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Hamming numbers: Difference between revisions

(→‎Much faster iterating version using logarithmic calculations: Nim - added code using a ring buffer...)
Line 7,440:
The time as shown is for for compilation as in the second line of code; with these options, the billionth Hamming number can be calculated in about 7 seconds.
'''Faster alternate to the above using a ring buffer'''
As other language contributions refer to it, the above code is left in place; however, it seems that the amount of time spent "draining" the buffers by already-used values using copying as used in the above code can be eliminated by using the buffers as "ring buffers" by making the indices wrap around from the end of the buffers to the beginning and detecting when the buffer needs to be "grown" by when the next/last/tail index runs into the first/head index, and changing the "grow" logic a little so as to open up a hole between the next and first indexes by the size of the expansion once the buffer size has "grown". The code is as follows:
<syntaxhighlight lang=nim># HammingsLogDQ.nim
# compile with: nim c -d:danger -t:-march=native -d:LTO --gc:arc HammingsImpLogQ
import bigints, std/math
from std/times import inMicroseconds
from std/monotimes import getMonoTime, `-`
type LogRep = (float64, uint32, uint32, uint32)
let one: LogRep = (0.0, 0'u32, 0'u32, 0'u32)
let lb2 = 1.0'f64; let lb3 = 3.0.log2; let lb5 = 5.0.log2
proc mul2(me: Logrep): Logrep {.inline.} =
(me[0] + lb2, me[1] + 1, me[2], me[3])
proc mul3(me: Logrep): Logrep {.inline.} =
(me[0] + lb3, me[1], me[2] + 1, me[3])
proc mul5(me: Logrep): Logrep {.inline.} =
(me[0] + lb5, me[1], me[2], me[3] + 1)
proc lr2BigInt(lr: Logrep): BigInt =
proc xpnd(bs: uint, v: uint32): BigInt =
result = initBigInt 1
var bsm = initBigInt bs;
var vm = v.uint
while vm > 0:
if (vm and 1) != 0: result *= bsm
bsm *= bsm; vm = vm shr 1
xpnd(2, lr[1]) * xpnd(3, lr[2]) * xpnd(5, lr[3])
proc `$`(lr: LogRep): string {.inline.} = $lr2BigInt(lr)
iterator hammingsLogQ(): LogRep =
var s2msk, s3msk = 1024
var s2 = newSeq[LogRep] s2msk; var s3 = newSeq[LogRep] s3msk
s2msk -= 1; s3msk -= 1; s2[0] = one; var s2nxti = 1
var s2hdi, s3hdi, s3nxti = 0
var s5 = one.mul5; var mrg = one.mul3
while true:
let s2hdp = addr(s2[s2hdi])
if s2hdp[][0] < mrg[0]:
s2[s2nxti] = s2hdp[].mul2; s2hdi += 1; s2hdi = s2hdi and s2msk
yield s2hdp[]
s2[s2nxti] = mrg.mul2; s3[s3nxti] = mrg.mul3; yield mrg
let s3hdp = addr(s3[s3hdi])
if s3hdp[0] < s5[0]:
mrg = s3hdp[]; s3hdi += 1; s3hdi = s3hdi and s3msk
else: mrg = s5; s5 = s5.mul5
s3nxti += 1; s3nxti = s3nxti and s3msk
if s3nxti == s3hdi: # buffer full - expand...
let sz = s3msk + 1; s3msk = sz + sz; s3.setLen(s3msk); s3msk -= 1
if s3hdi == 0: s3nxti = sz
else: # put extra space between next and head...
copyMem(addr(s3[s3hdi + sz]), addr(s3[s3hdi]),
sizeof(LogRep) * (sz - s3hdi)); s3hdi += sz
s2nxti += 1; s2nxti = s2nxti and s2msk
if s2nxti == s2hdi: # buffer full - expand...
let sz = s2msk + 1; s2msk = sz + sz; s2.setLen s2msk; s2msk -= 1
if s2hdi == 0: s2nxti = sz # copy all in a single block...
else: # make extra space between next and head...
copyMem(addr(s2[s2hdi + sz]), addr(s2[s2hdi]),
sizeof(LogRep) * (sz - s2hdi)); s2hdi += sz
# testing it...
var cnt = 0
for h in hammingsLogQ():
write stdout, h, " "; cnt += 1
if cnt >= 20: break
echo ""
cnt = 0
for h in hammingsLogQ():
cnt += 1
if cnt >= 1691: echo h; break
let strt = getMonoTime()
var rslt: LogRep
cnt = 0
for h in hammingsLogQ():
cnt += 1
if cnt >= 1_000_000: rslt = h; break # """
let elpsd = (getMonoTime() - strt).inMicroseconds
let (_, x2, x3, x5) = rslt
writeLine stdout, "2^", x2, " + 3^", x3, " + 5^", x5
let lgrslt = (x2.float64 + x3.float64 * 3.0f64.log2 +
x5.float64 * 5.0f64.log2) * 2.0f64.log10
let (whl, frac) = lgrslt.splitDecimal
echo "Approximately: ", 10.0f64.pow(frac), "E+", whl.uint64
let s = $rslt
let ls = s.len
echo "Number of digits: ", ls
if ls <= 2000:
for i in countup(0, ls - 1, 100):
if i + 100 < ls: echo s[i .. i + 99]
else: echo s[i .. ls - 1]
echo "This last took ", elpsd, " microseconds."</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 18 20 24 25 27 30 32 36
2^55 + 3^47 + 5^64
Approximately: 5.193127804483804E+83
Number of digits: 84
This last took 5044 microseconds.</pre>
As tested on an Intel i5-6500 (3.6 GHz single-threaded boosted), this is about a millisecond or about twenty percent faster than the version above, and can find the billionth Hamming number in about 4.5 seconds on this machine. The reason this is faster is mostly due to the elimination of the majority of the copy operations.
===Extremely fast version inserting logarithms into the top error band===


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