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Factorions: Difference between revisions

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The factorions for base 12 are:
1 2</pre>
<lang ecmascript>var digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
// Converts an integer to a string in a given base.
var intToString = Fn.new { |n, b|
if (!n.isInteger) return null
if (b < 2 || b > 36) return null // invalid base
if (n == 0) return "0"
var l = []
var neg = (n < 0)
if (neg) n = -n
var d = digits[0...b] // allowable digits for this base
while (n > 0) {
var r = n % b
n = (n/b).floor
if (neg) l.add("-")
var s = l.join()
return s[-1..0]
// cache factorials from 0 to 11
var fact = List.filled(12, 0)
fact[0] = 1
for (n in 1..11) fact[n] = fact[n-1] * n
for (b in 9..12) {
System.print("The factorions for base %(b) are:")
for (i in 1...1500000) {
var digs = intToString.call(i, b)
var sum = 0
for (d in digs) {
var n = d.codePoints[0]
if (n < 97) {
sum = sum + fact[n - 48]
} else {
sum = sum + fact[n - 87]
if (sum == i) System.write("%(i) ")
The factorions for base 9 are:
1 2 41282
The factorions for base 10 are:
1 2 145 40585
The factorions for base 11 are:
1 2 26 48 40472
The factorions for base 12 are:
1 2


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