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Bulls and cows: Difference between revisions

(17 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
Line 237:
bufdef: db 4,0 ; User input buffer
buf: ds 4</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ABC">HOW TO RETURN random.digit:
RETURN choice "123456789"
PUT "" IN secret
FOR i IN {1..4}:
PUT random.digit IN digit
WHILE SOME j IN {1..i-1} HAS secret item j = digit:
PUT random.digit IN digit
PUT secret^digit IN secret
HOW TO RETURN guess count.bulls secret:
PUT 0 IN bulls
FOR i IN {1..4}:
IF secret item i = guess item i: PUT bulls+1 IN bulls
RETURN bulls
HOW TO RETURN guess count.cows secret:
PUT -(guess count.bulls secret) IN cows
FOR c IN guess:
IF c in secret: PUT cows+1 IN cows
HOW TO REPORT has.duplicates guess:
FOR i IN {1..3}:
FOR j IN {i+1..4}:
IF guess item i = guess item j: SUCCEED
HOW TO REPORT is.valid guess:
IF SOME digit IN guess HAS digit not.in "123456789":
WRITE "Invalid digit: ", digit/
IF #guess <> 4:
WRITE "Guess must contain 4 digits."/
IF has.duplicates guess:
WRITE "No duplicates allowed"/
WHILE 1=1:
WRITE "Guess? "
READ guess RAW
IF is.valid guess: QUIT
PUT 0, 0, 0 IN tries, bulls, cows
WRITE "Bulls and cows"/
WRITE "--------------"/
WHILE bulls<>4:
PUT guess count.bulls secret IN bulls
PUT guess count.cows secret IN cows
WRITE "Bulls:",bulls,"- Cows:",cows/
PUT tries+1 IN tries
WRITE "You win! Tries:", tries
PLAY BULLS AND COWS</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Bulls and cows
Guess? 1234
Bulls: 0 - Cows: 1
Guess? 5678
Bulls: 0 - Cows: 2
Guess? 1679
Bulls: 0 - Cows: 2
Guess? 1689
Bulls: 0 - Cows: 2
Guess? 1659
Bulls: 1 - Cows: 2
Guess? 2659
Bulls: 1 - Cows: 2
Guess? 3659
Bulls: 1 - Cows: 3
Guess? 9356
Bulls: 4 - Cows: 0
You win! Tries: 8</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">DEFINE DIGNUM="4"
Line 334 ⟶ 419:
You win!
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
Line 2,164 ⟶ 2,250:
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
dig[] = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]
for i = 1 to 4
h = i - 1 + randomrandint (10 - i)
swap dig[i] dig[h]
# print dig[]
Line 2,174 ⟶ 2,260:
attempts = 0
ok = 0
s$[] = strchars input
if len s$[] = 4
ok = 1
for i = 1 to 4
g[i] = number s$[i]
if g[i] = 0
ok = 0
. until ok = 1
until ok = 1
print g[]
attempts += 1
print g[]
attempts +bulls = 10
bulls cows = 0
cows for i = 01 to 4
for i = 1 toif 4g[i] = dig[i]
if g[i] bulls += dig[i]1
bulls += 1else
for j = 1 to 4
for j = 1 to 4 if dig[j] = g[i]
if dig[j] cows += g[i]1
cows += 1.
print "bulls:" & bulls & " cows:" & cows
print "bulls:" &until bulls & " cows:" &= cows4
until bulls = 4
print "Well done! " & attempts & " attempts needed."</syntaxhighlight>
Line 2,351 ⟶ 2,436:
ELENA 56.0x :
<syntaxhighlight lang="elena">import system'routines;
import extensions;
Line 2,357 ⟶ 2,442:
class GameMaster
field _numbers;
object theNumbers;
field _attempt;
object theAttempt;
// generate secret number
var randomNumbers := new int[]{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.randomize(9);
theNumbers_numbers := randomNumbers.Subarray(0, 4);
theAttempt_attempt := new Integer(1);
var row := console.print("Your Guess #",theAttempt_attempt," ?").readLine();
^ row.toArray()
int cows := 0;
int bulls := 0;
if (guess.Length != 4)
bulls := -1
for (int i := 0,; i < 4,; i+=1) {
var ch := guess[i];
var number := ch.toString().toInt();
// check range
ifnot (number > 0 && number < 10)
{ InvalidArgumentException.raise() };
// check duplicates
var duplicate := guess.seekEach::(x => (x == ch)&&(x.equalReference(ch).Inverted));
if (nil != duplicate)
if (number == theNumbers_numbers[i])
bulls += 1
if (theNumbers_numbers.ifExists(number))
{ cows += 1 }
catch(Exception e)}
catch(Exception {e)
bulls := -1{
}bulls := -1
bulls =>
-1 { console.printLine:("Not a valid guess."); ^ true }
4 { console.printLine:("Congratulations! You have won!"); ^ false }
:! {
console.printLine("Your Score is ",bulls," bulls and ",cows," cows");
^ true
public program()
var gameMaster := new GameMaster();
var (process := $lazy: gameMaster.proceed(gameMaster.ask())).doWhile();
Line 2,457 ⟶ 2,544:
Congratulations! You have won!
