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Calkin-Wilf sequence: Difference between revisions

Added a Scheme implementation.
(→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: Use the Algol 68 MOD operator as per the revised Algol 68 sample for the Continued fraction/Arithmetic/Construct from rational number task)
(Added a Scheme implementation.)
Line 2,258:
20: 3/8
83116/51639 is the 123456789th term of the sequence.
{{works with|Chez Scheme}}
'''Continued Fraction support'''
<lang scheme>; Create a terminating Continued Fraction generator for the given rational number.
; Returns one term per call; returns #f when no more terms remaining.
(define make-continued-fraction-gen
(lambda (rat)
(let ((num (numerator rat)) (den (denominator rat)))
(lambda ()
(if (= den 0)
(let ((ret (quotient num den))
(rem (modulo num den)))
(set! num den)
(set! den rem)
; Return the continued fraction representation of a rational number as a list of terms.
(define rat->cf-list
(lambda (rat)
(let ((cf (make-continued-fraction-gen rat))
(lst '()))
(let loop ((term (cf)))
(when term
(set! lst (append lst (list term)))
(loop (cf))))
; Enforce the length of the given continued fraction list to be odd.
; Changes the list in situ (if needed), and returns its possibly changed value.
(define continued-fraction-list-enforce-odd-length!
(lambda (cf)
(when (even? (length cf))
(let ((cf-last-cons (list-tail cf (1- (length cf)))))
(set-car! cf-last-cons (1- (car cf-last-cons)))
(set-cdr! cf-last-cons (cons 1 '()))))
'''Calkin-Wilf sequence'''
<lang scheme>; Create a Calkin-Wilf sequence generator.
(define make-calkin-wilf-gen
(lambda ()
(let ((an 1))
(lambda ()
(let ((ret an))
(set! an (/ 1 (+ (* 2 (floor an)) 1 (- an))))
; Return the position in the Calkin-Wilf sequence of the given rational number.
(define calkin-wilf-position
(lambda (rat)
; Run-length encodes binary value. Assumes first run is 1's. Args: initial value,
; starting place value (a power of 2), and list of run lengths (list must be odd length).
(define encode-list-of-runs
(lambda (value placeval lstruns)
; Encode a single run in a binary value. Args: initial value, bit value (0 or 1),
; starting place value (a power of 2), number of places (bits) to encode.
; Returns multiple values: the encoded value, and the new place value.
(define encode-run
(lambda (value bitval placeval places)
(if (= places 1)
(values (+ value (* bitval placeval)) (* 2 placeval))
(encode-run (+ value (* bitval placeval)) bitval (* 2 placeval) (1- places)))))
; Loop through the list of runs two at a time. If list of length 1, do a final
; '1'-bit encode and return the value. Otherwise, do a '1'-bit then '0'-bit encode,
; and recurse to do the next two runs.
(let-values (((value-1 placeval-1) (encode-run value 1 placeval (car lstruns))))
(if (= 1 (length lstruns))
(let-values (((value-2 placeval-2) (encode-run value-1 0 placeval-1 (cadr lstruns))))
(encode-list-of-runs value-2 placeval-2 (cddr lstruns)))))))
; Return the run-length binary encoding from the odd-length Calkin-Wilf sequence of the
; given rational number. This is equal to the number's position in the sequence.
(encode-list-of-runs 0 1 (continued-fraction-list-enforce-odd-length! (rat->cf-list rat)))))</lang>
'''The Task'''
<lang scheme>(let ((count 20)
(cw (make-calkin-wilf-gen)))
(printf "~%First ~a terms of the Calkin-Wilf sequence:~%" count)
(do ((num 1 (1+ num)))
((> num count))
(printf "~2d : ~a~%" num (cw))))
(printf "~%Positions in Calkin-Wilf sequence of given numbers:~%")
(let ((num 9/4))
(printf "~a @ ~a~%" num (calkin-wilf-position num)))
(let ((num 83116/51639))
(printf "~a @ ~a~%" num (calkin-wilf-position num)))</lang>
First 20 terms of the Calkin-Wilf sequence:
1 : 1
2 : 1/2
3 : 2
4 : 1/3
5 : 3/2
6 : 2/3
7 : 3
8 : 1/4
9 : 4/3
10 : 3/5
11 : 5/2
12 : 2/5
13 : 5/3
14 : 3/4
15 : 4
16 : 1/5
17 : 5/4
18 : 4/7
19 : 7/3
20 : 3/8
Positions in Calkin-Wilf sequence of given numbers:
9/4 @ 35
83116/51639 @ 123456789
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