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Find words with alternating vowels and consonants: Difference between revisions

Swift - simplified code
(Realize in F#)
(Swift - simplified code)
Line 2,002:
return false
func alternatingVowelsAndConsonants(word: String) -> Bool {
return zip(word, word.dropFirst()).allSatisfy{isVowel($0.0) != isVowel($0.1)}
do {
let words = try String(contentsOfFile: "unixdict.txt", encoding: String.Encoding.ascii)
let lines = words.components(separatedBy: "\n")
var n = 1
for (n, word) in wordslines.componentsfilter(separatedBy: "\n") {
if word{$0.count <=> 9 && alternatingVowelsAndConsonants(word: $0)}).enumerated() {
print("\(String(format: "%2d", n + continue1)): \(word)")
var isOddEvenWord = true
var prev: Character = "\n"
for ch in word {
if prev != "\n" && isVowel(ch) == isVowel(prev) {
isOddEvenWord = false
prev = ch
if isOddEvenWord {
print("\(String(format: "%2d", n)): \(word)")
n += 1
} catch {


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