{{works with|Elixir|1.2}}
Line 3,245 ⟶ 3,333:
Congratulations! Your guess of 6431 was correct! You solved this in 9 guesses.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
include "NSLog.incl"
str15 guess, goal
short x, y
cgRect wndrect
begin enum 1
_alert = 101
end enum
void local fn showStr( string as str15 )
short r
x = 20
for r = 1 to string[0]
print %(x,y)chr$( string[r] );
x += 39
end fn
void local fn NewGame
str15 ch
goal = "" : guess = "" :y = 20
window _window,,wndRect
text ,,fn colorRed
fn showStr( "????" )
ch = chr$(rnd(9) or _"0")
if instr$(0, goal, ch) == 0 then goal += ch
until goal[0] == 4
nslog(@"%u",val&(goal)) //unrem for testing
y += 48
end fn
local fn SetWindowFrame
CGRect r = fn WindowContentRect( _window )
r.size.height += 32
r.origin.y -= 32
window _window,,r
if ( r.origin.y < 150 )
alert _alert,, @"Too many guesses!",, @"Give up", YES
fn newGame
end if
end fn
local fn play( ch as str15 )
short r, bulls = 0, cows = 0
if instr$(0, guess, ch) then exit fn
guess += ch
text,,fn colorDarkGray
fn showStr( guess )
if guess[0] < 4 then exit fn
for r = 1 to 4
if goal[r] == guess[r] then bulls++ : continue
if instr$(0, goal, chr$(guess[r]) ) then cows++
case bulls == 4
text ,,fn colorRed
print %(x + 31, y)("W I N!")
y = 20 : fn showStr( goal )
case else : print %(x + 35, y)bulls;" "; cows
y += 32 : guess = ""
end select
fn SetWindowFrame
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
subclass window _window, @"Bulls and cows", (0,0,311,114), NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable
wndrect = = fn WindowContentRect( _window )
textlabel _bullLabel, @"🐂", (198,59,38,40)
textlabel _cowLabel, @"🐄", (255,59,38,40)
ControlSetFontWithName( _bullLabel, NULL, 30 )
ControlSetFontWithName( _cowLabel, NULL, 30 )
box _horzLine,, (12,50,287,5), NSBoxSeparator
box _vertLine,, (180,12,5,90), NSBoxSeparator
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _vertLine, NSViewHeightSizable )
button _newGameBtn,,, @"New Game", (198,13,100,32)
ViewSetAutoresizingMask( _newGameBtn, NSViewMaxYMargin )
text @"menlo bold",24,,fn ColorWindowBackground
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( evt as long, tag as long )
select ( evt )
case _windowKeyDown //: stop
short ch = intval( fn EventCharacters )
if ch then fn play( chr$( ch or _"0" ) ):DialogEventSetBool(YES)
case _btnClick : fn NewGame
case _windowWillClose : end
end select
end fn
on dialog fn DoDialog
fn buildWindow
fn newGame
[[File:Bulls and Cows in FutureBasic.png]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
Line 3,973 ⟶ 4,176:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scalakotlin">// version 1.1.2
import java.util.Random
const val MAX_GUESSES = 20 // say
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val num = ('1'..'9').shuffled().take(4).joinToString("")
val r = Random()
var num: String
// generate a 4 digit random number from 1234 to 9876 with no zeros or repeated digits
do {
num = (1234 + r.nextInt(8643)).toString()
} while ('0' in num || num.toSet().size < 4)
println("All guesses should have exactly 4 distinct digits excluding zero.")
