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I'm a software engineer, get me out of here: Difference between revisions

Line 147:
constant width = length(gmooh[1]),
height = length(gmooh),
Line 153:
{-1, 0}, {+1, 0},
sequence routes -- {cost,fromy,fromx} for each gmooh[][].
procedure search(integer y, x)
-- simple breasthbreadth-first search, populates routes
-- (this isn't strictly dijkstra, because graph edges are not weighted)
integer cost = 0
sequence route = {{y,x}},
thisnext = {}, -- (at cost)
next = {} -- (at cost+1)
routes = repeat(repeat(0,width),height)
routes[y,x] = {0,{}y,x} -- zero-cost the starting point
while 1 do
integer n = gmooh[y,x]-'0'
Line 170:
integer {rx,ry} = {x+n*dx,y+n*dy}
if rx>=1 and rx<=width
and ry>=1 and ry<=height then
and gmooh[ry,rx]>='0' then
object ryx = routes[ry,rx]
if ryx=0
or ryx[1]>cost+1 then
sequence newrouteroutes[ry,rx] = append(route,{rycost+1,rxy,x})
routes[ry,rx] = {cost+1,newroute}
if gmooh[ry,rx]>'0' then
next = append(next,{cost+1,ry,rx,newroute})
-- (if the graph was weighted, at this point
-- that would get shuffled up into place.)
end if
end if
end if
end for
if length(thisnext)=0 then exit end if
{cost,y,x} = if length(next)=0 then exit end if[1]
next cost += 1next[2..$]
this = next
next = {}
end if
{y,x,route} = this[1]
this = this[2..$]
end while
end procedure
function get_route(sequence yx)
procedure show_shortest_route_to_safety()
integer {y,x} = yx, cost
sequence res = {{y,x}}
while 1 do
{cost,y,x} = routes[y,x]
if cost=0 then exit end if
res = prepend(res,{y,x})
end while
return res
end function
procedure show_shortest_routes_to_safety()
integer shortest = 9999
sequence routeres = {}
for x=1 to width do
for y=1 to height do
if gmooh[y,x]='0' then
object ryx = routes[y,x]
if ryx!=0 then
and integer cost = ryx[1]<shortest then
{shortest,route}if cost<=shortest ryxthen
if cost<shortest then
res = {}
shortest = cost
end if
res = append(res,{y,x})
end if
end if
end if
end for
end for
string {areis,s} = iff(length(res)>1?{"are","s"}:{"is",""})
printf(1,"There %s %d shortest route%s of %d days to safety:\n",{areis,length(res),s,shortest})
for i=1 to length(res) do
end for
end procedure
Line 220 ⟶ 238:
end for
end for
?{puts(1,"The following cells are unreachable:\n",res})
end procedure
procedure show_longest()
integer longest = 0
Line 232 ⟶ 251:
if ryx!=0 then
integer rl = ryx[1]
if rl>=longest then
resif =rl>longest {{y,x}}then
longest res = rl{}
elsif rl= longest then= rl
end if
res = append(res,{y,x})
end if
Line 242 ⟶ 262:
end for
end for
printf(1,"There are %d cells that take %d days to send reinforcements to\n",{length(res),longest})
for i=1 to length(res) do
end for
end procedure
procedure main()
-- see also below
?{puts(1,"The shortest route from 22,12 to 2,12:\n",routes[2,12]})
?{"shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12",routes[22,12]}
puts(1,"The shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12:\n")
-- </see also below>
end procedure
Note: Phix indexes are 1-based and therefore so too are these results.
There are 40 shortest routes of 4 days to safety:
The shortest route from 22,12 to 2,12:
The shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12:
The following cells are unreachable:
There are 5 cells that take 6 days to send reinforcements to
Alternative using Floyd-Warshall for Part 2, and finding the longest shortest path between any two points.
<lang Phix>--(same constants as above: gmooh, width, height, d)
constant inf = 1e300*1e300
sequence dist, next, pmap = {}
function fw_path(integer u, v)
sequence res = {}
if next[u,v]!=null then
sequence path = {sprintf("{%d,%d}",pmap[u])}
while u!=v do
u = next[u,v]
path = append(path,sprintf("{%d,%d}",pmap[u]))
end while
res = join(path,"->")
end if
return res
end function
procedure show_fw_path(integer u, v)
printf(1,"{%d,%d}->{%d,%d} %2d %s\n",pmap[u]&pmap[v]&{dist[u,v],fw_path(u,v)})
end procedure
procedure FloydWarshall()
integer point = 0
sequence weights = {},
points = repeat(repeat(0,width),height)
-- First number the points...
for x=1 to width do
for y=1 to height do
if gmooh[y,x]>='0' then
point += 1
points[y,x] = point
pmap = append(pmap,{y,x})
end if
end for
end for
-- ...and then a set of edges (all of which have a "weight" of 1 day)
for x=1 to width do
for y=1 to height do
if gmooh[y,x]>'0' then
integer n = gmooh[y,x]-'0'
for di=1 to length(d) do
integer {dx,dy} = d[di]
integer {rx,ry} = {x+n*dx,y+n*dy}
if rx>=1 and rx<=width
and ry>=1 and ry<=height
and gmooh[ry,rx]>='0' then
-- weights = append(weights,{points[y,x],points[ry,rx],1})
weights = append(weights,{points[y,x],points[ry,rx]})
end if
end for
end if
end for
end for
-- Before applying Floyd-Warshall
integer V = length(pmap)
dist = repeat(repeat(inf,V),V)
next = repeat(repeat(null,V),V)
for k=1 to length(weights) do
-- integer {u,v,w} = weights[k]
integer {u,v} = weights[k]
-- dist[u,v] := w -- the weight of the edge (u,v)
dist[u,v] := 1 -- the weight of the edge (u,v)
next[u,v] := v
end for
-- standard Floyd-Warshall implementation,
-- with the optimisation of avoiding processing of self/infs,
-- which surprisingly makes quite a noticeable difference.
for k=1 to V do
for i=1 to V do
if i!=k and dist[i,k]!=inf then
for j=1 to V do
if j!=i and j!=k and dist[k,j]!=inf then
atom d = dist[i,k] + dist[k,j]
if d<dist[i,j] then
dist[i,j] := d
next[i,j] := next[i,k]
end if
end if
end for
end if
end for
end for
integer maxd = 0, mi, mj
for i=1 to V do
for j=1 to V do
if j!=i then
atom d = dist[i,j]
if d!=inf and d>maxd then
{maxd,mi,mj} = {d,i,j}
end if
end if
end for
end for
printf(1,"Maximum shortest distance:\n")
end procedure
{"show_shortest_route_to_safety"22,4,{{12}->{2,12}, 7 {1222,1312},->{921,1011}->{20,11}->{15,411}->{11,11}->{129,19}->{5,9}->{2,12}
{"shortest route from 2,12}->{22,12} to 2,12",{7, {{222,12},->{213,11},->{206,1014},->{1910,10},->{1416,54},->{721,129},->{521,1211},->{222,12}}}}
Maximum shortest distance:
{"shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12",{7,{{2,12},{3,11},{6,14},{10,10},{16,4},{21,9},{21,11},{22,12}}}}
{8,4}->{21,15} 9 {8,4}->{9,5}->{11,7}->{12,8}->{16,12}->{17,12}->{18,13}->{18,17}->{19,17}->{21,15}


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