20nondecreasing%20order|Primes with digits in nondecreasing order]]
| 33
Line 4,091 ⟶ 4,087:
| [[Words%20from%20neighbour%20ones|Words from neighbour ones]]
| 32
| [[Chat%20server|Chat server]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 32
Line 4,127:
| [[HTTPS%2FAuthenticated|HTTPS/Authenticated]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 32
| [[Harmonic%20series|Harmonic series]]
| 32
| [[Hunt%20the%20Wumpus|Hunt the Wumpus]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 32
| [[Increasing%20gaps%20between%20consecutive%20Niven%20numbers|Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers]]
| 32
Line 4,222 ⟶ 4,230:
| 31
| [[First%20perfect%20square%20in%20base%20n%20with%20n%20unique%20digits|First perfect square in base n with n unique digits]]
| 31
| [[Harmonic%20series|Harmonic series]]
| 31
| [[Increasing%20gaps%20between%20consecutive%20Niven%20numbers|Increasing gaps between consecutive Niven numbers]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
Line 4,331:
| [[Sum%20of%20primes%20in%20odd%20positions%20is%20prime|Sum of primes in odd positions is prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
| [[Sum%20of%20square%20and%20cube%20digits%20of%20an%20integer%20are%20primes|Sum of square and cube digits of an integer are primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 30
Line 4,443 ⟶ 4,447:
| [[Solve%20a%20Holy%20Knight%27s%20tour|Solve a Holy Knight's tour]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
| [[Sum%20of%20square%20and%20cube%20digits%20of%20an%20integer%20are%20primes|Sum of square and cube digits of an integer are primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 29
Line 4,579:
|data-sort-value="base0C58check encoding"| [[Base58Check%20encoding|Base58Check encoding]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 27
| [[Cullen%20and%20Woodall%20numbers|Cullen and Woodall numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 27
Line 4,695 ⟶ 4,699:
| [[Consecutive%20primes%20with%20ascending%20or%20descending%20differences|Consecutive primes with ascending or descending differences]]
| 26
| [[Cullen%20and%20Woodall%20numbers|Cullen and Woodall numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 26
Line 4,799:
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton%2FRandom%20number%20generator|Elementary cellular automaton/Random number generator]]
| 25
|data-sort-value="euler's constant 0B0.0E5772..."| [[Euler%27s%20constant%200.5772...|Euler's constant 0.5772...]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 25
Line 4,879 ⟶ 4,883:
|data-sort-value="continued fraction/arithmetic/g(matrix ng, continued fraction n0B1, continued fraction n0B2)"| [[Continued%20fraction%2FArithmetic%2FG%28matrix%20ng%2C%20continued%20fraction%20n1%2C%20continued%20fraction%20n2%29|Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2)]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 24
|data-sort-value="euler's constant 0B0.0E5772..."| [[Euler%27s%20constant%200.5772...|Euler's constant 0.5772...]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 24
Line 4,991:
| [[Nonogram%20solver|Nonogram solver]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 23
| [[Numbers%20which%20are%20the%20cube%20roots%20of%20the%20product%20of%20their%20proper%20divisors|Numbers which are the cube roots of the product of their proper divisors]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
Line 5,019 ⟶ 5,023:
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FElement%20removal|Singly-linked list/Element removal]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
| [[Special%20factorials|Special factorials]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 23
Line 5,071 ⟶ 5,079:
| [[Elementary%20cellular%20automaton%2FInfinite%20length|Elementary cellular automaton/Infinite length]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Idoneal%20numbers|Idoneal numbers]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 22
| [[Juggler%20sequence|Juggler sequence]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 22
Line 5,127 ⟶ 5,143:
| [[Soloway%27s%20recurring%20rainfall|Soloway's recurring rainfall]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 22
| [[Special%20factorials|Special factorials]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 22
Line 5,139 ⟶ 5,151:
| [[Air%20mass|Air mass]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Anadromes|Anadromes]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
Line 5,155 ⟶ 5,171:
| [[Cyclotomic%20polynomial|Cyclotomic polynomial]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Idoneal%20numbers|Idoneal numbers]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 21
Line 5,179 ⟶ 5,191:
| [[Klarner-Rado%20sequence|Klarner-Rado sequence]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Largest%20difference%20between%20adjacent%20primes|Largest difference between adjacent primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||⑩
| 21
Line 5,195 ⟶ 5,203:
| [[Pancake%20numbers|Pancake numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 21
| [[Pandigital%20prime|Pandigital prime]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || || ||
| 21
Line 5,239 ⟶ 5,251:
| [[Wordle%20comparison|Wordle comparison]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 20
| [[Anadromes|Anadromes]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || ||⑨||
| 20
Line 5,331 ⟶ 5,339:
| [[Code%20segment%20unload|Code segment unload]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
| [[Conjugate%20a%20Latin%20verb|Conjugate a Latin verb]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
Line 5,339 ⟶ 5,351:
| [[Free%20polyominoes%20enumeration|Free polyominoes enumeration]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧||⑨||
| 19
| [[Giuga%20numbers|Giuga numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 19
Line 5,351 ⟶ 5,367:
| [[Long%20stairs|Long stairs]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 19
| [[Numbers%20which%20are%20the%20cube%20roots%20of%20the%20product%20of%20their%20proper%20divisors|Numbers which are the cube roots of the product of their proper divisors]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 19
Line 5,379 ⟶ 5,391:
