Last list item: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: Re-added sorted version, with the correct positioning of the new element (was wrong due to an error in translation)
Line 12: Line 12:
===With sorting===
===With sorting===
<lang algol68>BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedely adding the sum #
<lang algol68>
BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedely adding the sum #
# of the two smallest elements and removing them #
# of the two smallest elements and removing them #
# Quicksorts in-place the array of integers a, from lb to ub #
# Quicksorts in-place the array of integers a, from lb to ub #
Line 55: Line 54:
print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )
print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )

Revision as of 12:57, 24 October 2021

Last list item is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

List = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
Find the two smallest items, remove them from the list, find their sum, and add the sum to the end of list.
Repeat until the list contains one element.
Show the steps and last item on this page.
Show the unsorted list in output in case "Without sort"


With sorting

Translation of: Wren

<lang algol68>BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedely adding the sum #

     # of the two smallest elements and removing them #
   # Quicksorts in-place the array of integers a, from lb to ub #
   PROC quicksort = ( REF[]INT a, INT lb, ub )VOID:
        IF ub > lb THEN
           # more than one element, so must sort #
           INT left   := lb;
           INT right  := ub;
           # choosing the middle element of the array as the pivot #
           INT pivot  := a[ left + ( ( right + 1 ) - left ) OVER 2 ];
               WHILE IF left  <= ub THEN a[ left  ] < pivot ELSE FALSE FI DO left  +:= 1 OD;
               WHILE IF right >= lb THEN a[ right ] > pivot ELSE FALSE FI DO right -:= 1 OD;
               left <= right
               INT t      := a[ left  ];
               a[ left  ] := a[ right ];
               a[ right ] := t;
               left      +:= 1;
               right     -:= 1
           quicksort( a, lb,   right );
           quicksort( a, left, ub    )
        FI # quicksort # ;
   [ 1 : 9 ]INT a := ( 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11 );
   INT a count := UPB a;
   WHILE a count > 1 DO
       quicksort( a, LWB a, a count );
       print( ( "Sorted list:" ) );FOR i TO a count DO print( ( " ", whole( a[ i ], 0 ) ) ) OD;
       INT sum = a[ 1 ] + a[ 2 ];
       print( ( "; two smallest: " , whole( a[ 1 ], 0 )
              , " + ", whole( a[ 2 ], 0 )
              , " = ", whole( sum, 0 )
              , newline
       a[ 1 : a count - 2 ] := a[ 3 : a count ];
       a count     -:= 1  ;
       a[ a count ] := sum
   print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )


Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243; two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243; two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
Sorted list: 105 123 150 243; two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
Sorted list: 150 228 243; two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
Sorted list: 243 378; two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.

Without sorting

Was a translation of the sorted Wren version but the sorting has been removed as per the revised task requirements. <lang algol68>BEGIN # find the last element after repeatedly adding the sum #

     # of the two smallest elements and removing them #
   [ 1 : 9 ]INT a := ( 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11 );
   INT a count := UPB a;
   WHILE a count > 1 DO
       print( ( "List:" ) );FOR i TO a count DO print( ( " ", whole( a[ i ], 0 ) ) ) OD;
       INT s1pos, s2pos;
       IF a[ 1 ] < a[ 2 ]
       THEN s1pos := 1; s2pos := 2
       ELSE s1pos := 2; s2pos := 1
       FOR i FROM 3 TO a count DO
           IF   a[ i ] < a[ s1pos ] THEN s2pos := s1pos; s1pos := i
           ELIF a[ i ] < a[ s2pos ] THEN s2pos := i
       INT sum = a[ s1pos ] + a[ s2pos ];
       print( ( "; two smallest: " , whole( a[ s1pos ], 0 ), " @ ", whole( s1pos, 0 )
              , " and ",             whole( a[ s2pos ], 0 ), " @ ", whole( s2pos, 0 )
              , "; sum = ", whole( sum, 0 )
              , newline
       INT m pos := 0;
       FOR i TO a count DO
           IF i /= s1pos AND i /= s2pos THEN a[ m pos +:= 1 ] := a[ i ] FI
       a[ m pos + 1 ] := sum;
       a count -:= 1  
   print( ( "Last item is ", whole( a[ 1 ], 0 ), ".", newline ) )

END </lang>

List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11; two smallest: 6 @ 1 and 11 @ 9; sum = 17
List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17; two smallest: 14 @ 3 and 17 @ 8; sum = 31
List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31; two smallest: 25 @ 3 and 31 @ 7; sum = 56
List: 81 243 49 123 69 56; two smallest: 49 @ 3 and 56 @ 6; sum = 105
List: 81 243 123 69 105; two smallest: 69 @ 4 and 81 @ 1; sum = 150
List: 243 123 105 150; two smallest: 105 @ 3 and 123 @ 2; sum = 228
List: 243 150 228; two smallest: 150 @ 2 and 228 @ 3; sum = 378
List: 243 378; two smallest: 243 @ 1 and 378 @ 2; sum = 621
Last item is 621.


