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SEND + MORE = MONEY: Difference between revisions

m (→‎Phix: fied duff header)
Line 704:
9567 + 1085 == 10652
0.080 elapsed seconds</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
// Bert Mariani 2023-02-09 | A Monte Carlo method to solve the encryted message | SEND + MORE = MONEY
t1 = clock() //
See "Start Clock: "+ t1 +nl
counter = 1
aSendory = [["s","-"],["e","-"],["n","-"],["d","-"],["o","-"],["r","-"],["y","-"]]
aRandom = List(10) // 0-9
for j = 1 to 100000000
aRandom = GenRandomUniq() // 5 2 0 8 7 1 6 4 3 9
for i = 1 to 7
if aRandom[1] != 1 // m = 1
aSendory[i][2] = aRandom[1]
del(aRandom,1) // Shorten list, remove value entry picked
if (TrySolution(aSendory)) break else counter++ ok // True=1 = Solution Found
See "End Clock.: "+ (clock() - t1) +nl
See "Count cycles: "+ counter +nl
Func GenRandomUniq()
throwLimit = 10 // 0-9, Ring does 1-10
aList = 1:throwLimit
aOut = []
while len(aOut) != throwLimit
nSize = len(aList)
if nSize > 0
nIndex = random(nSize) // Random pointer into list
if nIndex = 0 nIndex=1 ok // Ignore 0, Ring Index at 1-10
aOut + (aList[nIndex] -1) // -1 fix value 0-9, Ring +1 Extract list entry content
del(aList,nIndex) // Shorten list, remove value entry picked
aOut + aList[1]
aList = []
return aOut
Func TrySolution(aTry)
s1 = ( aTry[1][2]) * 1000 // send
e1 = ( aTry[2][2]) * 100
n1 = ( aTry[3][2]) * 10
d1 = ( aTry[4][2]) * 1
nbr1 = s1 + e1 + n1 + d1
m1 = 1 * 1000 // more
o1 = ( aTry[5][2]) * 100
r1 = ( aTry[6][2]) * 10
e1 = ( aTry[2][2]) * 1
nbr2 = m1 + o1 + r1 + e1
m1 = 1 * 10000 // money
o1 = ( aTry[5][2]) * 1000
n1 = ( aTry[3][2]) * 100
e1 = ( aTry[2][2]) * 10
y1 = ( aTry[7][2]) * 1
nbr3 = m1 + o1 +n1 + e1 + y1
nbr4 = nbr1 + nbr2
if (nbr3 = nbr4)
See "Solved: SEND: "+ nbr1 +" MORE: "+ nbr2 +" MONEY: "+ nbr3 +" Check "+ nbr4 +nl
return (nbr3 = nbr4 ) // True
return False
// Output
// Start Clock: 32
// Solved: SEND: 9567 MORE: 1085 MONEY: 10652 Check 10652
// End Clock.: 3792
// Count cycles: 28316


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