Nth root: Difference between revisions

Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.
m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Dialects of BASIC moved to the BASIC section.)
Line 646:
See also the [[#Liberty BASIC|Liberty BASIC]] and [[#PureBasic|PureBasic]] solutions.
{{Works with |OS9 operating system -- RUN nth(root,number,precision)}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic09">
Line 664:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">function nth_root(n, a)
precision = 0.0001
Line 690:
next n</syntaxhighlight>
==={{header|BBC BASIC}}===
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> *FLOAT 64
Line 709:
Cube root of 5 is 1.709975946677
125th root of 5643 is 1.071549111198
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' version 14-01-2019
' compile with: fbc -s console
Function nth_root(n As Integer, number As Double) As Double
Dim As Double a1 = number / n, a2 , a3
a3 = Abs(a2 - a1)
a2 = ((n -1) * a1 + number / a1 ^ (n -1)) / n
Swap a1, a2
Loop Until Abs(a2 - a1) = a3
Return a1
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Dim As UInteger n
Dim As Double tmp
Print " n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n"
Print " ------------------------------------"
For n = 3 To 11 Step 2
tmp = nth_root(n, 5643)
Print Using " ### ###.######## ####.########"; n; tmp; tmp ^ n
For n = 25 To 125 Step 25
tmp = nth_root(n, 5643)
Print Using " ### ###.######## ####.########"; n; tmp; tmp ^ n
' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre> n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n
3 17.80341642 5643.00000000
5 5.62732516 5643.00000000
7 3.43502583 5643.00000000
9 2.61116581 5643.00000000
11 2.19303907 5643.00000000
25 1.41273402 5643.00000000
50 1.18858488 5643.00000000
75 1.12207047 5643.00000000
100 1.09022240 5643.00000000
125 1.07154911 5643.00000000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">window 1
local fn NthRoot( root as long, a as long, precision as double ) as double
double x0, x1
x0 = a : x1 = a /root
while ( abs( x1 - x0 ) > precision )
x0 = x1
x1 = ( ( root -1.0 ) * x1 + a / x1 ^ ( root -1.0 ) ) /root
end fn = x1
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001",, using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 )
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001",, using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 )
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001 )
print " Cube Root of 27 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001 )
print "Square Root of 2 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001 )
print "Square Root of 2 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; sqr(2) // Processor floating point calc deviation
print " 10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001 )
print " 5th Root of 34 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 5, 34, 0.00001 )
125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602191682
125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602191682
125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 1.071547591944772
Cube Root of 27 Precision .00001 3.000000000000002
Square Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562374690
Square Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562373095
10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 2.000000000000000
5th Root of 34 Precision .00001 2.024397458499885
==={{header|Liberty BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
print "First estimate is: ", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ));
print " ... and better is: ", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001))
print "125'th root of 5642 by LB's exponentiation operator is "; using( "#.###############", 5642^(1 /125))
print "27^(1 / 3)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001))
print "2^(1 / 2)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001))
print "1024^(1 /10)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001))
function NthRoot( n, A, p)
x( 0) =A
x( 1) =A /n
while abs( x( 1) -x( 0)) >p
x( 0) =x( 1)
x( 1) =( ( n -1.0) *x( 1) +A /x( 1)^( n -1.0)) /n
NthRoot =x( 1)
end function
First estimate is: 1.071559602191682 ... and better is: 1.071547591944771
125'th root of 5642 by LB's exponentiation operator is 1.071547591944767
27^(1 / 3) 3.000000000000002
2^(1 / 2) 1.414213562374690
1024^(1 /10) 2.000000000000000
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">#Def_p=0.001
Procedure.d Nth_root(n.i, A.d, p.d=#Def_p)
Protected Dim x.d(1)
x(0)=A: x(1)=A/n
While Abs(x(1)-x(0))>p
ProcedureReturn x(1)
Debug "125'th root of 5642 is"
Debug Pow(5642,1/125)
Debug "First estimate is:"
Debug Nth_root(125,5642)
Debug "And better:"
Debug Nth_root(125,5642,0.00001)</syntaxhighlight>
125'th root of 5642 is
First estimate is:
And better:
==={{header|Run BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">print "Root 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ))
print "125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ))
print "125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001))
print " 3rd Root of 27 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001))
print " 2nd Root of 2 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001))