With sorting

Translation of: Wren

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {

   int aa = *(const int *)a;
   int bb = *(const int *)b;
   if (aa < bb) return -1;
   if (aa > bb) return 1;
   return 0;


int main() {

   int a[] = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
   int isize = sizeof(int);
   int asize = sizeof(a) / isize;
   int i, sum;
   while (asize > 1) {
       qsort(a, asize, isize, compare);
       printf("Sorted list: ");
       for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) printf("%d ", a[i]);
       sum = a[0] + a[1];
       printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", a[0], a[1], sum);
       for (i = 2; i < asize; ++i) a[i-2] = a[i];
       a[asize - 2] = sum;
   printf("Last item is %d.\n", a[0]);
   return 0;


Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243 
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243 
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243 
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243 
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243 
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
Sorted list: 105 123 150 243 
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
Sorted list: 150 228 243 
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
Sorted list: 243 378 
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.

Without sorting

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int findMin(int a[], int asize, int *pmin) {

   int i, ix = 0;
   *pmin = a[0];
   for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) {
       if (a[i] < *pmin) {
           ix = i;
           *pmin = a[i];
   return ix;


int main() {

   int a[] = {6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11};
   int isize = sizeof(int);
   int asize = sizeof(a) / isize;
   int i, j, sum, ix, min = 0, s[2];
   while (asize > 1) {
       printf("List: ");
       for (i = 0; i < asize; ++i) printf("%d ", a[i]);
       for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
           ix = findMin(a, asize, &min);
           s[i] = min;
           for (j = ix+1; j < asize; ++j) a[j-1] = a[j];
       sum = s[0] + s[1];
       printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", s[0], s[1], sum);
       a[asize] = sum;
   printf("Last item is %d.\n", a[0]);
   return 0;


List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17 
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31 
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
List: 81 243 49 123 69 56 
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
List: 81 243 123 69 105 
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
List: 243 123 105 150 
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
List: 243 150 228 
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
List: 243 378 
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-06-02

<lang factor>USING: formatting io kernel math math.statistics prettyprint sequences sequences.extras ;

list. ( seq -- )
   "List: " write [ bl ] [ pprint ] interleave nl ;
smallest. ( seq -- )
   first2 2dup + "Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n" printf ;
remove-all-first! ( seq elts -- seq' )
   [ swap remove-first! ] each ;
step ( seq -- seq' )
   dup { 0 1 } kth-smallests tuck remove-all-first! over
   smallest. swap sum suffix! ;

V{ 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11 } [ dup length 1 > ] [ dup list. step ] while last "Last item is %d.\n" printf</lang>

List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
List: 81 243 25 49 123 69 31
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
List: 81 243 49 123 69 56
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
List: 81 243 123 69 105
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
List: 243 123 105 150
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
List: 243 150 228
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
List: 243 378
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.


Translation of: Wren

With sorting

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   a := []int{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11}
   for len(a) > 1 {
       fmt.Println("Sorted list:", a)
       sum := a[0] + a[1]
       fmt.Printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", a[0], a[1], sum)
       a = append(a, sum)
       a = a[2:]
   fmt.Println("Last item is", a[0], "\b.")


Sorted list: [6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243]
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
Sorted list: [14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243]
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
Sorted list: [25 31 49 69 81 123 243]
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
Sorted list: [49 56 69 81 123 243]
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
Sorted list: [69 81 105 123 243]
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
Sorted list: [105 123 150 243]
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
Sorted list: [150 228 243]
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
Sorted list: [243 378]
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.

Without sorting

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func findMin(a []int) (int, int) {

   ix := 0
   min := a[0]
   for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
       if a[i] < min {
           ix = i
           min = a[i]
   return min, ix


func main() {

   a := []int{6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11}
   for len(a) > 1 {
       fmt.Println("List:", a)
       var s [2]int
       for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
           min, ix := findMin(a)
           s[i] = min
           a = append(a[:ix], a[ix+1:]...)
       sum := s[0] + s[1]
       fmt.Printf("Two smallest: %d + %d = %d\n", s[0], s[1], sum)
       a = append(a, sum)
   fmt.Println("Last item is", a[0], "\b.")


