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Longest palindromic substrings: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Tidied some if then else away)
Line 94:
<lang haskell>-------------- LONGEST PALINDROMIC SUBSTRINGS ------------
longestPalindromes :: String -> ([String], Int)
longestPalindromes s = go $ palindromes s
Line 112 ⟶ 111:
palindromicNuclei :: String -> [(String, (String, String))]
palindromicNuclei s = contexts >>= go
concatMap go .
init . prefixestail =. ((zip . scanl (flip ((<>) . return)) []) s<*> scanr (:) [])
contexts = (init . tail) (zip prefixes suffixes)
prefixes = scanl (flip ((<>) . return)) [] s
suffixes = scanr (:) [] s
go (a@(x:_), b@(h:y:ys)) =
if x == h


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