print " 10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001))
function NthRoot( root, A, precision)
x0 = A
x1 = A /root
while abs( x1 -x0) >precision
x0 = x1
x1 = x1 / 1.0 ' force float
x1 = (( root -1.0) *x1 +A /x1^( root -1.0)) /root
NthRoot =x1
end function
<pre>125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602456735
125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 1.071547591944771
3rd Root of 27 Precision .00001 3.000000000000001
2nd Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562374690
10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 2.000000000000000</pre>
When single precision results are sufficient for the task at hand, resort to Newton's method
seems unnecessarily cumbersome, given the ready availability of S-BASIC's built-in exp and
natural log functions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
rem - return nth root of x
function nthroot(x, n = real) = real
end = exp((1.0 / n) * log(x))
rem - exercise the routine by finding successive roots of 144
var i = integer
print "Finding the nth root of x"
print " x n root"
print "-----------------------"
for i = 1 to 8
print using "### #### ###.####"; 144; i; nthroot(144, i)
next i
But if the six or seven digits supported by S-BASIC's single-precision REAL data type is insufficient, Newton's Method is the way to go, given that the built-in exp and natural log functions are only single-precision.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
rem - return the nth root of real.double value x to stated precision
function nthroot(n, x, precision = real.double) = real.double
var x0, x1 = real.double
x0 = x
x1 = x / n rem - initial guess
while abs(x1 - x0) > precision do
x0 = x1
x1 = ((n-1.0) * x1 + x / x1 ^ (n-1.0)) / n
end = x1
rem -- exercise the routine
var i = integer
print "Finding the nth root of 144 to 6 decimal places"
print " x n root"
print "------------------------"
for i = 1 to 8
print using "### #### ###.######"; 144; i; nthroot(i, 144.0, 1E-7)
next i
From the second version of the program.
Finding the nth root of 144 to 6 decimal places
x n root
144 1 144.000000
144 2 12.000000
144 3 5.241483
144 4 3.464102
144 5 2.701920
144 6 2.289428
144 7 2.033937
144 8 1.861210
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">FUNCTION Nroot (n, a)
LET precision = .00001
LET x1 = a
LET x2 = a / n
DO WHILE ABS(x2 - x1) > precision
LET x1 = x2
LET x2 = ((n - 1) * x2 + a / x2 ^ (n - 1)) / n
LET Nroot = x2
PRINT " n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n"
PRINT " ------------------------------------"
FOR n = 3 TO 11 STEP 2
LET tmp = Nroot(n, 5643)
PRINT USING "####": n;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "###.########": tmp;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "####.########": (tmp ^ n)
FOR n = 25 TO 125 STEP 25
LET tmp = Nroot(n, 5643)
PRINT USING "####": n;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "###.########": tmp;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "####.########": (tmp ^ n)
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">data 10, 1024, 3, 27, 2, 2, 125, 5642, 4, 16, 0, 0
read e, b
if e = 0 break
print "The ", e, "th root of ", b, " is ", b^(1/e), " (", nthroot(b, e), ")"
sub nthroot(y, n)
local eps, x, d, e
eps = 1e-15 // relative accuracy
x = 1
d = ( y / ( x^(n-1) ) - x ) / n
x = x + d
e = eps * x // absolute accuracy
until(not(d < -e or d > e ))
return x
end sub</syntaxhighlight>
The internal power operator "^" is used in stead of an auxiliary pow_ function and the accuracy has been reduced.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Private Function nth_root(y As Double, n As Double)
Dim eps As Double: eps = 0.00000000000001 '-- relative accuracy
Dim x As Variant: x = 1
Do While True
d = (y / x ^ (n - 1) - x) / n
x = x + d
e = eps * x '-- absolute accuracy
If d > -e And d < e Then
Exit Do
End If
Debug.Print y; n; x; y ^ (1 / n)
End Function
Public Sub main()
nth_root 1024, 10
nth_root 27, 3
nth_root 2, 2
nth_root 5642, 125
nth_root 7, 0.5
nth_root 4913, 3
nth_root 8, 3
nth_root 16, 2
nth_root 16, 4
nth_root 125, 3
nth_root 1000000000, 3
nth_root 1000000000, 9
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>{{out}}
<pre> 1024 10 2 2
27 3 3 3
2 2 1,41421356237309 1,4142135623731
5642 125 1,07154759194477 1,07154759194477
7 0,5 49 49
4913 3 17 17
8 3 2 2
16 2 4 4
16 4 2 2
125 3 5 5
1000000000 3 1000 1000
1000000000 9 10 10
Line 1,395 ⟶ 1,746:
end program NthRootTest</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' version 14-01-2019
' compile with: fbc -s console
Function nth_root(n As Integer, number As Double) As Double
Dim As Double a1 = number / n, a2 , a3
a3 = Abs(a2 - a1)
a2 = ((n -1) * a1 + number / a1 ^ (n -1)) / n
Swap a1, a2
Loop Until Abs(a2 - a1) = a3
Return a1
End Function
' ------=< MAIN >=------
Dim As UInteger n
Dim As Double tmp
Print " n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n"
Print " ------------------------------------"
For n = 3 To 11 Step 2
tmp = nth_root(n, 5643)
Print Using " ### ###.######## ####.########"; n; tmp; tmp ^ n
For n = 25 To 125 Step 25
tmp = nth_root(n, 5643)
Print Using " ### ###.######## ####.########"; n; tmp; tmp ^ n
' empty keyboard buffer
While Inkey <> "" : Wend
Print : Print "hit any key to end program"
<pre> n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n
