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Elementary cellular automaton: Difference between revisions

m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
(9 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 1:
{{task}}[[Category:Cellular automata]]
An '''[[wp:elementary cellular automaton|elementary cellular automaton]]''' is a one-dimensional [[wp:cellular automaton|cellular automaton]] where there are two possible states (labeled 0 and 1) and the rule to determine the state of a cell in the next generation depends only on the current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors. Those three values can be encoded with three bits.
Line 13:
This task is basically a generalization of [[one-dimensional cellular automata]].
;Related tasks:
* [[One-dimensional_cellular_automata|One-dimensional cellular automata]]
;See also
Line 915 ⟶ 918:
48: #.....#.....#.....# #...##.####....##.. ####...........####
49: ##...#.#...#.#...## ##.##..#...#..##.## ...##.........##...</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
global celln[] cell[] .
len map[] 8
proc evolve . .
for i = 1 to len cell[]
ind = 0
for j = i + 1 downto i - 1
ind = ind * 2 + cell[j mod1 len cell[]]
celln[i] = map[ind + 1]
swap celln[] cell[]
proc show . .
c$[] = [ "." "#" ]
for v in cell[]
write c$[v + 1]
print ""
proc run map count inp[] . .
for i to 8
map[i] = map mod 2
map = map div 2
swap cell[] inp[]
len celln[] len cell[]
for i to count
print ""
run 104 9 [ 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ]
run 90 9 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
run 122 15 [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
Line 1,420 ⟶ 1,505:
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation &mdash;i.e. XML, JSON&mdash; they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.
Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its [https://formulae.org website], However they run on execution servers. By default remote servers are used, but they are limited in memory and processing power, since they are intended for demonstration and casual use. A local server can be downloaded and installed, it has no limitations (it runs in your own computer). Because of that, example programs can be fully visualized and edited, but some of them will not run if they require a moderate or heavy computation/memory resources, and no local server is being used.
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Elementary cellular automaton 01.png]]
In '''[https://formulae.org/?example=Elementary_cellular_automaton this]''' page you can see the program(s) related to this task and their results.
'''Test case.''' Generating all the 256 values:
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Elementary cellular automaton 02.png]]
[[File:Fōrmulæ - Elementary cellular automaton 03.png]]
Line 1,512 ⟶ 1,603:
<syntaxhighlight lang="peri">
###sysinclude standard.uh
###sysinclude system.uh
###sysinclude args.uh
###sysinclude str.uh
#g argc 4 < { ."Usage: " 0 argv sprint SPACE 1 argv sprint SPACE ."rule size\n"
."The \"rule\" and \"size\" are numbers.\n"
."0<=rule<=255\n" end }
terminallines 3 - sto gen
3 argv #s (#g) sto maxcell
2 argv (#g) sto rule
#g argc 5 >= { 4 argv #s (#g) sto gen }
@maxcell mem !maximize sto livingspace
@maxcell mem sto originallivingspace
@maxcell {{ @livingspace {{}} 0 inv [] }} @livingspace @maxcell #g 2 / 1 inv []
originallivingspace @livingspace #s =
livingspace {~ #k {~?~} { '* }{ '. } print ~} NL
livingspace~ lsp: {{
zero aa
@originallivingspace {{}} ? @maxcell -- [] { 4 sto aa }
@originallivingspace {{}} [] { @aa 2 | sto aa }
@originallivingspace {{+}} @maxcell == { 0 }{ {{+}} } [] { @aa 1 | sto aa }
8 {{ @rule 1 {{}} << & {
{{}} @aa == { @livingspace {{}}§lsp 1 inv [] {{<}}§lsp }
z: @livingspace {{}} 0 inv [] {{<}}
#s @originallivingspace @livingspace == { {.>.} }
@gen { {..} @gen #g == { {.>.} } }
{..} sto l
."Generations: " l #g printnl
@livingspace inv mem
@originallivingspace inv mem
{ „maxcell” }
{ „rule” }
{ „state” }
{ „livingspace” }
{ „originallivingspace” }
{ „aa” }
{ „gen” }
// ===============================================================================
peri eca.upu 90 100 33
Generations: 33
=={{header|GFA Basic}}==
Line 2,109 ⟶ 2,290:
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">
struct Automaton
const lines = 10
const start = ".........#........."
