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2048: Difference between revisions

12,342 bytes added ,  12 days ago
→‎{{header|Wren}}: Removed redundant initializeBoard method.
m (Automated syntax highlighting fixup (second round - minor fixes))
(→‎{{header|Wren}}: Removed redundant initializeBoard method.)
(20 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
Line 11:
:*   All tiles move as far as possible in that direction, some move more than others.
:*   Two adjacent tiles (in that direction only) with matching numbers combine into one bearing the sum of those numbers.
:*   A move is valid when at least one tile can be moved,   if onlyincluding by combination.
:*   A new tile with the value of   '''2'''   is spawned at the end of each turn at a randomly chosen empty square   (if there is one).
:*   Adding a new tile on a blank space.   Most of the time,   a new   '''2'''   is to be added,   andbut occasionally   ('''10%''' of the time),   a   '''4'''.
:*   To win,   the player must create a tile with the number   '''2048'''.
:*   The player loses if no valid moves are possible.
Line 22:
* &nbsp; "Non-greedy" movement. &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; The tiles that were created by combining other tiles should not be combined again during the same turn (move). &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; That is to say, &nbsp; that moving the tile row of:
<big><big> [2][2][2][2] </big></big>
Line 34:
<big><big> .........[8] </big></big>
* &nbsp; "Move direction priority". &nbsp; <br>&nbsp; If more than one variant of combining is possible, &nbsp; move direction shall indicate which combination will take effect. <br>&nbsp; For example, moving the tile row of:
<big><big> ...[2][2][2] </big></big>
Line 48:
* &nbsp; Check for valid moves. &nbsp; The player shouldn't be able to skipgain theirnew turntile by trying a move that doesn't change the board.
* &nbsp; Check for a &nbsp;win condition.
* &nbsp; Check for a lose condition.
Line 2,030:
Se invoca como:
rxvt -g 79x38 -fn "xft:FantasqueSansMono-Regular:pixelsize=25" -e hopper bas/2048.bas
=={{header|Applesoft BASIC}}==
Line 3,574 ⟶ 3,582:
==={{works withheader|QBasic}}===
El código es de MichD (https://github.com/michd/2048-qbasic)
Line 3,934 ⟶ 3,942:
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
Line 4,039 ⟶ 4,046:
You lost :-(</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bqn">
#!/usr/bin/env BQN
# 2048 game
# The game is controlled with the vim movement keys:
# h: left, j: down, k: up, l: right, q: quit
# needs a VT-100 compatible terminal
Merge←{𝕩 0⊸≠⊸/↩ ⋄ m←<`=⟜«𝕩 ⋄ 4↑(¬»m)/𝕩×1+m}⌾⌽ # Merge a single row to the right
Step←Merge˘ # Merges each row of the board
Up←Step⌾(⌽⍉∘⌽) # Each direction merges the board
Down←Step⌾⍉ # by rotating it to the correct orientation, merging the rows
Right←Step # and reversing the rotation
# Spawns a 2 or a 4 (10% chance) at a random empty position
Spawn←{i←•rand.Range∘≠⊸⊑(0⊸= /○⥊ ↕∘≢)𝕩 ⋄ (•rand.Range∘≠⊸⊑9‿1/2‿4)⌾(i⊸⊑) 𝕩}
Lose←Left∘Right∘Down∘Up⊸≡ # Losing condition, no moves change the board
Win←∨´·∨˝2048⊸= # Winning condition, 2048!
Quit←{•Out e∾"[?12l"∾e∾"[?25h" ⋄ •Exit 𝕩} # Restores the terminal and exits
Display←{ # Displays the board, score and controls
•Out e∾"[H"∾e∾"[2J" # Cursor to origin and clear screen
•Out "Controls: h: left, j: down, k: up, l: right, q: quit"
•Show 𝕩
•Out "score: "∾•Repr ⌈´⌈˝ 𝕩
board←Spawn 4‿4⥊0
e←@+27 # Escape character for the ANSI escape codes
•term.RawMode 1
•Out e∾"[?25l"∾e∾"[2J"∾e∾"[H" # Cursor to origin, hide it and clear screen
Display board
{𝕤⋄•Out "You win!" ⋄ Quit 0}⍟Win board
{𝕤⋄•Out "You lose!"⋄ Quit 1}⍟Lose board
key←•term.CharB @ # Read key
⊑key∊"hjklq"? # Valid key?
