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Semiprime: Difference between revisions

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works with swi-prolog
<syntaxhighlight lang="prolog">
factors(N, FList):-
factors(N, 2, 0, FList).
factors(1, _, _Count, []).
factors(_, _, Count, []):- Count > 1. % break on 2 factors reached
factors(N, Start, Count, [Fac|FList]):-
N1 is floor(sqrt(N)),
between(Start, N1, Fac),
N mod Fac =:= 0,!,
N2 is N div Fac,
Count1 is Count + 1,
factors(N2, Fac, Count1, FList).
factors(N, _, _, [N]):- N >= 2.
semiPrimeList(Limit, List):-
findall(N, semiPrimes(2, Limit, N), List).
semiPrimes(Start, Limit, N):-
between(Start, Limit, N),
factors(N, [F1, F2]),
N =:= F1 * F2. % correct factors break
do:- semiPrimeList(100, SemiPrimes),
findall(N, semiPrimes(1675, 1685, N), SemiPrimes2),
?- do.


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