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Base64 decode data: Difference between revisions

Solution in Red programming language
(Added Pike implementation)
m (Solution in Red programming language)
Line 757:
data = 'VG8gZXJyIGlzIGh1bWFuLCBidXQgdG8gcmVhbGx5IGZvdWwgdGhpbmdzIHVwIHlvdSBuZWVkIGEgY29tcHV0ZXIuCiAgICAtLSBQYXVsIFIuIEVocmxpY2g='
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer.
-- Paul R. Ehrlich
<lang red>Red [Source: https://github.com/vazub/rosetta-red]
print to-string debase "VG8gZXJyIGlzIGh1bWFuLCBidXQgdG8gcmVhbGx5IGZvdWwgdGhpbmdzIHVwIHlvdSBuZWVkIGEgY29tcHV0ZXIuCiAgICAtLVBhdWwgUi5FaHJsaWNo"
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