| [[Simulated%20annealing|Simulated annealing]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 19
| [[Sphenic%20numbers|Sphenic numbers]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 19
Line 5,391 ⟶ 5,407:
| [[VList|VList]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧||⑨||⑩
| 19
| [[Wagstaff%20primes|Wagstaff primes]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 19
Line 5,403 ⟶ 5,423:
| [[Bitmap%2FPPM%20conversion%20through%20a%20pipe|Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[Conjugate%20a%20Latin%20verb|Conjugate a Latin verb]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
| 18
| [[Fortunate%20numbers|Fortunate numbers]]
| 18
| [[Giuga%20numbers|Giuga numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,445 ⟶ 5,457:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
| [[PandigitalOrmiston%20prime20pairs|PandigitalOrmiston primepairs]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 18
Line 5,543 ⟶ 5,555:
| [[De%20Polignac%20numbers|De Polignac numbers]]
|①||②|| ||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 16
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
| 16
Line 5,591 ⟶ 5,607:
| [[Ruth-Aaron%20numbers|Ruth-Aaron numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||
| 16
| [[Sphenic%20numbers|Sphenic numbers]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 16
Line 5,629 ⟶ 5,641:
| 15
| [[Erd%C5%91s-Nicolas%20numbers|Erdős-Nicolas numbers]]
| [[Euclid-Mullin%20sequence|Euclid-Mullin sequence]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || ||
| 15
Line 5,647 ⟶ 5,659:
|data-sort-value="inconsummate numbers in base 0C10"| [[Inconsummate%20numbers%20in%20base%2010|Inconsummate numbers in base 10]]
|①||②|| ||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Jaccard%20index|Jaccard index]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || ||
| 15
Line 5,659 ⟶ 5,675:
| [[One-time%20pad|One-time pad]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
| [[Ormiston%20pairs|Ormiston pairs]]
|①||②|| ||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 15
Line 5,683 ⟶ 5,695:
| [[Untouchable%20numbers|Untouchable numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||
| 15
| [[Wagstaff%20primes|Wagstaff primes]]
|①||②|| ||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 15
Line 5,739 ⟶ 5,747:
| [[Hourglass%20puzzle|Hourglass puzzle]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
| [[Jaccard%20index|Jaccard index]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
Line 5,759 ⟶ 5,763:
| [[Solve%20hanging%20lantern%20problem|Solve hanging lantern problem]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 14
| [[Ultra%20useful%20primes|Ultra useful primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 14
Line 5,771 ⟶ 5,779:
| [[War%20card%20game|War card game]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Anaprimes|Anaprimes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥|| || ||⑨||
| 13
Line 5,783 ⟶ 5,795:
| [[Distance%20and%20Bearing|Distance and Bearing]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 13
| [[Erd%C5%91s-Nicolas%20numbers|Erdős-Nicolas numbers]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥|| || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
Line 5,827 ⟶ 5,835:
| [[O%27Halloran%20numbers|O'Halloran numbers]]
|①||②||③||④|| ||⑥||⑦|| ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 13
| [[Ormiston%20triples|Ormiston triples]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||⑩
| 13
Line 5,859 ⟶ 5,871:
| [[ADFGVX%20cipher|ADFGVX cipher]]
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
| [[Anaprimes|Anaprimes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || ||⑨||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
Line 5,895 ⟶ 5,903:
| [[Morpion%20solitaire|Morpion solitaire]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤||⑥|| ||⑧||⑨||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 12
| [[Ormiston%20triples|Ormiston triples]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| ||⑦|| ||⑨||
| 12
Line 5,947 ⟶ 5,951:
| [[Tree%20datastructures|Tree datastructures]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 1211
| [[Addition-chain%20exponentiation|Addition-chain exponentiation]]
| [[Ultra%20useful%20primes|Ultra useful primes]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || || || ||
| 11
Line 6,023 ⟶ 6,027:
| [[Upside-down%20numbers|Upside-down numbers]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤||⑥||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 10
| [[Addition-chain%20exponentiation|Addition-chain exponentiation]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| ||⑦||⑧|| ||⑩
| 10
Line 6,283:
| [[Remote%20agent%2FAgent%20interface|Remote agent/Agent interface]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||⑩
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
| [[Solve%20a%20Rubik%27s%20cube|Solve a Rubik's cube]]
|①||②||③||④||⑤|| || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 7
Line 6,311 ⟶ 6,315:
| [[Create%20your%20own%20text%20control%20codes|Create your own text control codes]]
|①||②||③||④|| || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Cycles%20of%20a%20permutation|Cycles of a permutation]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 6,345 ⟶ 6,353:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
| [[Smarandache-Wellin%20primes|Smarandache-Wellin primes]]
| [[Solve%20a%20Rubik%27s%20cube|Solve a Rubik's cube]]
|①||②||③|| ||⑤|| || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 6
Line 6,359 ⟶ 6,367:
| [[CLI-based%20maze-game|CLI-based maze-game]]
|①||②|| || || || || ||⑧|| ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[Cycles%20of%20a%20permutation|Cycles of a permutation]]
|①||②||③|| || || ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
Line 6,391 ⟶ 6,395:
| [[Vidir|Vidir]]
|①||②|| ||④|| || || || || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
| [[Visitor%20pattern|Visitor pattern]]
|①||②||③||④|| || ||⑦|| || ||
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 5
Line 6,433 ⟶ 6,441:
|- style="background-color: #ffc"
| 4
| [[Singly-linked%20list%2FReversal|Singly-linked list/Reversal]]
| [[Smarandache-Wellin%20primes|Smarandache-Wellin primes]]
|①|| || || || || || || || ||
| 4


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