3 17.80341642 5643.00000000
5 5.62732516 5643.00000000
7 3.43502583 5643.00000000
9 2.61116581 5643.00000000
11 2.19303907 5643.00000000
25 1.41273402 5643.00000000
50 1.18858488 5643.00000000
75 1.12207047 5643.00000000
100 1.09022240 5643.00000000
125 1.07154911 5643.00000000</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">window 1
local fn NthRoot( root as long, a as long, precision as double ) as double
double x0, x1
x0 = a : x1 = a /root
while ( abs( x1 - x0 ) > precision )
x0 = x1
x1 = ( ( root -1.0 ) * x1 + a / x1 ^ ( root -1.0 ) ) /root
end fn = x1
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001",, using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 )
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001",, using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 )
print " 125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001 )
print " Cube Root of 27 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001 )
print "Square Root of 2 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001 )
print "Square Root of 2 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; sqr(2) // Processor floating point calc deviation
print " 10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001 )
print " 5th Root of 34 Precision .00001", using "#.###############"; fn NthRoot( 5, 34, 0.00001 )
125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602191682
125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602191682
125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 1.071547591944772
Cube Root of 27 Precision .00001 3.000000000000002
Square Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562374690
Square Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562373095
10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 2.000000000000000
5th Root of 34 Precision .00001 2.024397458499885
Line 1,978 ⟶ 2,237:
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">
print "First estimate is: ", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ));
print " ... and better is: ", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001))
print "125'th root of 5642 by LB's exponentiation operator is "; using( "#.###############", 5642^(1 /125))
print "27^(1 / 3)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001))
print "2^(1 / 2)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001))
print "1024^(1 /10)", using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001))
function NthRoot( n, A, p)
x( 0) =A
x( 1) =A /n
while abs( x( 1) -x( 0)) >p
x( 0) =x( 1)
x( 1) =( ( n -1.0) *x( 1) +A /x( 1)^( n -1.0)) /n
NthRoot =x( 1)
end function
First estimate is: 1.071559602191682 ... and better is: 1.071547591944771
125'th root of 5642 by LB's exponentiation operator is 1.071547591944767
27^(1 / 3) 3.000000000000002
2^(1 / 2) 1.414213562374690
1024^(1 /10) 2.000000000000000
Line 2,708 ⟶ 2,936:
X = -3.
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">#Def_p=0.001
Procedure.d Nth_root(n.i, A.d, p.d=#Def_p)
Protected Dim x.d(1)
x(0)=A: x(1)=A/n
While Abs(x(1)-x(0))>p
ProcedureReturn x(1)
Debug "125'th root of 5642 is"
Debug Pow(5642,1/125)
Debug "First estimate is:"
Debug Nth_root(125,5642)
Debug "And better:"
Debug Nth_root(125,5642,0.00001)</syntaxhighlight>
125'th root of 5642 is
First estimate is:
And better:
Line 3,099 ⟶ 3,299:
p nthroot(5,34) # => 2.02439745849989</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="runbasic">print "Root 125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ))
print "125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.001 ))
print "125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 125, 5642, 0.00001))
print " 3rd Root of 27 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 3, 27, 0.00001))
print " 2nd Root of 2 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 2, 2, 0.00001))
print " 10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 ";using( "#.###############", NthRoot( 10, 1024, 0.00001))
function NthRoot( root, A, precision)
x0 = A
x1 = A /root
while abs( x1 -x0) >precision
x0 = x1
x1 = x1 / 1.0 ' force float
x1 = (( root -1.0) *x1 +A /x1^( root -1.0)) /root
NthRoot =x1
end function
<pre>125th Root of 5643 Precision .001 1.071559602456735
125th Root of 5643 Precision .00001 1.071547591944771
3rd Root of 27 Precision .00001 3.000000000000001
2nd Root of 2 Precision .00001 1.414213562374690
10th Root of 1024 Precision .00001 2.000000000000000</pre>
Line 3,173 ⟶ 3,345:
When single precision results are sufficient for the task at hand, resort to Newton's method
seems unnecessarily cumbersome, given the ready availability of S-BASIC's built-in exp and
natural log functions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
rem - return nth root of x
function nthroot(x, n = real) = real
end = exp((1.0 / n) * log(x))
rem - exercise the routine by finding successive roots of 144
var i = integer
print "Finding the nth root of x"
print " x n root"
print "-----------------------"
for i = 1 to 8
print using "### #### ###.####"; 144; i; nthroot(144, i)
next i
But if the six or seven digits supported by S-BASIC's single-precision REAL data type is insufficient, Newton's Method is the way to go, given that the built-in exp and natural log functions are only single-precision.