Line 3,992 ⟶ 4,188:
while (true) {
print("Enter your guess : ")
val guess = readLinereadln().trim()!!
if (guess == num) {
println("You've won with ${++guesses} valid guesses!")
val n = guess.toIntOrNull()
Line 4,044 ⟶ 4,240:
You've won with 9 valid guesses!
This game uses an HTML form to submit the answer. The random number and history are stored in a session using Lasso's built in session management.
Line 5,906 ⟶ 6,103:
<code>transpose</code> is defined at [[Matrix transposition#Quackery]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="Quackery"> [ size 4 = dup not if
[ say "Must be four digits." cr ] ] is 4chars ( $ --> b )
[ true swap witheach
[ char 1 char 9 1+ within not if
[ say "Must be 1-9 only." cr
not conclude ] ] ] is 1-9 ( $ --> b )
[ 0 9 of
swap witheach
[ 1 unrot char 1 - poke ]
0 swap witheach +
4 = dup not if
[ say "Must all be different." cr ] ] is all-diff ( $ --> b )
[ $ "Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: "
dup 4chars not iff drop again
dup 1-9 not iff drop again
dup all-diff not iff drop again ] is guess ( $ --> $ )
[ $ "123456789" shuffle 4 split drop ] is rand$ ( --> $ )
[ 2 pack transpose
[] swap witheach
[ dup unpack != iff
[ nested join ]
else drop ]
dup [] != if
[ transpose unpack ]
4 over size - ] is -bulls ( $ $ --> $ $ n )
[ join sort
0 swap
behead swap witheach
[ tuck = if [ dip 1+ ] ]
drop ] is cows ( $ $ --> n )
[ say "Guess the four numbers." cr cr
say "They are all different and"
say " between 1 and 9 inclusive." cr cr
randomise rand$
[ guess
over -bulls
dup 4 = iff say "Correct." done
dup echo 1 = iff
[ say " bull." cr ]
[ say " bulls." cr ]
dup echo 1 = iff
[ say " cow." cr ]
[ say " cows." cr ]
again ]
cr drop 2drop ] is play ( --> )</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Guess the four numbers.
They are all different and between 1 and 9 inclusive.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 1234
0 bulls.
0 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 5678
1 bull.
3 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 5786
1 bull.
3 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 5867
0 bulls.
4 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 7658
2 bulls.
2 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 7685
0 bulls.
4 cows.
Guess four digits, 1-9, no duplicates: 6758
{{works with|R|2.8.1}}
Line 6,063 ⟶ 6,351:
:::::::* Master Mind
===version 1===
'''See version 2 for a better formatted progtam that also runs on ooRexx.'''<br>
This REXX version of Bulls and Cows doesn't allow repeated digits (in the computer-generated number),
<br>nor the use of the zero digit.
Line 6,201 ⟶ 6,490:
ser: Say '*** error ***' arg(1); Return
<syntaxhighlight lang="ring">
Line 6,243 ⟶ 6,533:
{{works with|HP|49}}
« CLEAR 0 ""
1 4 '''START'''
→ count solution
« '''DO''' 1 CF
'''DO''' "Guess? [CONT]" PROMPT →STR
DUP SIZE 4 ≠ '''THEN''' DROP "Not 4 characters" 1 DISP 0.5 WAIT '''END'''
{ 9 } 0 CON
1 4 '''FOR''' j
'''IFERR''' 1 PUT '''THEN''' 3 DROPN "Invalid character" 1 DISP 0.5 WAIT '''END'''
DUP 1 CON DOT 4 ≠ '''THEN''' DROP "Repeated digits" 1 DISP 0.5 WAIT '''END'''
1 SF
'''UNTIL''' 1 FS? '''END'''
" → " + 0
1 4 '''FOR''' j
solution PICK3 j DUP SUB POS
'''IF''' DUP '''THEN''' IF j == '''THEN''' 1 '''ELSE''' .1 '''END END''' +
'''UNTIL''' SWAP 4 == '''END'''
count "guess" →TAG
» » '<span style="color:blue">BU&CO</span>' ST0
Inspired by Tcl
Line 6,325 ⟶ 6,645:
puts "Bulls: #{bulls}; Cows: #{cows}"
Line 6,705 ⟶ 7,026:
end repeat
end repeat</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="setl">program bulls_and_cows;
print("Bulls and cows");
secret := make_secret();
loop do
guess := read_guess();
tries +:= 1;
bulls := count_bulls(guess, secret);
cows := count_cows(guess, secret);
print(bulls, "bulls,", cows, "cows.");
if bulls = 4 then
print("You win! Tries:", tries);
end if;
end loop;
proc make_secret();
digits := [];
loop for i in [1..4] do
loop until not digit in digits do
digit := 1 + random(8);
end loop;
digits with:= digit;
end loop;
return digits;
end proc;
proc read_guess();
loop do
putchar("Guess? ");
guess := getline(stdin);
if exists d in guess | not d in "123456789" then
print("invalid input:", d);
elseif #guess /= #{d : d in guess} then
print("no duplicates allowed");
elseif #guess /= 4 then
print("need 4 digits");
end if;
end loop;
return [val d : d in guess];
end proc;
proc count_bulls(guess, secret);
return #[i : i in [1..4] | guess(i) = secret(i)];
end proc;
proc count_cows(guess, secret);
return #[d : d in guess | d in secret] - count_bulls(guess, secret);
end proc;
end program;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Bulls and cows
Guess? 1234
0 bulls, 1 cows.
