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Realize Part 1 in F#
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(Realize Part 1 in F#)
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# [[Dijkstra's algorithm]]
# [[Floyd-Warshall algorithm]]
This task uses [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm#F.23 Dijkstra's algorithm (F#)]
This task uses [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/CSV_data_manipulation#F.23 readCSV (F#)]
===Part 1===
<lang fsharp>
let safety=readCSV '\t' "gmooh.dat"|>Seq.choose(fun n->if n.value="0" then Some (n.row,n.col) else None)
let board=readCSV '\t' "gmooh.dat"|>Seq.choose(fun n->match n.value with |"0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" as g->Some((n.row,n.col),int g)|_->None)|>Map.ofSeq
let adjacent((n,g),v)=List.choose(fun y->if y=(n,g) then None else match Map.tryFind y board with |None->None|_->Some ((y),1)) [(n+v,g);(n-v,g);(n,g+v);(n,g-v);(n+v,g+v);(n+v,g-v);(n-v,g+v);(n-v,g-v);]
let adjacencyList=new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<(int*int),list<(int*int)*int>>()
let rec mkAdj start=
let n=((start),Map.find start board)
let g=adjacent n
adjacencyList.Add((fst n),g)
List.iter(fun ((n),_)->if (not (adjacencyList.ContainsKey n )) then mkAdj n) g
mkAdj (11,11)
let nodes=adjacencyList.Keys |> List.ofSeq
let G=nodes |>List.collect(fun n->List.map(fun (n',g)->(((n),(n')),g))(adjacencyList.Item n))|>Map.ofList
let paths=Dijkstra nodes G (11,11)
let _,res=safety|>Seq.choose(fun n->paths n) |> Seq.groupBy(fun n->List.length n)|>Seq.minBy fst
res |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 11); (6, 12); (0, 12)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 11); (7, 12); (1, 6)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 8); (4, 8); (1, 8)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 9); (1, 9)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 10); (5, 13); (1, 13)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (4, 11); (1, 14)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 15); (1, 15)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 15); (1, 16)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 10); (5, 7); (2, 4)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (7, 5); (2, 5)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 15); (9, 16); (2, 16)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (11, 9); (9, 9); (3, 3)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (4, 5); (3, 4)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (8, 18); (3, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (9, 14); (6, 17); (4, 19)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (8, 3); (6, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (8, 4); (6, 2)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (11, 15); (11, 17); (7, 21)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (8, 3); (8, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (12, 4); (9, 1)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (14, 3); (11, 0)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (7, 5); (12, 0)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (13, 10); (13, 5); (13, 0)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (16, 4); (13, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (16, 18); (13, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (12, 4); (15, 1)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (11, 15); (11, 17); (15, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (16, 4); (16, 1)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (10, 14); (12, 16); (16, 20)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (16, 18); (16, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (15, 5); (18, 2)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (13, 8); (14, 7); (18, 3)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (18, 5); (19, 4)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 15); (16, 15); (19, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 11); (16, 12); (20, 16)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (13, 11); (17, 15); (20, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (13, 10); (18, 15); (21, 15)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 9); (18, 13); (22, 9)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (18, 11); (22, 11)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 9); (18, 13); (22, 13)]


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