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Compiler/Simple file inclusion pre processor: Difference between revisions

Added AWK
(→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: Changed the "read" pragmatic comment to include the file only if it hasn't been already included.)
(Added AWK)
Line 466:
AWK does not have file-inclusion as standard, however some implementations, particularly GNU Awk do provide file inclusion.
<br>This include pre-processor differs from GAWK syntax in that the include directive is ".include", not "@include" and ".include" can appear inside or outside functions. The file name can be quoted or not. Nested includes are not supported.
<br>The source can be a named file or read from stdin. If it is read from stdin, <code>-v sec=sourceName</code> can be specified on the AWK command line to name the file. The pre-processed source is writen to stdout.
<lang awk># include.awk: simple file inclusion pre-processor
# the command line can specify:
# -v srcName=<source file path>
FALSE = 0;
TRUE = 1;
srcName = srcName "";
if( $1 == ".include" )
# must include a file
includeFile( $0 );
# normal line
printf( "%s\n",
$0 );
} # if various lines;;
function includeFile( includeLine, fileName,
line )
# get the file name from the .include line
fileName = includeLine;
sub( /^ *.include */, "", fileName );
sub( / *$/, "", fileName );
sub( / *#.*$/, "", fileName );
if( fileName ~ /^"/ )
# quoted file name
sub( /^"/, "", fileName );
sub( /"$/, "", fileName );
gsub( /""/, "\"", fileName );
} # if fileName ~ /^"/
printf( "#line 1 %s\n",
fileName );
ioStat = ( getline line < fileName );
while( ioStat > 0 )
# have a source line
printf( "%s\n",
line );
ioStat = ( getline line < fileName );
} # while ioStat > 0
if( ioStat < 0 )
# I/O error
printf( ".include %s # not found or I/O error\n",
fileName );
} # if ioStat < 0
close( fileName );
printf( "#line %d %s\n",
( srcName != "" ? srcName : FILENAME ) );
} # includeFile</lang>


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