<syntaxhighlight lang="basic">
rem - return the nth root of real.double value x to stated precision
function nthroot(n, x, precision = real.double) = real.double
var x0, x1 = real.double
x0 = x
x1 = x / n rem - initial guess
while abs(x1 - x0) > precision do
x0 = x1
x1 = ((n-1.0) * x1 + x / x1 ^ (n-1.0)) / n
end = x1
rem -- exercise the routine
var i = integer
print "Finding the nth root of 144 to 6 decimal places"
print " x n root"
print "------------------------"
for i = 1 to 8
print using "### #### ###.######"; 144; i; nthroot(i, 144.0, 1E-7)
next i
From the second version of the program.
Finding the nth root of 144 to 6 decimal places
x n root
144 1 144.000000
144 2 12.000000
144 3 5.241483
144 4 3.464102
144 5 2.701920
144 6 2.289428
144 7 2.033937
144 8 1.861210
Line 3,438 ⟶ 3,547:
=={{header|True BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">FUNCTION Nroot (n, a)
LET precision = .00001
LET x1 = a
LET x2 = a / n
DO WHILE ABS(x2 - x1) > precision
LET x1 = x2
LET x2 = ((n - 1) * x2 + a / x2 ^ (n - 1)) / n
LET Nroot = x2
PRINT " n 5643 ^ 1 / n nth_root ^ n"
PRINT " ------------------------------------"
FOR n = 3 TO 11 STEP 2
LET tmp = Nroot(n, 5643)
PRINT USING "####": n;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "###.########": tmp;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "####.########": (tmp ^ n)
FOR n = 25 TO 125 STEP 25
LET tmp = Nroot(n, 5643)
PRINT USING "####": n;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "###.########": tmp;
PRINT " ";
PRINT USING "####.########": (tmp ^ n)
Line 3,505 ⟶ 3,580:
The internal power operator "^" is used in stead of an auxiliary pow_ function and the accuracy has been reduced.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Private Function nth_root(y As Double, n As Double)
Dim eps As Double: eps = 0.00000000000001 '-- relative accuracy
Dim x As Variant: x = 1
Do While True
d = (y / x ^ (n - 1) - x) / n
x = x + d
e = eps * x '-- absolute accuracy
If d > -e And d < e Then
Exit Do
End If
Debug.Print y; n; x; y ^ (1 / n)
End Function
Public Sub main()
nth_root 1024, 10
nth_root 27, 3
nth_root 2, 2
nth_root 5642, 125
nth_root 7, 0.5
nth_root 4913, 3
nth_root 8, 3
nth_root 16, 2
nth_root 16, 4
nth_root 125, 3
nth_root 1000000000, 3
nth_root 1000000000, 9
End Sub</syntaxhighlight>{{out}}
<pre> 1024 10 2 2
27 3 3 3
2 2 1,41421356237309 1,4142135623731
5642 125 1,07154759194477 1,07154759194477
7 0,5 49 49
4913 3 17 17
8 3 2 2
16 2 4 4
16 4 2 2
125 3 5 5
1000000000 3 1000 1000
1000000000 9 10 10
Line 3,619 ⟶ 3,650:
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">data 10, 1024, 3, 27, 2, 2, 125, 5642, 4, 16, 0, 0
read e, b
if e = 0 break
print "The ", e, "th root of ", b, " is ", b^(1/e), " (", nthroot(b, e), ")"
sub nthroot(y, n)
local eps, x, d, e
eps = 1e-15 // relative accuracy
x = 1
d = ( y / ( x^(n-1) ) - x ) / n
x = x + d
e = eps * x // absolute accuracy
until(not(d < -e or d > e ))
return x
end sub</syntaxhighlight>