const rules = [90, 30, 14]
Automaton(n::Int) = new(
rule2poss(rule) = [rule & (1 << (i - 1))[c !== 0'#' for ic in 1:8".........#........."],
i -> isone.(digits(n; base = 2, pad = 8))[i])
cells2bools(cells) = [cells[i] == '#' for i in 1:length(cells)]
bools2cells(bset) = prod([bset[i] ? "#" : "." for i in 1:length(bset)])
function transform(bset, ruleposs)
newbset = map(x->ruleposs[x],
[bset[i - 1] * 4 + bset[i] * 2 + bset[i + 1] + 1
for i in 2:length(bset)-1])
vcat(newbset[end], newbset, newbset[1])
Base.iterate(a::Automaton, g = a.g₀) =
const startset = cells2bools(start)
g, @. a.rule(4*[g[end];g[1:end-1]] + 2*g + [g[2:end];g[1]] + 1)
for rul in rules
Base.show(io::IO, a::Automaton) =
println("\nUsing Rule $rul:")
for g in Iterators.take(a, 10)
bset = vcat(startset[end], startset, startset[1]) # wrap ends
println(io, join(c ? '#' : '.' for c ∈ g))
rp = rule2poss(rul)
for _ in 1:lines
println(bools2cells(bset[2:end-1])) # unwrap ends
bset = transform(bset, rp)
</syntaxhighlight> {{output}} <pre>
Using Rule 90:
for n ∈ [90, 30, 14]
Using Rule 30:
println("rule $n:")
end</syntaxhighlight> {{output}}
rule 90:
rule 30:
rule 14:
Using Rule 14:
Line 2,361 ⟶ 2,536:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="miniscript">ElementaryCellularAutomaton = {"state": null, "rules": [], "ruleNum": 0}
ElementaryCellularAutomaton.init = function(n, state)
oneD = new ElementaryCellularAutomaton
oneD.state = state.split("")
oneD.ruleNum = n
oneD.rules = oneD.__createRules(n)
return oneD
end function
ElementaryCellularAutomaton.__createRules = function(n)
bits = self.__bitString(n)
rules = []
for i in range(7,0)
if bits[7-i] == "*" then rules.push(self.__bitString(i,3))
end for
return rules
end function
ElementaryCellularAutomaton.__bitString = function(n, width = 8)
s = ""
while s.len < width
s = char(46 - (n % 2) * 4) + s
n = floor(n / 2)
end while
return s
end function
ElementaryCellularAutomaton.evolve = function
length = self.state.len
newState = []
for i in range(0, length - 1)
s = ""
for j in [-1,0,1]
s += self.state[(i + j + length) % length]
end for
if self.rules.indexOf(s) != null then
newState.push "*"
newState.push "."
end if
end for
self.state = newState
end function
ElementaryCellularAutomaton.getState = function
output = self.state.join("")
return output
end function
getAllStates = function(cells)
s = ""
for i in range(0, cells.len - 1)
s += " " + cells[i].getState
end for
return s
end function
// Main program
automata = []
startState = "." * 15 + "*" + "." * 15
s = " "
for i in [30,60,90]
s += " " * 13 + "Rule " + i + " " * 12
automata.push(ElementaryCellularAutomaton.init(i, startState))
end for
print s
for i in range(0, 99)
s = "0" * 2 + str(i)
s = s[-3:]
s += getAllStates(automata)
print s
for j in range(0, automata.len - 1)
end for
end for
// display last evolution
s = "100"
s += getAllStates(automata)
print s
<pre> Rule 30 Rule 60 Rule 90
000 ...............*............... ...............*............... ...............*...............
001 ..............***.............. ...............**.............. ..............*.*..............
002 .............**..*............. ...............*.*............. .............*...*.............
003 ............**.****............ ...............****............ ............*.*.*.*............
004 ...........**..*...*........... ...............*...*........... ...........*.......*...........
005 ..........**.****.***.......... ...............**..**.......... ..........*.*.....*.*..........
006 .........**..*....*..*......... ...............*.*.*.*......... .........*...*...*...*.........
007 ........**.****..******........ ...............********........ ........*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*........
008 .......**..*...***.....*....... ...............*.......*....... .......*...............*.......
009 ......**.****.**..*...***...... ...............**......**...... ......*.*.............*.*......
010 .....**..*....*.****.**..*..... ...............*.*.....*.*..... .....*...*...........*...*.....
011 ....**.****..**.*....*.****.... ...............****....****.... ....*.*.*.*.........*.*.*.*....
012 ...**..*...***..**..**.*...*... ...............*...*...*...*... ...*.......*.......*.......*...
013 ..**.****.**..***.***..**.***.. ...............**..**..**..**.. ..*.*.....*.*.....*.*.....*.*..