{𝕤⋄ Quit 0}⍟(key='q')@ # Quit key?
move←⊑(key="hjkl")/Left‿Down‿Up‿Right # Get movement function from the key
{𝕤⋄board↩Spawn∘Move 𝕩}⍟(Move⊸≢) board # Generate the next board if the move is valid
; @
Line 5,679 ⟶ 5,730:
struct G2048 {
public void gameLoop() /*@safe @nogc*/ {
while (true) {
Line 5,693 ⟶ 5,744:
static struct Tile {
uint val = 0;
bool blocked = false;
Line 5,705 ⟶ 5,756:
uint score = 0;
void drawBoard() const /*@safe @nogc*/ {
writeln("SCORE: ", score, "\n");
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side) {
write("+------+------+------+------+\n| ");
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side) {
if (board[x][y].val)
writef("%4d", board[x][y].val);
Line 5,718 ⟶ 5,769:
void waitKey() /*@safe*/ {
moved = false;
write("(W)Up (S)Down (A)Left (D)Right (Q)Quit: ".write);
immutableauto c = readln.strip.toLower;
switch (c) {
Line 5,735 ⟶ 5,786:
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side)
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side)
board[x][y].blocked = false;
Line 5,745 ⟶ 5,796:
void addTile() /*nothrow*/ @safe /*@nogc*/ {
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side) {
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side) {
if (!board[x][y].val) {
uint a, b;
Line 5,764 ⟶ 5,815:
bool canMove() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side)
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side)
if (!board[x][y].val)
return true;
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side) {
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side) {
if (testAdd(x + 1, y, board[x][y].val) ||
testAdd(x - 1, y, board[x][y].val) ||
Line 5,782 ⟶ 5,833:
bool testAdd(in uint x, in uint y, in uint v) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if (x > 3 || y > 3)
return false;
Line 5,788 ⟶ 5,839:
void moveVertically(in uint x, in uint y, in uint d) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if (board[x][y + d].val && board[x][y + d].val == board[x][y].val &&
!board[x][y].blocked && !board[x][y + d].blocked) {
Line 5,811 ⟶ 5,862:
void moveHorizontally(in uint x, in uint y, in uint d) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
if (board[x + d][y].val && board[x + d][y].val == board[x][y].val &&
!board[x][y].blocked && !board[x + d][y].blocked) {
Line 5,834 ⟶ 5,885:
void move(in moveDir d) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
final switch (d) with(moveDir) {
case up:
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side)
foreach (immutable y; 1 .. side)
if (board[x][y].val)
moveVertically(x, y, -1);
case down:
foreach (immutable x; 0 .. side)
foreach_reverse (immutable y; 0 .. 3)
if (board[x][y].val)
moveVertically(x, y, 1);
case left:
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side)
foreach (immutable x; 1 .. side)
if (board[x][y].val)
moveHorizontally(x, y, -1);
case right:
foreach (immutable y; 0 .. side)
foreach_reverse (immutable x; 0 .. 3)
if (board[x][y].val)
moveHorizontally(x, y, 1);
Line 5,868 ⟶ 5,919:
The output is the same as the C++ version.
{{libheader| System.SysUtils}}
Line 8,083 ⟶ 8,135:
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
begin enum 123
end enum
str63 bd
colorref color(11)
byte zs
void local fn initialize
subclass window 1, @"2048",(0,0,438,438)
fn WindowSetBackgroundColor( 1, fn ColorBlack )
color(0) = fn ColorDarkGray
color(1) = fn ColorGray
color(2) = fn ColorLightGray
color(3) = fn ColorBlue
color(4) = fn ColorBrown
color(5) = fn ColorCyan
color(6) = fn ColorGreen
color(7) = fn ColorMagenta
color(8) = fn ColorOrange
color(9) = fn ColorPurple
color(10) = fn ColorYellow
color(11) = fn ColorRed
end fn
void local fn drawBoard
int x, y,r = 1, add
for y = 320 to 20 step -100
for x = 20 to 320 step 100
rect fill (x,y,98,98),color( bd[r] )
select bd[r]
case < 4 : add = 40
case < 7 : add = 30
case < 10 : add = 20
case else : add = 6
end select
if bd[r] then print %(x+add, y+25)2^bd[r]
end fn
local fn finish( won as bool )
CFStringRef s = @"GAME OVER"
CGRect r = fn windowContentRect( 1 )
r.origin.y += r.size.height - 20
r.size.height = 100
window 2,,r,NSwindowStyleMaskBorderless
if won
fn windowSetBackgroundColor( 2, color(11) )
text,24,fn ColorBlack,,NSTextAlignmentCenter
fn windowSetBackgroundColor( 2, fn ColorBlack )
text,24,fn ColorWhite,,NSTextAlignmentCenter
end if
print s
button _new,,,@"New Game", (229,20,100,32)
button _end,,,@"Quit", (109,20,100,32)
end fn
void local fn newGame
int r
text @"Arial bold", 36, fn ColorBlack, fn ColorClear
bd = chr$(0)
for r = 1 to 4
bd += bd
bd[rnd(16)] ++
r = rnd(16)
until bd[r] == 0
zs = 14
fn drawBoard
end fn
local fn play( st as short, rd as short, cd as short )
