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Arithmetic/Integer: Difference between revisions

Add Mercury.
(include the exponentiation operator)
(Add Mercury.)
Line 1,099:
format "Quotient: %\n" (x / y)
format "Remainder: %\n" (mod x y)</lang>
:- module arith_int.
:- interface.
:- import_module io.
:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module int, list, string.
main(!IO) :-
io.command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
( if
Args = [AStr, BStr],
string.to_int(AStr, A),
string.to_int(BStr, B)
io.format("A + B = %d\n", [i(A + B)], !IO),
io.format("A - B = %d\n", [i(A - B)], !IO),
io.format("A * B = %d\n", [i(A * B)], !IO),
% Division: round towards zero.
io.format("A / B = %d\n", [i(A / B)], !IO),
% Division: round towards minus infinity.
io.format("A div B = %d\n", [i(A div B)], !IO),
% Modulus: X mod Y = X - (X div Y) * Y.
io.format("A mod B = %d\n", [i(A mod B)], !IO),
% Remainder: X rem Y = X - (X / Y) * Y.
io.format("A rem B = %d\n", [i(A rem B)], !IO),
% Exponentiation is done using the function int.pow/2.
io.format("A `pow` B = %d\n", [i(A `pow` B)], !IO)
io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
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