014 .**..*....*.***...*..***..*..*. ...............*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.
015 **.****..**.*..*.*****..******* ...............**************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
016 ...*...***..****.*....***...... *..............*............... *.............................*
017 ..***.**..***....**..**..*..... **.............**.............. **...........................**
018 .**...*.***..*..**.***.****.... *.*............*.*............. .**.........................**.
019 **.*.**.*..******..*...*...*... ****...........****............ ****.......................****
020 *..*.*..****.....****.***.***.* *...*..........*...*........... ...**.....................**...
021 .***.****...*...**....*...*...* **..**.........**..**.......... ..****...................****..
022 .*...*...*.***.**.*..***.***.** *.*.*.*........*.*.*.*......... .**..**.................**..**.
023 .**.***.**.*...*..****...*...*. ********.......********........ ********...............********
024 **..*...*..**.*****...*.***.*** *.......*......*.......*....... .......**.............**.......
025 ..****.*****..*....*.**.*...*.. **......**.....**......**...... ......****...........****......
026 .**....*....****..**.*..**.***. *.*.....*.*....*.*.....*.*..... .....**..**.........**..**.....
027 **.*..***..**...***..****..*..* ****....****...****....****.... ....********.......********....
028 ...****..***.*.**..***...****** *...*...*...*..*...*...*...*... ...**......**.....**......**...
029 *.**...***...*.*.***..*.**..... **..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.. ..****....****...****....****..
030 *.*.*.**..*.**.*.*..***.*.*...* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .**..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.
031 ..*.*.*.***.*..*.****...*.**.** ***************.*************** ***************.***************
032 ***.*.*.*...****.*...*.**.*..*. ...............**.............. ..............*.*..............
033 *...*.*.**.**....**.**.*..****. ...............*.*............. .............*...*.............
034 **.**.*.*..*.*..**..*..****.... ...............****............ ............*.*.*.*............
035 *..*..*.****.****.******...*..* ...............*...*........... ...........*.......*...........
036 .******.*....*....*.....*.***** ...............**..**.......... ..........*.*.....*.*..........
037 .*......**..***..***...**.*.... ...............*.*.*.*......... .........*...*...*...*.........
038 ***....**.***..***..*.**..**... ...............********........ ........*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*........
039 *..*..**..*..***..***.*.***.*.* ...............*.......*....... .......*...............*.......
040 .******.******..***...*.*...*.* ...............**......**...... ......*.*.............*.*......
041 .*......*.....***..*.**.**.**.* ...............*.*.....*.*..... .....*...*...........*...*.....
042 .**....***...**..***.*..*..*..* ...............****....****.... ....*.*.*.*.........*.*.*.*....
043 .*.*..**..*.**.***...********** ...............*...*...*...*... ...*.......*.......*.......*...
044 .*.****.***.*..*..*.**......... ...............**..**..**..**.. ..*.*.....*.*.....*.*.....*.*..
045 **.*....*...*******.*.*........ ...............*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.
046 *..**..***.**.......*.**......* ...............**************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
047 .***.***...*.*.....**.*.*....** *..............*............... *.............................*
048 .*...*..*.**.**...**..*.**..**. **.............**.............. **...........................**
049 ***.*****.*..*.*.**.***.*.***.* *.*............*.*............. .**.........................**.
050 ....*.....****.*.*..*...*.*...* ****...........****............ ****.......................****
051 *..***...**....*.*****.**.**.** *...*..........*...*........... ...**.....................**...
052 .***..*.**.*..**.*.....*..*..*. **..**.........**..**.......... ..****...................****..
053 **..***.*..****..**...********* *.*.*.*........*.*.*.*......... .**..**.................**..**.
054 ..***...****...***.*.**........ ********.......********........ ********...............********
055 .**..*.**...*.**...*.*.*....... *.......*......*.......*....... .......**.............**.......
056 **.***.*.*.**.*.*.**.*.**...... **......**.....**......**...... ......****...........****......
057 *..*...*.*.*..*.*.*..*.*.*....* *.*.....*.*....*.*.....*.*..... .....**..**.........**..**.....
058 .****.**.*.****.*.****.*.**..** ****....****...****....****.... ....********.......********....
059 .*....*..*.*....*.*....*.*.***. *...*...*...*..*...*...*...*... ...**......**.....**......**...
060 ***..*****.**..**.**..**.*.*..* **..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.. ..****....****...****....****..
061 ...***.....*.***..*.***..*.**** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .**..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.
