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Levenshtein distance: Difference between revisions

m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(Add SETL)
(21 intermediate revisions by 15 users not shown)
Line 927:
Recursive and non-memoized method:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bruijn>
:import std/Combinator .
:import std/Char C
:import std/List .
:import std/Math .
levenshtein y [[[∅?1 ∀0 (∅?0 ∀1 (0 (1 [[[[go]]]])))]]]
go (C.eq? 3 1) (6 2 0) ++(lmin ((6 2 0) : ((6 5 0) : {}(6 2 4))))
:test ((levenshtein "rosettacode" "raisethysword") =? (+8)) ([[1]])
:test ((levenshtein "kitten" "sitting") =? (+3)) ([[1]])
Line 1,398 ⟶ 1,415:
((aref rec x y) (aref rec x y))
(t (setf (aref rec x y)
(min (+ (if (char= (char aleven (1- la x)) (char b (- lb y))) 0 1)
(min+ (leven x (1- xy)) y1)
(+ (leven (1- x) (1- y)) (if (char= (levenchar a (- la x)) (char b (1- lb y))) 0 1))))))))
(leven (1- x) (1- y)))))))))
(leven la lb))))
Line 1,700 ⟶ 1,716:
<pre>rosettacode -> raisethysword = 8</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
func dist s1$ s2$ .
if len s1$ = 0
return len s2$
if len s2$ = 0
return len s1$
c1$ = substr s1$ 1 1
c2$ = substr s2$ 1 1
s1rest$ = substr s1$ 2 len s1$
s2rest$ = substr s2$ 2 len s2$
if c1$ = c2$
return dist s1rest$ s2rest$
min = lower dist s1rest$ s2rest$ dist s1$ s2rest$
min = lower min dist s1rest$ s2rest$
return min + 1
print dist "kitten" "sitting"
print dist "rosettacode" "raisethysword"
Line 2,155 ⟶ 2,198:
Recursive version.
Based on Wikipedia algorithm. Suitable for Pascal strings.
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">window 1
local fn LevenshteinDistance( s1 as CFStringRef, s2 as CFStringRef ) as NSInteger
NSInteger result
local fn LevenshteinDistance( aStr as Str255, bStr as Str255 ) as long
dim as long m, n, i, j, min, k, l
dim as long distance( 255, 255 )
// If strings are equal, Levenshtein distance is 0
m = len$(aStr)
if ( fn StringIsEqual( s1, s2 ) ) then result = 0 : exit fn
n = len$(bStr)
// If either string is empty, then distance is the length of the other string.
for i = 0 to m
if ( distancelen(s1) i,== 0 ) then result = ilen(s2) : exit fn
if ( len(s2) == 0) then result = len(s1) : exit fn
// The remaining recursive process uses first characters and remainder of each string.
for j = 0 to n
CFStringRef s1First = fn StringSubstringToIndex( s1, 1 )
distance( 0, j ) = j
CFStringRef s2First = fn StringSubstringToIndex( s2, 1 )
CFStringRef s1Rest = mid( s1, 1, len(s1) -1 )
CFStringRef s2Rest = mid( s2, 1, len(s2) -1 )
// If leading characters are the same, then distance is that between the rest of the strings.
for j = 1 to n
if fn StringIsEqual( s1First, s2First ) then result = fn LevenshteinDistance( s1Rest, s2Rest ) : exit fn
for i = 1 to m
if mid$( aStr, i, 1 ) == mid$( bStr, j, 1 )
// Find the distances between sub strings.
distance( i, j ) = distance( i-1, j-1 )
NSInteger distA = fn LevenshteinDistance( s1Rest, s2 )
NSInteger distB = fn min = distanceLevenshteinDistance( i-1s1, j ) +s2Rest 1)
NSInteger distC = fn LevenshteinDistance( s1Rest, s2Rest )
k = distance( i, j - 1 ) + 1
l = distance( i-1, j-1 ) + 1
// Return the minimum distance between substrings.
if k < min then min = k
NSInteger minDist = distA
if l < min then min = l
if ( distB < minDist ) distance(then i, j )minDist = mindistB
if ( distC < minDist ) then minDist = distC
end if
result = minDist + 1 // Include change for the first character.