short a, b, c, t, moved = 0
for a = st to st + rd * 3 step rd
t = a
for b = a to a + cd * 3 step cd
if bd[b]
if t <> b then swap bd[t], bd[b] : moved ++
t += cd
end if
for b = a to a + cd * 2 step cd
if bd[b] > 0 && bd[b] == bd[b+cd]
bd[b]++ : c = b + cd
while c <> a+cd*3
bd[c] = bd[c+cd] : c += cd
bd[c] = 0
if bd[b] == 11 then fn drawBoard : fn finish( yes ) : exit fn
zs ++ : moved ++
end if
fn drawBoard
if moved == 0 then exit fn
b = 0 : c = rnd(zs)
while c
b ++
if bd[b] == 0 then c--
if rnd(10) - 1 then bd[b]++ else bd[b] = 2
timerbegin 0.25
fn drawBoard
if zs then exit fn
for a = 1 to 12
if bd[a] == bd[a+4] then exit fn
for a = 1 to 13 step 4
if bd[a] == bd[a+1] || bd[a+1] == bd[a+2] || bd[a+2] == bd[a+3]¬
then exit fn
fn finish( no )
end fn
local fn doDialog(ev as long,tag as long, wnd as long)
select ev
case _windowKeyDown : if window() == 2 then exit fn
select fn EventKeyCode
case _up : fn play(13, 1, -4)
case _dn : fn play( 1, 1, 4)
case _lf : fn play( 1, 4, 1)
case _rt : fn play( 4, 4, -1)
case else : exit fn
end select
case _btnClick : window close 2
if tag == _end then end
fn newGame
case _windowWillClose : if wnd == 1 then end
end select
end fn
fn initialize
fn newGame
on dialog fn doDialog
[[File:FutureBasic 2048.png]]
Line 9,107 ⟶ 9,325:
'''Works with jq, the C implementation of jq'''
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
Except for trivial changes to one or two lines in the "play" function, the following
implementation is generic with respect to the number of rows and
columns. The target value can also be specified when calling `play`.
As of this writing, neither the C nor Go implementations of jq include
a built-in PRN generator and so in the following the MRG32k3a module
available at [[:Category:jq/MRG32k3a.jq|MRG32k3a.jq]] is used.
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
include "MRG32k3a" {search: "."}; # see comment above
### Generic functions
def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l) + .;
# Create an m x n matrix with initial values specified by .
def matrix($m; $n):
if $m == 0 then []
else . as $init
| if $m == 1 then [range(0;$n) | $init]
elif $m > 0 then
matrix(1; $n) as $row
| [range(0; $m) | $row ]
else error("matrix\($m);\($n)) invalid")
### The 2048 Game
# Left-squish the input array in accordance with the game requirements for a single row
def squish:
def squish($n):
def s:
if length == 0 then [range(0;$n)|null]
elif .[0] == null then .[1:] | s
elif length == 1 then . + [range(0; $n - 1)|null]
elif .[0] == .[1] then [.[0] + .[1]] + (.[2:]|squish($n-1))
else .[0:1] + (.[1:]|squish($n-1))
# Input: a matrix of rows
def squish_left:
[.[] | squish];
def squish_right:
[.[] | reverse | squish | reverse];
def squish_up:
| [.[] | squish]
| transpose;
def squish_down:
| [.[] | reverse | squish | reverse]
| transpose;
# Gather the [i,j] co-ordinates of all the null values in the input matrix
def gather:
if length == 0 then error end
| (.[0] | length) as $cols
| [range(0;length) as $i
| range(0; $cols) as $j
| select(.[$i][$j] == null) | [$i,$j]]
| if length == 0 then error end ;
# Input: {matrix}
# Add a random 2 or 4 if possible, else error
# Output: includes .prng for the PRN generator
def add_random:
(.matrix | gather) as $gather
| ($gather | length) as $n
| if $n == 0 then error end
| if .prng == null then .prng = seed(now | tostring | sub("^.*[.]";"") | tonumber) end
| .prng |= nextFloat
| $gather[.prng.nextFloat * $n | trunc] as [$i,$j]
| .prng |= nextFloat
| (if (.prng.nextFloat) < 0.1 then 4 else 2 end) as $exmachina
| .matrix[$i][$j] = $exmachina ;
def prompt: "[ijkl] or [wasd] or q to quit or n to restart:";
def direction:
{"i": "up", "j": "left", "k": "down", "l": "right",
"w": "up", "a": "left", "s": "down", "d": "right",
"q": "quit",
"n": "restart"
# Recognize $goal as the goal
def play($goal):
# Pretty print
def pp:
.matrix[] | map(. // "." | lpad(4)) | join(" ");
def won:
any(.matrix[][]; . == $goal);
def lost:
| (squish_left == .) and (squish_right == .) and
(squish_up == .) and (squish_down == .);
def round:
if lost then "Sorry! Better luck next time.", play($goal)
else prompt,
( (try input catch halt) as $in
| .matrix as $matrix # for checking if a move is legal
| .emit = null
| direction[$in | ascii_downcase] as $direction
| if $direction == "up" then .matrix |= squish_up
elif $direction == "down" then .matrix |= squish_down
elif $direction == "left" then .matrix |= squish_left
elif $direction == "right" then .matrix |= squish_right
elif $direction == "quit" then .emit = "bye"
elif $direction == "restart" then .emit = "restart"
else .emit = "unknown direction \($direction) ... please try again."
