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De Bruijn sequences: Difference between revisions

Add 8080 assembly
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:*   An  OEIS  entry:   [https://oeis.org/A166315 A166315 lexicographically earliest binary de Bruijn sequences, B(2,n)]     --- Not B(10,4),   but possibly relevant.
=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm>bdos: equ 5 ; BDOS entry point
putch: equ 2 ; Write character to console
puts: equ 9 ; Write string to console
org 100h
lhld bdos+1 ; Put stack at highest usable address
;;; Generate de_bruijn(10,4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mvi c,40 ; Zero out a[]
xra a
lxi d,arr
zloop: stax d
inx d
dcr c
jnz zloop
lxi h,seq ; H = start of sequence
lxi b,0101h ; db(1,1)
call db_
lxi d,seq ; Allow wrap-around by appending first 3 digits
mvi c,3
wrap: ldax d ; get one of first digits
mov m,a ; store after last digit
inx d ; advance pointers
inx h
dcr c ; do this 3 times
jnz wrap
push h ; store end of data
;;; Print length ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
lxi d,slen ; print "Length: "
call pstr
lxi d,-seq ; calculate length (-seq+seqEnd)
dad d
call puthl ; print length
call pnl ; print newline
;;; Print first and last 130 digits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
lxi d,sfrst ; print "First 130: "
call pstr
lxi h,seq ; print first 130 digits
call p130
call pnl ; print newline
lxi d,slast ; print "Last 130: "
call pstr
pop h ; Get end of sequence
push h
lxi d,-130 ; 130th last digit
dad d
call p130 ; print last 130 digits
call pnl
call verify ; verify that all numbers are there
;;; Reverse and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
lxi d,srev ; Print "reversing..."
call pstr
pop h ; HL = address of last digit
dcx h
push h ; stack = address of last digit
lxi d,seq ; DE = address of first digit
call rvrs ; Reverse
call verify ; Verify that all numbers are there
lxi d,seq ; Then reverse again (restoring it)
pop h
call rvrs
;;; Replace 4444th digit with '.' and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
lxi d,s4444
call pstr
mvi a,'.'
sta seq+4444
call verify
rst 0
;;; db(t,p); t,p in B,C; end of sequence in HL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
db_: mov a,b ; if t>n (n=4)
cpi 5 ; t >= n+1
jc dbelse
mov a,c ; 4%p==0, for p in {1,2,3,4}, is false iff p=3
cpi 3
rz ; stop if p=3, i.e. 4%p<>0
lxi d,arr+1 ; copy P elements to seq forom arr[1..]
dbextn: ldax d ; take from a[]
mov m,a ; store in sequence
inx h ; advance pointers
inx d
dcr c ; and do this P times
jnz dbextn
dbelse: mov a,b ; t - p
sub c
mvi d,arr/256
mov e,a ; a[] is page-aligned for easier indexing
ldax d ; get a[t-p]
mov e,b ; store in a[t]
stax d
push b ; keep T and P
inr b ; db(t+1, p)
call db_
pop b ; restore T and P
mov a,b ; get a[t-p]
sub c
mvi d,arr/256
mov e,a
ldax d ; j = a[t-p]
dbloop: inr a ; j++
cpi 10 ; reached K = 10?
rnc ; then stop
mvi d,arr/256
mov e,b
stax d ; a[t] = j
push psw ; keep j
push b ; keep t and p
mov c,b
inr b
call db_ ; db(t+1, t)
pop b ; restore t and p
pop psw ; restore j
jmp dbloop
;;; Verify that all numbers are there ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
verify: lxi d,sver ; print "Verifying... "
call pstr
mvi d,0 ; Zero out the flag array
lxi b,10000
lxi h,val
vzero: mov m,d
inx h
dcx b
mov a,b
ora c
jnz vzero
lxi h,seq ; Sequence pointer
donum: push h ; Store sequence pointer
push h ; Push two copies
lxi h,0 ; Current 4-digit number
mvi c,4 ; Number has 4 digits
dgtadd: mov d,h ; HL *= 10
mov e,l
dad h
dad h
dad d
dad h
xthl ; Get sequence pointer
mov a,m ; Get digit
inx h ; Advance pointer
cpi 10 ; Valid digit?
