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Sum and product puzzle: Difference between revisions

Added (efficient) code for Matlab
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Added (efficient) code for Matlab)
Line 1,733:
1 candidates
a=4, b=13; S=17, P=52</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Matlab">
function SumProductPuzzle(maxSum, m)
% SumProductPuzzle(maxSum=100, m=2)
% Efficiently solve the Sum and Product puzzle.
% No solution if maxSum < 65; multiple solutions if maxSum >= 1685.
if nargin<2
m = 2; % minimum number
if nargin<1
maxSum = 100;
%Step 1: Determine viable sums; i.e. sums for which all possibilities have
% non-unique products
productCount = zeros(1,floor((maxSum/2)^2)); % Memory hog
for i = m:(maxSum/2-1)
j = i+1:maxSum-i;
ij = i*j;
productCount(ij) = productCount(ij) +1;
viableSum = true(1,maxSum);
viableSum(1:2*m) = false;
for s = 2*m+1:maxSum
i = m:(s-1)/2;
j = s-i;
if any(productCount(i.*j) == 1)
viableSum(s) = false;
tmp = 1:maxSum;
sums = tmp(viableSum);
N1 = sum(floor((sums+1)/2) - m);
fprintf( 1, 'After step 1: %d viable sums (%d total possibilities).\n', length(sums), N1 );
%Step 2: Determine which possibilities now have unique products
productCount = zeros(1,floor((maxSum/2)^2));
for s = sums
i = m:(s-1)/2;
j = s-i;
ij = i.*j;
productCount(ij) = productCount(ij) +1;
A = zeros(2,N1); %Pre-allocate for speed
n = 1;
for s = sums
i = m:(s-1)/2;
j = s-i;
ii = productCount(i.*j) == 1;
ij = [i(ii); j(ii)];
nn = n + size(ij,2);
A(:,n:nn-1) = ij;
n = nn;
A(:,nn:end) = [];
fprintf( 1, 'After step 2: %d possibilities.\n', size(A,2) );
%Step 3: Narrow down to pairs that have unique sums.
% Since the values are in sum order, just check the neighbor's sum.
d = diff(sum(A))==0;
ii = [d false] | [false d];
A(:,ii) = [];
switch size(A,2)
case 0
fprintf(1,'No solution.\n');
case 1
fprintf(1,'Puzzle solved! The numbers are %d and %d.\n', A(1:2));
fprintf(1,'After step 3 there are still multiple possibilities:');
fprintf(1,' (%d, %d)', A(1:2,:));
>> tic; SumProductPuzzle; toc
After step 1: 10 viable sums (145 total possibilities).
After step 2: 86 possibilities.
Puzzle solved! The numbers are 4 and 13.
Elapsed time is 0.004797 seconds.
>> tic; SumProductPuzzle(1685); toc
After step 1: 235 viable sums (51011 total possibilities).
After step 2: 17567 possibilities.
After step 3 there are still multiple possibilities: (4, 13) (4, 61)
Elapsed time is 0.038874 seconds.
>> tic; SumProductPuzzle(1970); toc
After step 1: 278 viable sums (70475 total possibilities).
After step 2: 23985 possibilities.
After step 3 there are still multiple possibilities: (4, 13) (4, 61) (16, 73)
Elapsed time is 0.041495 seconds.
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