062 *.**..*...**.*..***.*..***.*... ***************.*************** ***************.***************
063 *.*.****.**..****...****...**.* ...............**.............. ..............*.*..............
064 ..*.*....*.***...*.**...*.**..* ...............*.*............. .............*...*.............
065 ***.**..**.*..*.**.*.*.**.*.*** ...............****............ ............*.*.*.*............
066 ....*.***..****.*..*.*.*..*.*.. ...............*...*........... ...........*.......*...........
067 ...**.*..***....****.*.****.**. ...............**..**.......... ..........*.*.....*.*..........
068 ..**..****..*..**....*.*....*.* ...............*.*.*.*......... .........*...*...*...*.........
069 ***.***...******.*..**.**..**.* ...............********........ ........*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*........
070 ....*..*.**......****..*.***..* ...............*.......*....... .......*...............*.......
071 *..*****.*.*....**...***.*..*** ...............**......**...... ......*.*.............*.*......
072 .***.....*.**..**.*.**...****.. ...............*.*.....*.*..... .....*...*...........*...*.....
073 **..*...**.*.***..*.*.*.**...*. ...............****....****.... ....*.*.*.*.........*.*.*.*....
074 *.****.**..*.*..***.*.*.*.*.**. ...............*...*...*...*... ...*.......*.......*.......*...
075 *.*....*.***.****...*.*.*.*.*.. ...............**..**..**..**.. ..*.*.....*.*.....*.*.....*.*..
076 *.**..**.*...*...*.**.*.*.*.*** ...............*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.
077 ..*.***..**.***.**.*..*.*.*.*.. ...............**************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*
078 .**.*..***..*...*..****.*.*.**. *..............*............... *.............................*
079 **..****..****.*****....*.*.*.* **.............**.............. **...........................**
080 ..***...***....*....*..**.*.*.* *.*............*.*............. .**.........................**.
081 ***..*.**..*..***..*****..*.*.* ****...........****............ ****.......................****
082 ...***.*.******..***....***.*.* *...*..........*...*........... ...**.....................**...
083 *.**...*.*.....***..*..**...*.* **..**.........**..**.......... ..****...................****..
084 ..*.*.**.**...**..******.*.**.* *.*.*.*........*.*.*.*......... .**..**.................**..**.
085 ***.*.*..*.*.**.***......*.*..* ********.......********........ ********...............********
086 ....*.****.*.*..*..*....**.**** *.......*......*.......*....... .......**.............**.......
087 *..**.*....*.********..**..*... **......**.....**......**...... ......****...........****......
088 ****..**..**.*.......***.****.* *.*.....*.*....*.*.....*.*..... .....**..**.........**..**.....
089 ....***.***..**.....**...*....* ****....****...****....****.... ....********.......********....
090 *..**...*..***.*...**.*.***..** *...*...*...*..*...*...*...*... ...**......**.....**......**...
091 .***.*.*****...**.**..*.*..***. **..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.. ..****....****...****....****..
092 **...*.*....*.**..*.***.****..* *.*.*.*.*.*.*.**.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. .**..**..**..**.**..**..**..**.
093 ..*.**.**..**.*.***.*...*...*** ***************.*************** ***************.***************
094 ***.*..*.***..*.*...**.***.**.. ...............**.............. ..............*.*..............
095 *...****.*..***.**.**..*...*.** ...............*.*............. .............*...*.............
096 .*.**....****...*..*.****.**.*. ...............****............ ............*.*.*.*............
097 **.*.*..**...*.*****.*....*..** ...............*...*........... ...........*.......*...........
098 ...*.****.*.**.*.....**..*****. ...............**..**.......... ..........*.*.....*.*..........
099 ..**.*....*.*..**...**.***....* ...............*.*.*.*......... .........*...*...*...*.........
100 ***..**..**.****.*.**..*..*..** ...............********........ ........*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*........
Line 3,629 ⟶ 3,993:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./fmt" for Conv
var SIZE = 32
Line 3,681 ⟶ 4,045:
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">def Width = 32, Rule = 90; \ = %0101_1010
int Gen, Old, New, Shift, Triad;
[New:= 1<<(Width/2);
for Gen:= 0 to 15 do
[Old:= New;
repeat ChOut(0, if New&1 then ^* else ^ );
New:= New>>1;
until New = 0;
New:= 0; Shift:= 1;
repeat Triad:= Old & %111;
if Rule & 1<<Triad then
New:= New + 1<<Shift;
Old:= Old>>1;
Shift:= Shift+1;
until Shift >= Width;
* *
* *
* * * *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * * * * *
* *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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