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Sierpinski curve: Difference between revisions

Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up
(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
Line 3:
Produce a graphical or ASCII-art representation of a [[wp:Sierpiński_curve|Sierpinski curve]] of at least order 3.
Line 243 ⟶ 242:
close $fh;</lang>
See: [https://github.com/SqrtNegInf/Rosettacode-Perl5-Smoke/blob/master/ref/sierpinski-curve.svg sierpinski-curve.svg] (offsite SVG image)
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
{{works with|Rakudo|2020.02}}
<lang perl6>use SVG;
role Lindenmayer {
has %.rules;
method succ {
self.comb.map( { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)
my $sierpinski = 'F--XF--F--XF' but Lindenmayer( { X => 'XF+G+XF--F--XF+G+X' } );
$sierpinski++ xx 5;
my $dim = 640;
my $scale = 8;
my $dir = pi/4;
my @points = (316, -108);
for $sierpinski.comb {
state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
state $d = 0;
when 'F'|'G' { @points.append: ($x += $scale * $d.cos).round(1), ($y += $scale * $d.sin).round(1) }
when '+' { $d -= $dir }
when '-' { $d += $dir }
default { }
my $out = './sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg'.IO;
$out.spurt: SVG.serialize(
svg => [
:width($dim), :height($dim),
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],
:points(@points.join: ','), :fill<black>,
:transform("rotate(45, 320, 320)"), :style<stroke:#F7DF1E>,
See: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/img/sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg Sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg] (offsite SVG image)
Line 442 ⟶ 397:
=={{header|Perl 6Raku}}==
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|Rakudo|2020.02}}
<lang perl6>use SVG;
role Lindenmayer {
has %.rules;
method succ {
self.comb.map( { %!rules{$^c} // $c } ).join but Lindenmayer(%!rules)
my $sierpinski = 'F--XF--F--XF' but Lindenmayer( { X => 'XF+G+XF--F--XF+G+X' } );
$sierpinski++ xx 5;
my $dim = 640;
my $scale = 8;
my $dir = pi/4;
my @points = (316, -108);
for $sierpinski.comb {
state ($x, $y) = @points[0,1];
state $d = 0;
when 'F'|'G' { @points.append: ($x += $scale * $d.cos).round(1), ($y += $scale * $d.sin).round(1) }
when '+' { $d -= $dir }
when '-' { $d += $dir }
default { }
my $out = './sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg'.IO;
$out.spurt: SVG.serialize(
svg => [
:width($dim), :height($dim),
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],
:points(@points.join: ','), :fill<black>,
:transform("rotate(45, 320, 320)"), :style<stroke:#F7DF1E>,
See: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/img/sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg Sierpinski-curve-perl6.svg] (offsite SVG image)


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