end fn = result
end fn = distance( m, n )
dim as long i
dim as Str255 testStr( 5, 2 )
NSInteger i
testStr( 0, 0 ) = "kitten" : testStr( 0, 1 ) = "sitting"
testStr( 1, 0 ) = "rosettacode" :CFStringRef testStr( 16, 12 ) = "raisethysword"
testStr( 2, 0 ) = "Saturday" : testStr( 2, 1 ) = "Sunday"
testStr( 3, 0 ) = "FutureBasic" : testStr( 3, 1 ) = "FutureBasic"
testStr( 4, 0 ) = "here's a bunch of words"
testStr( 4, 1 ) = "to wring out this code"
testStr( 0, 0 ) = @"kitten" : testStr( 0, 1 ) = @"sitting"
for i = 0 to 4
testStr( 1, print0 "1st string) = @";rosettacode" : testStr( i1, 01 ) = @"raisethysword"
testStr( 2, print0 "2nd string) = @";Saturday" : testStr( i2, 1 ) = @"Sunday"
print "Levenshtein distance ="; fn LevenshteinDistance( testStr( i3, 0 ), = @"FutureBasic" : testStr( i3, 1 ) )= @"FutureBasic"
testStr( 4, 0 ) = @"rave" : testStr( 4, 1 ) = @"ravel"
testStr( 5, 0 ) = @"black" : testStr( 5, 1 ) = @"slack"
testStr( 6, 0 ) = @"rave" : testStr( 6, 1 ) = @"grave"
for i = 0 to 6
print @"1st string = "; testStr( i, 0 )
print @"2nd string = "; testStr( i, 1 )
print @"Levenshtein distance = "; fn LevenshteinDistance( testStr( i, 0 ), testStr( i, 1 ) )
1st string = kitten
Line 2,226 ⟶ 2,271:
Levenshtein distance = 0
1st string = here's a bunch of wordsrave
2nd string = to wring out this coderavel
Levenshtein distance = 181
1st string = black
2nd string = slack
Levenshtein distance = 1
1st string = rave
2nd string = grave
Levenshtein distance = 1
Line 2,401 ⟶ 2,454:
==> 8
Io> </syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="is-basic">100 PROGRAM "Levensht.bas"
110 LET S1$="kitten":LET S2$="sitting"
120 PRINT "The Levenshtein distance between """;S1$;""" and """;S2$;""" is:";LEVDIST(S1$,S2$)
150 NUMERIC D(0 TO M,0 TO N)
160 FOR I=0 TO M
170 LET D(I,0)=I
180 NEXT
190 FOR J=0 TO N
200 LET D(0,J)=J
210 NEXT
220 FOR J=1 TO N
230 FOR I=1 TO M
240 IF S$(I)=T$(J) THEN
250 LET D(I,J)=D(I-1,J-1)
260 ELSE
270 LET D(I,J)=MIN(D(I-1,J)+1,MIN(D(I,J-1)+1,D(I-1,J-1)+1))
280 END IF
290 NEXT
300 NEXT
320 END DEF</syntaxhighlight>
Line 2,659 ⟶ 2,737:
By composition of generic functions:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">(() => {
'"use strict'";
// ------------ LEVENSHTEIN EDIT DISTANCE ------------
// levenshtein :: String -> String -> Int
const levenshtein = sa => sb => {
const// csThe =Levenshtein chars(sa);edit distance
const// gobetween =two (ns,given c) => {strings.
const calc = z => tplsb => {
const [c1, x, y]cs = Array[.from(tpl)..sa];
const go = (ns, returnc) minimum([=> {
const calc = z succ(y),=> tpl => {
succconst [c1, x, y] = Array.from(ztpl),;
x + (c !== c1 ? 1 : 0)
]); return Math.min(
1 + y,
1 + z,
x + (
c1 === c
? 0
: 1
const [n, ...ns1] = ns;
return scanl(calc)(1 + n)(
const [n, ns1] = [ns[0], ns.slice(1)];
return scanl(calc)(succ(n))last(
return last(
// ----------------------- TEST ------------------------
const main = () => [
["kitten", "sitting"],
Line 2,695 ⟶ 2,785:
// ----------------- GENERIC FUNCTIONS -----------------
// Tuple (,) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
const Tuple = a =>
b => ({
type: 'Tuple',
'0': a,
'1': b,
length: 2
// TupleN :: a -> b ... -> (a, b ... )
function TupleN() {
args = Array.from(arguments),
n = args.length;
return 2 < n ? Object.assign(
args.reduce((a, x, i) => Object.assign(a, {
[i]: x
}), {
type: 'Tuple' + n.toString(),
length: n
) : args.reduce((f, x) => f(x), Tuple);
// chars :: String -> [Char]
const chars = s =>
// enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
Line 2,736 ⟶ 2,795:
// last :: [a] -> a
const last = xs => ({
// The last item of a list.
