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CLI-based maze-game: Difference between revisions

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Collected treasure = 1 Bombs = 3
This translation uses the binding for “ncurses” and have been tested on Linux (Manjaro).
<lang Nim>import os, random, sequtils, strutils, std/exitprocs, locks
import ncurses
KeyUp = 259
Keydown = 258
KeyLeft = 260
KeyRight = 261
Mx = 69 # No of columns (1..Mx), must be odd.
My = 31 # No of rows (1..My), must be odd.
Treasure = '$'
TreasureDb= 3 # How many $ signs will be placed.
Way = ' '
Wall = 'X'
Doors = 20 # No of doors.
DoorCenter = 'o'
DoorWingVertical = '|'
DoorWingHorizontal = '-'
Hero = '@'
DeadHero = '+'
NumberOfBombs = 5
Bomb = 'b'
NumberOfMonsters = 20
Monster = '*'
WeakMonster = '.'
MonsterWeaknessProbability = 25
# The higher the above number, the lower the chance that a strong monster will become weak.
MonsterIntensifiesProbability = 5
# The higher the number above, the lower the chance that a weak monster will get stronger.
HelpText = """
Maze game.
The object of the game is to get all the treasures. The symbol of the treasure is the $ sign.
Help (display this text): press ? or h
Exit: press Esc or q
You can detonate a bomb by pressing b, but only as long as your bomb remains.
A bomb destroys every wall around the player (the outermost, framing of the maze
except for its walls), but it won't kill monsters.
The bomb does not destroy diagonally, only vertically and horizontally.
The bomb will not destroy the doors or the treasure.
You can also find bombs in the maze, represented by the letter b. If you step on them,
you got the bomb with it, that is, the number of your bombs increases, for later use.
The game ends when you have acquired all the treasures.
The maze has not only walls but also revolving doors.
The revolving door, if horizontal, looks like this: -o-
If vertical, like this:
The center of the revolving door is represented by the character o, the wings by the line.
The revolving door can be rotated if you take your wing in the right direction with your character,
and if nothing stands in the way of rotation.
The player is represented by @ in the game, and his starting point is always in the lower left corner.
There is a possibility of a little cheating in the game: each press of the letter c is one increases
the amount of your bombs.
Direction = enum dirLeft, dirRight, dirUp, dirDown
Position = tuple[x, y: int]
Game = object
grid: array[1..My, array[1..Mx, char]]
scoords: array[1..NumberOfMonsters, Position]
showHelp: bool
terminate: bool
treasureCounter: Natural
bombs: Natural
x, y: Natural
None: Position = (0, 0)
Dy = [-1, 1, 0, 0]
Dx = [0, 0, -1, 1]
var gameLock: Lock
proc genFlags(n: static int): array[1..n, bool] =
for i in countup(1, n, 2):
result[i] = true
proc initGame(): Game =
result.bombs = 3
for x in 1..Mx:
result.grid[1][x] = Wall
result.grid[My][x] = Wall
for y in 2..<My:
result.grid[y][1] = Wall
for x in 2..<Mx: result.grid[y][x] = Way
result.grid[y][Mx] = Wall
var colFlags = genFlags(Mx)
var rowFlags = genFlags(My)
while colFlags.anyIt(it) or rowFlags.anyIt(it):
let direction = Direction(rand(3))
let j = rand(1..(if direction <= dirRight: My else: Mx)) div 2 * 2 + 1
case direction
of dirLeft:
if rowFlags[j]:
for r in 1..<Mx:
if result.grid[j][r] != Wall and result.grid[j][r+1] != Wall:
result.grid[j][r] = Wall
rowFlags[j] = false
of dirRight:
if rowFlags[j]:
for r in countdown(Mx, 3):
if result.grid[j][r-1] != Wall and result.grid[j][r-2] != Wall:
result.grid[j][r-1] = Wall
rowFlags[j] = false
of dirUp:
if colFlags[j]:
for c in countdown(My, 3):
if result.grid[c-1][j] != Wall and result.grid[c-2][j] != Wall:
result.grid[c-1][j] = Wall
colFlags[j] = false
of dirDown:
if colFlags[j]:
for c in 1..<My:
if result.grid[c][j] != Wall and result.grid[c+1][j] != Wall:
result.grid[c][j] = Wall
colFlags[j] = false
var doorsPlaced = 0
while doorsPlaced < Doors:
let x = rand(3..Mx-2)
let y = rand(3..My-2)