List: [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11]
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
List: [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17]
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
List: [81 243 25 49 123 69 31]
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
List: [81 243 49 123 69 56]
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
List: [81 243 123 69 105]
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
List: [243 123 105 150]
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
List: [243 150 228]
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
List: [243 378]
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.


<lang julia>list = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]

function addleastreduce!(lis)

   while length(lis) > 1
        push!(lis, popat!(lis, last(findmin(lis))) + popat!(lis, last(findmin(lis))))
        println("Interim list: $lis")
   return lis


@show list, addleastreduce!(copy(list))


Interim list: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17]
Interim list: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31]
Interim list: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56]
Interim list: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105]
Interim list: [243, 123, 105, 150]
Interim list: [243, 150, 228]
Interim list: [243, 378]
Interim list: [621]
(list, addleastreduce!(copy(list))) = ([6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11], [621])


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use List::AllUtils <min firstidx>;

my @list = <6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11>; say " Original @list"; push @list, get(min @list) + get(min @list) and say "@list" while @list > 1;

sub get {

   my($min) = @_;
   splice @list, (firstidx { $min == $_ } @list), 1;
   printf " %3d ", $min;


 Original 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11
   6   11 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17
  14   17 81 243 25 49 123 69 31
  25   31 81 243 49 123 69 56
  49   56 81 243 123 69 105
  69   81 243 123 105 150
 105  123 243 150 228
 150  228 243 378
 243  378 621


Uses no sorting; does not modify overall list order while processing. <lang perl6>say ' Original ', my @list = 6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11;

say push @list: get(min @list) + get(min @list) while @list > 1;

sub get ($min) {

   @list.splice: @list.first(* == $min, :k), 1;
   printf " %3d ", $min;


 Original [6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11]
   6   11 [81 243 14 25 49 123 69 17]
  14   17 [81 243 25 49 123 69 31]
  25   31 [81 243 49 123 69 56]
  49   56 [81 243 123 69 105]
  69   81 [243 123 105 150]
 105  123 [243 150 228]
 150  228 [243 378]
 243  378 [621]


With sorting

<lang rexx>/* REXX */ List = '6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11' Do Until words(list)=1

 Say 'Sorted list:' list
 Parse Var list a b c
 Say 'Two smallest:' a '+' b '=' (a+b)
 list=(a+b) c

Say 'Last item:' list Exit wordsort: Procedure /**********************************************************************

  • Sort the list of words supplied as argument. Return the sorted list
                                                                                                                                            • /
 Parse Arg wl
 Do While wl<>
   Parse Var wl w wl
   Do i=1 To wa.0
     If wa.i>w Then Leave
   If i<=wa.0 Then Do
     Do j=wa.0 To i By -1
 Do i=1 To wa.0
   swl=swl wa.i
 Return strip(swl)</lang>
Sorted list: 6 11 14 25 49 69 81 123 243
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
Sorted list: 14 17 25 49 69 81 123 243
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
Sorted list: 25 31 49 69 81 123 243
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
Sorted list: 49 56 69 81 123 243
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
Sorted list: 69 81 105 123 243
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
Sorted list: 105 123 150 243
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
Sorted list: 150 228 243
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
Sorted list: 243 378
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item: 621

Without sorting

<lang rexx>/* REXX */ List = '6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11' Do Until words(list)=1

 Say 'List:' list
 Say 'Two smallest:' a '+' b '=' (a+b)
 list=list (a+b)

Say 'Last item:' list Exit

getmin: Procedure Expose list /* Return the smallest element of list and remove it from list */ min=1e9 Do i=1 To words(list)

 If word(list,i)<min Then Do

list=subword(list,1,j-1) subword(list,j+1) Return m</lang>

List: 6 81 243 14 25 49 123 69 11
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
List: 81 243 14 25 49 123 69  17
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
List: 81 243 25 49 123 69  31
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
List: 81 243 49 123 69  56
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
List: 81 243 123 69  105
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
List:  243 123 105 150
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
List: 243 150 228
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
List: 243  378
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item:   621