ysconst n => 0 < ysxs.length ? (;
) : undefined
return 0 < n
// minimum :: Ord a => ? xs[a]n -> a1]
const minimum = xs => ( : null;
// The least value of xs.
ys => 0 < ys.length ? (
.reduce((a, y) => y < a ? y : a, ys[0])
) : undefined
// length :: [a] -> Int
const length = xs =>
// Returns Infinity over objects without finite
// length. This enables zip and zipWith to choose
// the shorter argument when one is non-finite,
// like cycle, repeat etc
'GeneratorFunction' !== xs.constructor.constructor.name ? (
) : Infinity;
// scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
const scanl = f => startValue => xs =>
// The series of interim values arising
xs.reduce((a, x) => {
// from a catamorphism. constParallel vto = f(a[0])(x);foldl.
startValue => xs =>
return Tuple(v)(a[1].concat(v));
}, Tuple(startValue) xs.reduce([startValue]))[1];
(a, x) => {
const v = f(a[0])(x);
return [v, a[1].concat(v)];
}, [startValue, [startValue]]
// succ :: Enum a => a -> a
const succ = x => )[1];
1 + x;
Line 2,782 ⟶ 2,823:
// A function over a pair, derived
// from a curried function.
function (...args) => {
args[x, y] = arguments,Boolean(args.length % 2)
xy = Boolean(args.length % 2) ? (args[0]
: args[0];
) : args;
return f(xy[0]x)(xy[1]y);
Line 2,794 ⟶ 2,835:
// zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]
const zip3 = xs =>
ys => zs => xs.slice(
.slice(0, Math.min(...[xs, ys, zs].map(length)))
.map((x, i) => TupleN Math.min(x...[xs, ys[i], zs[i].map(x => x.length));
.map((x, i) => [x, ys[i], zs[i]]);
// MAIN ---
return JSON.stringify(main());
Line 3,690 ⟶ 3,734:
echo levenshteinDistance("kitten","sitting")
echo levenshteinDistance("rosettacode","raisethysword")</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">MODULE LevesteinDistance;
IMPORT Out,Strings;
maxlen = 15;
d:ARRAY maxlen,maxlen OF LONGINT;
END Min;
lens := Strings.Length(s);
lent := Strings.Length(t);
IF lens = 0 THEN RETURN lent
ELSIF lent = 0 THEN RETURN lens
FOR i := 0 TO lens DO d[i,0] := i END;
FOR j := 0 TO lent DO d[0,j] := j END;
FOR i := 1 TO lens DO
FOR j := 1 TO lent DO
IF s[i-1] = t[j-1] THEN
d[i,j] := d[i-1,j-1]
d[i,j] := Min((d[i-1,j] + 1),
Min(d[i,j-1] + 1, d[i-1,j-1] + 1));
RETURN d[lens,lent];
END Levestein;
Out.String(" -> ");
Out.String(": ");
END ShowDistance;
ShowDistance("kitten", "sitting");
ShowDistance("rosettacode", "raisethysword");
END LevesteinDistance.
