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Nim game: Difference between revisions

925 bytes added ,  5 years ago
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m (alphabetized entries ;D)
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Line 902:
Computer wins!
<lang racket>
#lang racket
(define (print-remaining tokens-remaining)
(printf "~a tokens remain.\n" tokens-remaining))
(define (read-tokens)
(define num (read))
[(and (natural? num) (< num 4)) num]
(display "Please enter a number between 1 to 3\n")
(define (pturn tokens-remaining)
[(not (zero? tokens-remaining))
(print-remaining tokens-remaining)
(display "Your turn. How many tokens? ")
(define n (read-tokens))
(cturn (- tokens-remaining n) n)]
[else (display "Computer wins!")]))
(define (cturn tokens-remaining p-took)
[(not (zero? tokens-remaining))
(print-remaining tokens-remaining)
(define c-take (- 4 p-took))
(printf "Computer takes ~a tokens\n" c-take)
(pturn (- tokens-remaining c-take))]
[else (display "You win!")]))
(pturn 12)
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