jnc dinval ; If not, go do next 4-digit number
xthl ; Back to number
mov e,a
mvi d,0
dad d ; Add digit to number
dcr c ; More digits?
jnz dgtadd ; Then get digit
lxi d,val ; HL is now the current 4-digit number
dad d
inr m ; val[HL]++ (we've seen it)
dinval: pop h ; Pointer to after last valid digit
pop h ; Pointer to start of current number
inx h ; Get 4-digit number that starts at next digit
mov d,h ; Next pointer in DE
mov e,l
lxi b,-(seq+10000) ; Are we there yet?
dad b
mov a,h
ora l
xchg ; Next pointer back in HL
jnz donum ; If not done, do next number.
lxi h,val ; Done - get start of validation array
mvi b,0 ; B will be set if one is missing
vnum: mov a,m ; Have we seen HL-val?
ana a
jnz vnext ; If so, do the next number
push h ; Otherwise, keep current address,
lxi d,-val ; Subtract val (to get the number)
dad d
call puthl ; Print this number as being missing
mvi b,1 ; Set B,
pop h ; and then restore the address
vnext: inx h ; Increment the number
push h
lxi d,-(val+10000) ; Are we there yet?
dad d
mov a,h
ora l
pop h
jnz vnum ; If not, check next number.
dcr b ; At the end, if B was not set,
lxi d,snone ; print "none missing",
jnz pstr
lxi d,smiss ; otherwise, print "missing"
jmp pstr
;;; Subroutines ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; reverse memory starting at DE and ending at HL
rvrs: mov b,m ; Load [HL]
ldax d ; Load [DE]
mov m,a ; [HL] = old [DE]
mov a,b
stax d ; [DE] = old [HL]
inx d ; Move bottom pointer upwards,
dcx h ; Move top pointer downwards,
mov a,d ; D<H = not there yet
cmp h
jc rvrs
mov a,e ; E<L = not there yet
cmp l
jc rvrs
;;; print number in HL, saving registers
puthl: push h ; save registers
push d
push b
lxi b,nbuf ; number buffer pointer
push b ; keep it on the stack
dgt: lxi b,-10
lxi d,-1
dgtdiv: inx d ; calculate digit
dad b
jc dgtdiv
mvi a,'0'+10
add l
pop h ; get pointer from stack
dcx h ; go to previous digit
mov m,a ; store digit
push h ; put pointer back
xchg ; are there any more digits?
mov a,h
ora l
jnz dgt ; if so, calculate next digit
pop d ; otherwise, get pointer to first digit
jmp pstr_ ; and print the resulting string
;;; print 130 digits from the sequence, starting at HL
p130: push h
push d
push b
mvi b,130 ; 130 digits
p130l: mov a,m ; get current digit
adi '0' ; make ASCII
inx h ; advance pointer
push b ; save pointer and counter
push h
mvi c,putch ; print character
mov e,a
call bdos
pop h ; restore pointer and counter
pop b
dcr b ; one fewer character left
jnz p130l ; if characters left, print next
jmp rsreg ; otherwise, restore registers and return
;;; print newline
pnl: lxi d,snl
;;; print string in DE, saving registers
pstr: push h ; store registers
push d
push b
pstr_: mvi c,puts ; print string using CP/M
call bdos
rsreg: pop b ; restore registers
pop d
pop h
snl: db 13,10,'$'
slen: db 'Length: $'
sfrst: db 'First 130: $'
slast: db 'Last 130: $'
srev: db 'Reversing...',13,10,'$'
s4444: db 'Set seq[4444] to `.`...',13,10,'$'
sver: db 'Verifying... $'
snone: db 'none '
smiss: db 'missing',13,10,'$'
db '00000' ; number output buffer
nbuf: db ' $'
arr: equ ($/256+1)*256 ; Place to store a[] (page-aligned)
val: equ arr+40 ; Place to store validation flags
seq: equ val+10000 ; Place to store De Bruijn sequence</lang>
<pre>Length: 10003
First 130: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
Last 130: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000
Verifying... none missing
Verifying... none missing
Set seq[4444] to `.`...
Verifying... 1459 4591 5914 8145 missing</pre>
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==


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