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Chemical calculator: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added the ability to have a common name for the chemical formula, presented the output better, reduced output clutter.)
m (increase whitespace.)
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Given a molecule's chemical formula, calculate the &nbsp; [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molar_mass <u>molar mass</u>].
* A molecule consists of atoms. &nbsp; E.g. water, H2O, has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom
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;Atom masses
A mapping between mostsome recognized element names and atomic mass follows in comma separated value format:
<pre style="overflow:scroll; height:345px82ex;">
H, 1.008
He, 4.002602
Li, 6.94
Be, 9.0121831
B, 10.81
C, 12.011
N, 14.007
O, 15.999
F, 18.998403163
Ne, 20.1797
Na, 22.98976928
Mg, 24.305
Al, 26.9815385
Si, 28.085
P, 30.973761998
S, 32.06
Cl, 35.45
K, 39.0983
Ar, 39.948
Ca, 40.078
Sc, 44.955908
Ti, 47.867
V, 50.9415
Cr, 51.9961
Mn, 54.938044
Fe, 55.845
Ni, 58.6934
Co, 58.933194
Cu, 63.546
Zn, 65.38
Ga, 69.723
Ge, 72.63
As, 74.921595
Se, 78.971
Br, 79.904
Kr, 83.798
Rb, 85.4678
Sr, 87.62
Y, 88.90584
Zr, 91.224
Nb, 92.90637
Mo, 95.95
Ru, 101.07
Rh, 102.9055
Pd, 106.42
Ag, 107.8682
Cd, 112.414
In, 114.818
Sn, 118.71
Sb, 121.76
I, 126.90447
Te, 127.6
Xe, 131.293
Cs, 132.90545196
Ba, 137.327
La, 138.90547
Ce, 140.116
Pr, 140.90766
Nd, 144.242
Pm, 145
Sm, 150.36
Eu, 151.964
Gd, 157.25
Tb, 158.92535
Dy, 162.5
Ho, 164.93033
Er, 167.259
Tm, 168.93422
Yb, 173.054
Lu, 174.9668
Hf, 178.49
Ta, 180.94788
W, 183.84
Re, 186.207
Os, 190.23
Ir, 192.217
Pt, 195.084
Au, 196.966569
Hg, 200.592
Tl, 204.38
Pb, 207.2
Bi, 208.9804
Po, 209
At, 210
Rn, 222
Fr, 223
Ra, 226
Ac, 227
Pa, 231.03588
Th, 232.0377
Np, 237
U, 238.02891
Am, 243
Pu, 244
Cm, 247
Bk, 247
Cf, 251
Es, 252
Fm, 257
Ubn, 299
Uue, 315</pre>
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