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Also, most REXXes authors/creators/programmers/development teams have accumulated a suite of test programs that exercise a major part of the aspects and nuances of the REXX language and can usually find defects in the interpreter.   Another method is to run/execute   [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A/B_testing '''A/B''']   type of testing,   that is,   run/execute REXX programs with two (or more) different REXX interpreters and compare results.   Since REXX does arithmetic using decimal numbers (including "floating point"), errors (even minute ones) are easy to identify.   Indeed, some (if not many) of the programs entered here on Rosetta Code have provided some REXX developers a very good starting base for a comprehensive test suite.
[https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-3.0.2/libdoc/minitest/rdoc/minitest-5_14_2/README_rdoc.html Minitest] is the testing library which ships with Ruby.
The main Scala testing frameworks ( [http://www.scalacheck.org ScalaCheck], [http://www.scalatest.org ScalaTest], and [http://www.specs2.org specs2]) provide an implementation of the common test interface and only need to be added to the classpath to work with [https://www.scala-sbt.org/ sbt].
All Smalltalk dialects have a testing framework included, which is typically based on the original [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUnit SUnit test framework].


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