if result.grid[y][x] != Way and
result.grid[y-1][x-1] == Way and # top left corner free
result.grid[y-1][x+1] == Way and # top right corner free
result.grid[y+1][x-1] == Way and # left corner free
result.grid[y+1][x+1] == Way: # right corner free
# Let's see if we can put a vertical door.
if result.grid[y-1][x] == Wall and # wall above the current position
result.grid[y-2][x] == Wall and # wall above the current position
result.grid[y+1][x] == Wall and # wall below the current position
result.grid[y+2][x] == Wall and # wall below the current position
result.grid[y][x-1] == Way and # left neighbor free
result.grid[y][x+1] == Way: # right neighbor free
result.grid[y][x] = DoorCenter
result.grid[y-1][x] = DoorWingVertical
result.grid[y+1][x] = DoorWingVertical
inc doorsPlaced
# Let's see if we can put a horizontal door.
elif result.grid[y][x-1] == Wall and # wall left of the current position
result.grid[y][x-2] == Wall and # wall left of the current position
result.grid[y][x+1] == Wall and # wall right of the current position
result.grid[y][x+2] == Wall and # wall right of the current position
result.grid[y+1][x] == Way and # above neighbor free
result.grid[y-1][x] == Way: # below neighbor free
result.grid[y][x] = DoorCenter
result.grid[y][x-1] = DoorWingHorizontal
result.grid[y][x+1] = DoorWingHorizontal
inc doorsPlaced
const Stuff = [(TreasureDb, Treasure),
(NumberOfBombs, Bomb),
(NumberOfMonsters, WeakMonster)] # At first, all monsters are weak.
for (n, what) in Stuff:
var iter = 1
var n = n
while n > 0:
let x = rand(1..Mx)
let y = rand(1..My)
if result.grid[y][x] == Way:
result.grid[y][x] = what
if what == WeakMonster:
result.scoords[n] = (x, y)
dec n
inc iter
assert iter <= 10_000 # (sanity check)
result.x = 1
result.y = My - 2
result.grid[My - 2][1] = Hero
proc draw(game: ptr Game) {.thread.} =
while true:
acquire gameLock
if game.showHelp:
addStr HelpText
while getch() == -1: sleep 10
game.showHelp = false
move(0, 0)
for row in game.grid:
addstr row.join("") & '\n'
addstr "\n\nCollected treasures = $1 Bombs = $2\n".format(game.treasureCounter, game.bombs)
if game.terminate: break
release gameLock
sleep 200
release gameLock
proc monsterStepFinder(game: ptr Game; sx, sy: int): Position =
result = None
var m = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for i in m:
let nx = sx + Dx[i]
let ny = sy + Dy[i]
if ny in 1..My and nx in 1..Mx and game.grid[ny][nx] in [Way, Hero]:
result = (nx, ny)
proc monsterMove(game: ptr Game) {.thread.} =
while not game.terminate:
acquire gameLock
let active = rand(1..NumberOfMonsters)
let (sx, sy) = game.scoords[active]
if sx != 0:
let ch = game.grid[sy][sx]
if ch == Monster:
if rand(1..MonsterWeaknessProbability) == 1:
game.grid[sy][sx] = WeakMonster
let monster = game.monsterStepFinder(sx, sy)
if monster != None:
if game.grid[monster.y][monster.x] == Hero:
game.grid[monster.y][monster.x] = DeadHero
game.terminate = true
game.grid[sy][sx] = Way
game.grid[monster.y][monster.x] = Monster