With sorting

<lang ring> see "working..." + nl

List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11] n = 0

while true

     List = sort(List)
     first = List[1]
     second = List[2]
     ind1 = find(List,first)
     ind2 = find(List,second)
     if ind1 < ind2
     sum = first + second 
     if len(List) = 1
     if n = 1
        see nl + "List = "
        see nl


see "Last item is: " +List[1] + nl see "done..." + nl

func showList(first,second,sum,List)

    see "two smallest is = " + first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + nl
    see "List = "

func showArray(array)

    txt = ""
    see "["
    for n = 1 to len(array)
        txt = txt + array[n] + ","
    txt = left(txt,len(txt)-1)
    txt = txt + "]"
    see txt + nl



List = [14,25,49,69,81,123,243,17]

two smallest is = 6 + 11 = 17
List = [14,25,49,69,81,123,243,17]
two smallest is = 14 + 17 = 31
List = [25,49,69,81,123,243,31]
two smallest is = 25 + 31 = 56
List = [49,69,81,123,243,56]
two smallest is = 49 + 56 = 105
List = [69,81,123,243,105]
two smallest is = 69 + 81 = 150
List = [105,123,243,150]
two smallest is = 105 + 123 = 228
List = [150,243,228]
two smallest is = 150 + 228 = 378
List = [243,378]
Last item is: 621

Without sorting

<lang ring> see "working..." + nl

List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11] n = 0

while true

     if n = 1
        see nl + "List = "
        see nl
     first = min(List)
     ind1 = find(List,first)
     second = min(List)
     ind2 = find(List,second)
     sum = first + second 
     if len(List) = 1


see "Last item is: " +List[1] + nl see "done..." + nl

func showList(first,second,sum,List)

    see "two smallest is = " + first + " + " + second + " = " + sum + nl
    see "List = "

func showArray(array)

    txt = ""
    see "["
    for n = 1 to len(array)
        txt = txt + array[n] + ","
    txt = left(txt,len(txt)-1)
    txt = txt + "]"
    see txt + nl



List = [6,81,243,14,25,49,123,69,11]

two smallest is = 6 + 11 = 17
List = [81,243,14,25,49,123,69,17]
two smallest is = 14 + 17 = 31
List = [81,243,25,49,123,69,31]
two smallest is = 25 + 31 = 56
List = [81,243,49,123,69,56]
two smallest is = 49 + 56 = 105
List = [81,243,123,69,105]
two smallest is = 69 + 81 = 150
List = [243,123,105,150]
two smallest is = 105 + 123 = 228
List = [243,150,228]
two smallest is = 150 + 228 = 378
List = [243,378]
Last item is: 621


With sorting

<lang ecmascript>var a = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]

while (a.count > 1) {

   System.print("Sorted list: %(a)")
   var sum = a[0] + a[1]
   System.print("Two smallest: %(a[0]) + %(a[1]) = %(sum)")
   a = a[2..-1]


System.print("Last item is %(a[0]).")</lang>

Sorted list: [6, 11, 14, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243]
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
Sorted list: [14, 17, 25, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243]
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
Sorted list: [25, 31, 49, 69, 81, 123, 243]
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
Sorted list: [49, 56, 69, 81, 123, 243]
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
Sorted list: [69, 81, 105, 123, 243]
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
Sorted list: [105, 123, 150, 243]
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
Sorted list: [150, 228, 243]
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
Sorted list: [243, 378]
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.

Without sorting

<lang ecmascript>var findMin = { |a|

   var ix = 0
   var min = a[0]
   for (i in 1...a.count) {
       if (a[i] < min) {
           ix = i
           min = a[i]
   return [min, ix]


var a = [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]

while (a.count > 1) {

   System.print("List: %(a)")
   var s = List.filled(2, 0)
   for (i in 0..1) {
       var m =
       s[i] = m[0]
   var sum = s[0] + s[1]
   System.print("Two smallest: %(s[0]) + %(s[1]) = %(sum)")


System.print("Last item is %(a[0]).")</lang>

List: [6, 81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 11]
Two smallest: 6 + 11 = 17
List: [81, 243, 14, 25, 49, 123, 69, 17]
Two smallest: 14 + 17 = 31
List: [81, 243, 25, 49, 123, 69, 31]
Two smallest: 25 + 31 = 56
List: [81, 243, 49, 123, 69, 56]
Two smallest: 49 + 56 = 105
List: [81, 243, 123, 69, 105]
Two smallest: 69 + 81 = 150
List: [243, 123, 105, 150]
Two smallest: 105 + 123 = 228
List: [243, 150, 228]
Two smallest: 150 + 228 = 378
List: [243, 378]
Two smallest: 243 + 378 = 621
Last item is 621.