Guess? 5678
2 bulls, 1 cows.
Guess? 5978
2 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 5968
1 bulls, 1 cows.
Guess? 5976
1 bulls, 1 cows.
Guess? 6978
3 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 6971
2 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 6918
2 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 1978
2 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 6178
3 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 6278
3 bulls, 0 cows.
Guess? 6378
4 bulls, 0 cows.
You win! Tries: 12</pre>
Line 6,875 ⟶ 7,284:
New game
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">var size = 4
Line 8,086 ⟶ 8,496:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "random" for Random
import "./set" for Set
import "./ioutil" for Input
var MAX_GUESSES = 20 // say
Line 8,111 ⟶ 8,521:
if (!n) {
System.print("Not a valid number")
} else if (guess.contains("-") || guess.contains("+") || guess.contains(".")) {
System.print("Can't contain a sign or decimal point")
} else if (guess.contains("e") || guess.contains("E")) {
System.print("Can't contain an exponent")
} else if (guess.contains("0")) {
System.print("Can't contain zero")
Line 8,164 ⟶ 8,576:
Enter your guess : 8253
You've won with 9 valid guesses!
<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">int Bulls, Cows, Secret(4), Guess(4), Guesses, Used, I, J, Done, Digit, Okay;
[Used:= 0; \generate secret random number using digits
for I:= 0 to 3 do \ 1 to 9 without any repeated digits
[repeat Digit:= Ran(9)+1;
until (Used & 1<<Digit) = 0;
Used:= Used ! 1<<Digit;
Secret(I):= Digit + ^0;
Text(0, "Guess the secret number.^m^j");
Text(0, "Guesses must be four different digits, 1 to 9.^m^j");
Guesses:= 0;
loop [Done:= false; \main game loop
repeat Text(0, "Enter your guess: "); \get valid 4-digits from player
OpenI(0); Used:= 0; I:= 0;
loop [Digit:= ChIn(0);
Okay:= Digit>=^1 and Digit<=^9;
Digit:= Digit & $0F; \convert ASCII to binary
if not Okay or Used & 1<<Digit then
"Please enter four distinct digits, 1 thru 9.^m^j");
Guess(I):= Digit + ^0;
Used:= Used ! 1<<Digit;
I:= I+1;
if I = 4 then [Done:= true; quit];
until Done;
Guesses:= Guesses+1;
Bulls:= 0; Cows:= 0;
for I:= 0 to 3 do
for J:= 0 to 3 do
if Guess(I) = Secret(J) then
if I=J then Bulls:= Bulls+1
else Cows:= Cows+1;
Text(0, "Bulls: "); IntOut(0, Bulls);
Text(0, " Cows: "); IntOut(0, Cows);
if Bulls = 4 then quit;
Text(0, "Congratulations! You won in "); IntOut(0, Guesses);
Text(0, " guesses.^m^j");
Guess the secret number.
Guesses must be four different digits, 1 to 9.
Enter your guess: 1234
Bulls: 1 Cows: 1
Enter your guess: 3345
Please enter four distinct digits, 1 thru 9.
Enter your guess: 0987
Please enter four distinct digits, 1 thru 9.
Enter your guess: 1357
Bulls: 1 Cows: 0
Enter your guess:


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