<pre>kitten -> sitting: 3
rosettacode -> raisethysword: 8
Line 5,121 ⟶ 5,226:
Levenshtein distance('saturday', 'sunday') == 3
Levenshtein distance('rosettacode', 'raisethysword') == 8</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="refal">$ENTRY Go {
= <Show ('kitten') ('sitting')>
<Show ('rosettacode') ('raisethysword')>;
Show {
(e.A) (e.B) = <Prout e.A ' -> ' e.B ': ' <Lev (e.A) (e.B)>>;
Lev {
(e.A) (), <Lenw e.A>: s.L e.A = s.L;
() (e.B), <Lenw e.B>: s.L e.B = s.L;
(s.C e.A) (s.C e.B) = <Lev (e.A) (e.B)>;
(e.A) (e.B), e.A: s.HA e.LA, e.B: s.HB e.LB =
<+ 1 <Min <Lev (e.LA) (e.B)>
<Lev (e.A) (e.LB)>
<Lev (e.LA) (e.LB)>>>;
Min {
s.N = s.N;
s.M s.N e.X, <Compare s.M s.N>: {
'-' = <Min s.M e.X>;
s.X = <Min s.N e.X>;
<pre>kitten -> sitting: 3
rosettacode -> raisethysword: 8</pre>
Line 5,472 ⟶ 5,608:
distance(saturday, sunday) = 3
distance(rosettacode, raisethysword) = 8
{{works with|HP|28}}
{| class="wikitable"
! RPL code
! Comment
≪ DUP2 SIZE SWAP SIZE → a b lb la
≪ '''IF''' la lb * NOT '''THEN''' la lb +
a 2 la SUB b 2 lb SUB DUP2 <span style="color:blue">LEV</span>
'''IF''' a 1 1 SUB b 1 1 SUB == '''THEN'''
a ROT <span style="color:blue">LEV</span> ROT b <span style="color:blue">LEV</span>
'''END END'''
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">LEV</span>' STO
<span style="color:blue">LEV</span> ''( "a" "b" → distance )''
if |a|=0 or [b|=0 then return resp. [b| or |a|
put tail(a), tail(b) and lev(tail(a),tail(b)) in stack
if a[1]=b[1} then
clean stack and return lev(tail(a),tail(b))
put lev(a,tail(b)) and lev(tail(a),b) in stack
return min of the 3 values in stack and add 1
"kitten" "sitting" <span style="color:blue">LEV</span>
"Summer" "Winter" <span style="color:blue">LEV</span>
"Levenshtein" "Levenshtein" <span style="color:blue">LEV</span>
3: 3
2: 4
1: 0
===Iterative implementation (Wagner-Fischer algorithm)===
index of arrays and strings start with 1 in RPL, so the main trick in translating the algorithm given by Wikipedia was to manage the offsets properly. The distance between "rosettacode" and "raisethysword" is within the reach of a calculator (emulated or not), unlike the above recursive approach.
{{works with|HP|48}}
{| class="wikitable"
! RPL code
! Comment
DUP2 { } + + ≪ SIZE ≫ DOLIST 1 ADD 0 CON → a b d
≪ 1 a SIZE '''FOR''' h
'd' h 1 + 1 2 →LIST h PUT '''NEXT'''
1 b SIZE '''FOR''' j
'd' 1 j 1 + 2 →LIST j PUT '''NEXT'''
1 b SIZE '''FOR''' j
1 a SIZE '''FOR''' h
a h DUP SUB b j DUP SUB ≠
'd' h j 2 →LIST GET +
'd' h j 1 + 2 →LIST GET 1 +
'd' h 1 + j 2 →LIST GET 1 +
MIN MIN 'd' h 1 + j 1 + 2 →LIST ROT PUT
≫ ≫ '<span style="color:blue">LEV2</span>' STO
<span style="color:blue">LEV2</span> ''( "a" "b" → distance )''
declare int d[0..m, 0..n] and set each element in d to zero
for h from 1 to m: <span style="color:grey>// h replaces i, which is √-1 in RPL</span>
d[h, 0] := i <span style="color:grey>// RPL array indexes start with 1</span>
for j from 1 to n:
d[0, j] := j
for j from 1 to n:
for h from 1 to m:
substitutionCost := ( s[h] <> t[j] )
d[h, j] := minimum(d[h-1, j-1] + substitutionCost,
d[h-1, j] + 1,
d[h, j-1] + 1)
return d[m, n]
"rosettacode" "raisethysword" <span style="color:blue">LEV2</span>
1: 8
Line 5,789 ⟶ 6,015:
<syntaxhighlight lang="setl">program levenshtein_distance;
tests := {['kitten', 'sitting'], ['rosettacode', 'raisethysword']};
loop for dest = tests(src) do
print(src + ' -> ' + dest + ': ' + str levenshtein(src, dest));
end loop;
proc levenshtein(s, t);
d := {};
loop for i in [1..#s] do
d(i,0) := i;
end loop;
loop for j in [1..#t] do
d(0,j) := j;
end loop;
loop for j in [1..#t] do
loop for i in [1..#s] do
d(i,j) := min/[
(d(i-1,j) ? 0) + 1,
(d(i,j-1) ? 0) + 1,
(d(i-1,j-1) ? 0) + if s(i) = t(j) then 0 else 1 end
end loop;
end loop;
return d(#s, #t);
end proc;
end program;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>kitten -> sitting: 3
rosettacode -> raisethysword: 8</pre>
Line 5,796 ⟶ 6,052:
t || return s.len
var s1 = s.ftslice(1)
var t1 = t.ftslice(1)
s[0] == t[0] ? __FUNC__(s1, t1)
Line 6,094 ⟶ 6,350:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ubasic-4th">
' Uses the "iterative with two matrix rows" algorithm
' referred to in the Wikipedia article.