game.scoords[active] = monster
elif ch == WeakMonster:
if rand(1..MonsterIntensifiesProbability) == 1:
game.grid[sy][sx] = Monster
let monster = game.monsterStepFinder(sx, sy)
if monster != None:
game.grid[sy][sx] = Way
if game.grid[monster.y][monster.x] != Hero:
game.grid[monster.y][monster.x] = WeakMonster
game.scoords[active] = monster
game.scoords[active] = None
release gameLock
sleep 100
release gameLock
proc rotateDoor(game: var Game; nx, ny: int) =
for i in 1..4:
wy = Dy[i-1]
wx = Dx[i-1]
cy = ny + wy
cx = nx + wx
if game.grid[cy][cx] == DoorCenter:
if game.grid[cy-1][cx-1] == Way and
game.grid[cy-1][cx+1] == Way and
game.grid[cy+1][cx-1] == Way and
game.grid[cy+1][cx+1] == Way: # four corners empty
let py = Dy[^i]
let px = Dx[^i]
if game.grid[cy+py][cx+px] == Way and
game.grid[cy-py][cx-px] == Way: # swung door empty
let door = game.grid[ny][nx]
let flip = if door == DoorWingVertical: DoorWingHorizontal else: DoorWingVertical
game.grid[cy+py][cx+px] = flip
game.grid[cy-py][cx-px] = flip
game.grid[cy+wy][cx+wx] = Way
game.grid[cy-wy][cx-wx] = Way
proc keyboard(game: var Game; win: PWindow) =
while not game.terminate:
var key = -1
while key == -1 and not game.terminate:
sleep 10
key = win.wgetch()
acquire gameLock
case key
of ord('\e'), ord('q'):
game.terminate = true
of ord('b'):
if game.bombs != 0:
dec game.bombs
for i in 0..3:
let nx = game.x + Dx[i]
let ny = game.y + Dy[i]
if ny in 2..<My and nx in 2..<Mx and game.grid[ny][nx] == Wall:
game.grid[ny][nx] = Way
of ord('c'):
inc game.bombs
of ord('?'), ord('h'):
game.showHelp = true
let chIndex = [KeyUp, Keydown, KeyLeft, KeyRight].find(key)
if chIndex >= 0:
let nx = game.x + Dx[chIndex]
let ny = game.y + Dy[chIndex]
if ny in 2..<My and nx in 2..<Mx:
var ch = game.grid[ny][nx]
if ch in [DoorWingVertical, DoorWingHorizontal]:
game.grid[game.y][game.x] = Way # (temp. "ghost" him)
game.rotateDoor(nx, ny)
game.grid[game.y][game.x] = Hero
ch = game.grid[ny][nx] # (maybe unaltered)
elif ch == Monster:
game.grid[game.y][game.x] = Way
game.grid[ny][nx] = DeadHero
game.y = ny
game.x = nx
game.terminate = true
elif ch == Treasure:
inc game.treasureCounter
if game.treasureCounter == TreasureDb:
game.terminate = true
ch = Way
elif ch == Bomb:
inc game.bombs
ch = Way
if ch in [Way, WeakMonster]:
game.grid[game.y][game.x] = Way
game.grid[ny][nx] = Hero
game.y = ny
game.x = nx
release gameLock
while getch() != -1: discard # (purge kbd buffer)
proc play() =
let win = initscr()
addExitProc proc() = endwin()
addExitProc proc() = cursSet(1)
var game = initGame()
var tdraw, tmove: Thread[ptr Game]
createThread(tdraw, draw, addr(game))
createThread(tmove, monsterMove, addr(game))
joinThreads(tdraw, tmove)
if game.treasureCounter == TreasureDb:
addstr "\nYOU WON! Congratulations!\n"
while getch() == -1: sleep(1)
elif game.grid[game.y][game.x] == DeadHero:
addstr "\nYOU PERISHED!\n"
while getch() == -1: sleep(1)
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