| if .emit == "bye" then .emit, halt
elif .emit == "restart" then "Restarting...", play($goal)
elif .emit != null then .emit, round
elif .matrix == $matrix then "Disallowed direction! Please try again.", round
elif won then pp, "Congratulations!", play($goal)
else add_random | round
{ matrix: (null | matrix(4;4))}
| .matrix[2] = [null,2,2,2]
| round;
Invocation: jq -nRrf 2048.jq
. . . .
. . . .
. 2 2 2
. . . .
[ijkl] or [wasd] or q to quit or n to restart:
2 . . .
. . . .
. . 2 4
. . . .
[ijkl] or [wasd] or q to quit or n to restart:
Line 9,281 ⟶ 9,659:
const boardsize = 4
Based on F#
<syntaxhighlight lang="koka">
import std/num/random
import std/os/readline
val empty = list(0, 15).map(fn(_) 0)
fun win(l)
l.any(fn(x) x == 2048)
fun stack(l)
match l
Cons(0, tl) -> tl.stack ++ [0]
Cons(hd, tl) -> Cons(hd, tl.stack)
Nil -> Nil
fun join(l: list<int>)
match l
Cons(a, Cons(b, c)) | a == b -> Cons((a + b), c.join) ++ [0]
Cons(a, b) -> Cons(a, b.join)
Nil -> Nil
fun hit(l)
fun hitBack(l)
fun splitBy(l: list<a>, i: int): div list<list<a>>
val (a, b) = l.split(i)
match b
Cons -> Cons(a, b.splitBy(i))
Nil -> Cons(a, Nil)
fun transpose(l: list<list<a>>): <exn> list<list<a>>
match l
Cons(Cons(a, b), c) -> Cons(Cons(a, c.map(fn(x) x.head.unjust)), transpose(Cons(b, c.map(fn(x) x.tail)).unsafe-decreasing))
Cons(Nil, b) -> transpose(b)
Nil -> Nil
fun rows(l)
fun left(l)
fun right(l)
fun up(l)
fun down(l)
fun (==)(l1: list<int>, l2: list<int>): bool
match l1
Cons(a, b) -> match l2
Cons(c, d) -> a == c && b == d
Nil -> False
Nil -> match l2
Cons -> False
Nil -> True
fun lose(l)
l.left == l && l.right == l && l.up == l && l.down == l
fun numZeros(l: list<int>): int
l.filter(fn(x) x == 0).length
fun insert(l: list<int>, what: int, toWhere: int)
match l
Cons(0, tail) | tail.numZeros == toWhere -> Cons(what, tail)
Cons(head, tail) -> Cons(head, tail.insert(what, toWhere))
Nil -> Nil
fun spawnOn(l)
val newTileValue = if random-int() % 10 == 0 then 4 else 2
val newPosition = random-int() % (l.numZeros - 1)
l.insert(newTileValue, newPosition)
fun show-board(l: list<int>): div string
"\n" ++ l.rows.map(fn(r) r.map(fn(x) x.show.pad-left(4)).join("")).intersperse("\n").join("") ++ "\n"
fun quit(l)
fun quitted(l)
fun dispatch(c)
match c
'i' -> up
'j' -> left
'k' -> down
'l' -> right
'q' -> quit
_ ->
println("Unknown command: keys are ijkl to move, q to quit")
fun key()
fun turn(l)
val next = dispatch(key())(l)
if !(next == l) && next.quitted.not then
fun play(state)
if state.win || state.lose || state.quitted then
if state.quitted then
"You quit!".println
else if state.win then
"You won!".println
"You lost!".println
fun main()
print("ijkl to move, q to quit\n")
val initial = empty.spawnOn
println("Starting game...")
Line 16,352 ⟶ 16,862:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./dynamic" for Enum, Struct
import "random" for Random
import "./ioutil" for Input
import "./fmt" for Fmt
import "./str" for Str
var MoveDirection = Enum.create("MoveDirection", ["up", "down", "left", "right"])
Line 16,374 ⟶ 16,884:
_rand = Random.new()
initializeBoard() {
for (y in 0..3) {
for (x in 0..3) _board[x][y] = Tile.new(0, false)


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