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Long primes: Difference between revisions

3,931 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Added AppleScript.
m (Forth - rewrote modpow to use locals)
(Added AppleScript.)
Line 124:
64000 is 2430
The isLongPrime(n) handler here is a translation of the faster [https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Long_primes#Phix Phix] one.
<lang applescript>on sieveOfEratosthenes(limit)
script o
property numberList : {missing value}
end script
repeat with n from 2 to limit
set end of o's numberList to n
end repeat
repeat with n from 2 to (limit ^ 0.5 div 1)
if (item n of o's numberList is n) then
repeat with multiple from (n * n) to limit by n
set item multiple of o's numberList to missing value
end repeat
end if
end repeat
return o's numberList's numbers
end sieveOfEratosthenes
on factors(n)
set output to {}
if (n < 0) then set n to -n
set sqrt to n ^ 0.5
set limit to sqrt div 1
if (limit = sqrt) then
set end of output to limit
set limit to limit - 1
end if
repeat with i from limit to 1 by -1
if (n mod i is 0) then
set beginning of output to i
set end of output to n div i
end if
end repeat
return output
end factors
on isLongPrime(n)
if (n < 3) then return false
script o
property f : factors(n - 1)
end script
set counter to 0
repeat with fi in o's f
set fi to fi's contents
set e to 1
set base to 10
repeat until (fi = 0)
if (fi mod 2 = 1) then set e to e * base mod n
set base to base * base mod n
set fi to fi div 2
end repeat
if (e = 1) then
set counter to counter + 1
if (counter > 1) then exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return (counter = 1)
end isLongPrime
-- Task code:
on longPrimesTask()
script o
-- The isLongPrime() handler above returns the correct result for any number
-- passed to it, but feeeding it only primes in the first place speeds things up.
property primes : sieveOfEratosthenes(64000)
property longs : {}
end script
set output to {}
set counter to 0
set mileposts to {500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000}
set m to 1
set nextMilepost to beginning of mileposts
set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
repeat with p in o's primes
set p to p's contents
if (isLongPrime(p)) then
-- p being odd, it's never exactly one of the even mileposts.
if (p < 500) then
set end of o's longs to p
else if (p > nextMilepost) then
if (nextMilepost = 500) then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set end of output to "Long primes up to 500:"
set end of output to o's longs as text
end if
set end of output to "Number of long primes up to " & nextMilepost & ": " & counter
set m to m + 1
set nextMilepost to item m of mileposts
end if
set counter to counter + 1
end if
end repeat
set end of output to "Number of long primes up to " & nextMilepost & ": " & counter
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
set output to output as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
return output
end longPrimesTask
<pre>"Long primes up to 500:
7 17 19 23 29 47 59 61 97 109 113 131 149 167 179 181 193 223 229 233 257 263 269 313 337 367 379 383 389 419 433 461 487 491 499
Number of long primes up to 500: 35
Number of long primes up to 1000: 60
Number of long primes up to 2000: 116
Number of long primes up to 4000: 218
Number of long primes up to 8000: 390
Number of long primes up to 16000: 716
Number of long primes up to 32000: 1300
Number of long primes up to 64000: 2430"</pre>


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