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Steady squares: Difference between revisions

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<syntaxhighlight lang="prolog">
steadySquare([], _, []).
steadySquare([N| NTail], Modulo, SteadyList):-
Modulo =< N,!,
Modulo1 is Modulo * 10,
steadySquare([N| NTail], Modulo1, SteadyList).
steadySquare([N| NTail], Modulo, [N| SteadyList]):-
N ^ 2 mod Modulo =:= N,!,
steadySquare(NTail, Modulo, SteadyList).
steadySquare([_| NTail], Modulo, SteadyList):-
steadySquare(NTail, Modulo, SteadyList).
candidateList(Limit, List):-
candidateList(5, Limit, List0),
append([0,1], List0, List).
candidateList(N, Limit, [N, N1| Tail]):-
N < Limit,!,
N1 is N + 1,
N10 is N + 10,
candidateList(N10, Limit, Tail).
candidateList(_, _, []).
showList(_, []):-!.
showList(FrmStr, [StSquare| Tail]):-
Sqr is StSquare ^ 2,
format(FrmStr, [StSquare, Sqr]),
showList(FrmStr, Tail).
do:- candidateList(1000000, List),
steadySquare(List, 1, SteadySquareList),
last(SteadySquareList, LastStSqr),
LastLen is 1 + floor(log10(LastStSqr)),
LastSqrLen is 1 + floor(log10(LastStSqr ^ 2)),
swritef(FrmStr, '~|~t~d~%d+ ~|~t~d~%d+~n', [LastLen, LastSqrLen]),
showList(FrmStr, SteadySquareList).


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