Random number generator (device): Difference between revisions

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JPD 2021/07/07
Line 673 ⟶ 674:
(random-seed (current-time-milliseconds ))
(random (expt 2 32)) → 1322611152
!echo $RANDOM > /tmp/random.ed.txt
r /tmp/random.ed.txt
Line 737 ⟶ 747:
FB offers a variety of ways to generate random numbers of varying degrees of distribution and randomness accuracy. In addition to its native rnd() function which returns random integers from 1 and higher, it can also access any C library function, i.e, rand(), arc4random, arc4random_uniform, as well as random number generators in Apple's GameplayKit library. Here are a few examples:
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">
include "Tlbx GameplayKit.incl"
local fn RandomBigInteger( digits as UInt64 ) as UInt64
end fn = fn GKLinearCongruentialRandomSourceSeed( fn GKLinearCongruentialRandomSourceInit ) mod digits
local fn RandomIntegerInRange( min as UInt64, max as UInt64 ) as UInt64
UInt64 rndIntInRange = fn RandomBigInt( max - min + 1 ) + min - 1
end fn = rndIntInRange
local fn ArcRandomIntegerInRage( min as long, max as long ) as long
long i
cln i = (arc4random()%(max-min+1))+min;
end fn = fn floor(i)
// Returns double in range of 0.0 to 50.0
double r
cln r = (((double)arc4random()/0x100000000)*50);
randomInteger = rnd(expr%)
Line 854 ⟶ 890:
<syntaxhighlight lang="joy">DEFINE sysrand32 ==
"/dev/urandom" "r" fopen dup 4 fread swap fclose unswons [swap 256 * +] fold.</syntaxhighlight>
Line 1,385 ⟶ 1,425:
RAND 2 32 ^ * FLOOR
Line 1,427 ⟶ 1,470:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func urandom() {
conststatic device = %f'/dev/urandom';
device.open('<:raw', \var fh, \var err) ->
|| die "Can't open `#{device}': #{err}";
fh.sysread(\var noise, 4);
say urandom(); # sample: 35174325641989353410</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
Line 1,483 ⟶ 1,526:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "io" for File
File.open("/dev/urandom") { |file|