' create two integer arrays of distances
Dim @u(128) ' previous
Dim @v(128) ' current
Print "'kitten' to 'sitting' => ";
Print FUNC(_Levenshtein ("kitten", "sitting"))
Print "'rosettacode' to 'raisethysword' => ";
Print FUNC(_Levenshtein ("rosettacode", "raisethysword"))
Print "'sleep' to 'fleeting' => ";
Print FUNC(_Levenshtein ("sleep", "fleeting"))
Param (2)
Local (3)
' degenerate cases
If Comp(a@, b@) = 0 Then Return (0)
If Len(a@) = 0 Then Return (Len(b@))
If Len(b@) = 0 Then Return (Len(a@))
' initialize v0
For c@ = 0 To Len(b@)
@u(c@) = c@
For c@ = 0 To Len(a@) - 1
' calculate @v() from @u()
@v(0) = c@ + 1
For d@ = 0 To Len(b@) - 1
e@ = IIf(Peek (a@, c@) = Peek (b@, d@), 0, 1)
@v(d@ + 1) = min(@v(d@) + 1, Min(@u(d@ + 1) + 1, @u(d@) + e@))
' copy @v() to @u() for next iteration
For d@ = 0 To Len(b@)
@u(d@) = @v(d@)
Return (@v(Len(b@)))
<syntaxhighlight lang="uiua">
Lev ← |1 memo(
/↥≡◇⧻ # If either is zero, return length of other
| /≍≡◇⊢. # Both start with same letter?
# NO: 1 + min(Lev of (tail a, tail b), (tail a, b), (a, tail b))
Lev ⍚↘1 # YES: = Lev of (tail a, tail b)
Lev {"kitten" "sitting"}
Lev {"rosettacode" "raisethysword"}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vala">class LevenshteinDistance : Object {
Line 6,319 ⟶ 6,651:
Return Matrix(String1.Length - 1, String2.Length - 1)
End Function</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="Zig">
import strings
fn main() {
println(strings.levenshtein_distance("kitten", "sitting"))
println(strings.levenshtein_distance("rosettacode", "raisethysword"))
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var levenshtein = Fn.new { |s, t|
var ls = s.count
var lt = t.count
Line 6,352 ⟶ 6,700:
'''Works with:''' 0.11.x, 0.12.0-dev.1381+61861ef39
For 0.10.x, replace @min(a, b, c) with std.math.min3(a, b, c).
Recursive method without memoization.
<syntaxhighlight lang="zig">const std = @import("std");
fn levenshtein(s: []const u8, t: []const u8) usize {
// If either string is empty, difference is inserting all chars
// from the other
if (s.len == 0) return t.len;
if (t.len == 0) return s.len;
// If last letters are the same, the difference is whatever is
// required to edit the rest of the strings
if (s[s.len - 1] == t[t.len - 1])
return levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
// Else try:
// changing last letter of s to that of t; or
// remove last letter of s; or
// remove last letter of t,
// any of which is 1 edit plus editing the rest of the strings
const a = levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
const b = levenshtein(s, t[0 .. t.len - 1]);
const c = levenshtein(s[0 .. s.len - 1], t);
return @min(a, b, c) + 1;
pub fn main() std.fs.File.WriteError!void {
const stdout = std.io.getStdOut();
const stdout_w = stdout.writer();
const s1 = "rosettacode";
const s2 = "raisethysword";
try stdout_w.print("distance between '{s}' and '{s}': {d}\n", .{ s1, s2, levenshtein(s1, s2) });


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