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16 puzzle game: Difference between revisions

added the REXX computer programming language.
(Amended template to convert this to a draft task.)
(added the REXX computer programming language.)
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{{draft task}}
Create 16 Puzzle Game.
See details: [http://www.bsswebsite.me.uk/Puzzlewebsite/Fifteenpuzzle/sixteen.htm 16 Puzzle Game]
Create 16 Puzzle Game. See details: [http://www.bsswebsite.me.uk/Puzzlewebsite/Fifteenpuzzle/sixteen.htm 16 Puzzle Game]
Video: [https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2F1drv.ms%2Fv%2Fs!AqDUIunCqVnIg0bsohQX8b5_dc5G&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNH_eKBfk_1m88kte3Wo7MIii8hn1A 16 Puzzle Game]
<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm implements the 16 game; displays game grid, prompts for a move, game won? */
sep= copies('─',8); pad=left('',1+length(sep) ) /*pad=9 blanks. SEP is used for msgs.*/
parse arg N hard seed . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/
er= '***error***' /*literal used to indicate an error msg*/
if N=='' | N=="," then N= 4 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
if hard=='' | hard=="," then hard= 2 /* " " " " " " */
if \isInt(N) then do; say sep er "grid size isn't an integer: " N; exit 1; end
if N<2 | N>9 then do; say sep er "grid size is out of range: " N; exit 1; end
if isInt(seed) then call random , , seed /*use repeatability seed for RANDOM BIF*/
say sep 'Playing a ' N*N " game with a difficulity level of: " hard
do r=1 for N /* [◄] build a solution for testing. */
do c=1 for N; #= #+1; @.r.c= # /*bump number (count), define a cell. */
end /*c*/
end /*r*/
/* [↓] HARD is the puzzle difficulity*/
do hard; row= random(1) /*scramble the grid HARD # of times.*/
if row then call move random(1,N)substr('LR', random(1, 2), 1) /* ◄── move row. */
else call move substr('abcdefghi',random(1,N), 1)substr('+-',random(1,2),1)
end /*hard*/ /* [↓] move col.*/
/*play 16─game until solved or quit.*/
do until done() /*perform moves until puzzle is solved.*/
call move /*get user's move(s) and validate it.*/
if errMsg\=='' then do; say sep er errMsg"."; iterate; end /*possible error msg?*/
end /*until*/
call show; say sep 'Congratulations! The' N**2"─puzzle is solved."
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
done: #=0; do r=1 to N; do c=1 to N; #=#+1; if @.r.c\==# then return 0; end; end; return 1
isInt: return datatype( arg(1), 'W') /*return 1 if arg is a whole number. */
ghost: do r=1 for n; do c=1 for n; !.r.c= @.r.c; end /*r*/; end /*c*/; return
move: arg x /*obtain optional move from ARG or ask.*/
ask1= sep 'Please enter a row number followed by a L or R, or'
ask2= sep ' enter a column letter followed by a + or -' @quit
@quit= ' (or Quit):'
if x=='' then do
if queued()==0 then do; say; call show; say ask1; say ask2
pull x; x= space(x, 0) /*obtain a response; elide whitespace.*/
y= left(x, 1); d= right(x, 1) /*get a number or letter, and also a ± */
num= isInt(d); let= datatype(y,'U') /*get direction to shift, based on type*/
if abbrev('QUIT', x, 1) then do; say; say; say sep "quitting."; exit; end
when x == '' then errMsg= "nothing entered"
when length(x)>2 then errMsg= "improper response: " x
when num & (y <1 | y >N ) then errMsg= "row isn't in range: " y
when num & (d\="L" & d\='R') then errMsg= "row shift isn't L or R: " d
when let & (y <"A" | y >HI ) then errMsg= "col isn't in range: " y
when let & (d\="+" & d\='-') then errMsg= "col shift isn't + or -: " d
otherwise errMsg=
end /*select*/ /* [↑] verify the human entered data. */
call ghost; yn= pos(y, 'ABCDEFGHI') /*create a ghost grid for easy moving. */
if isInt(y) then if d=='R' then do c=1 for N; cm= c-1; if c==1 then cm= c+N-1
@.y.c= !.y.cm
else do c=1 for N; cp= c+1; if c==N then cp= 1
@.y.c= !.y.cp
else if d=='-' then do r=1 for N; rm= r-1; if r==1 then rm= r+N-1
@.r.yn= !.rm.yn
else do r=1 for N; rp= r+1; if r==N then rp= 1
@.r.yn= !.rp.yn
show: top= '╔'copies( copies("═", 2)'╦', N); top= left( top, length(top) - 1)"╗"
bar= '╠'copies( copies("═", 2)'╬', N); bar= left( bar, length(bar) - 1)"╣"
bot= '╚'copies( copies("═", 2)'╩', N); bot= left( bot, length(bot) - 1)"╝"
ind= left('', 3 + length(N) ) /*compute indentation.*/
col= ind ind ind' ' subword('a- b- c- d- e- f- g- h- i-', 1, n)
HI= substr('abcdefghi', N, 1); upper HI
say col ind ind ind '- means shift a column down'; say pad ind top
do r=1 for N; z= r'R' " ║" /*build NxN game grid*/
do c=1 for N; z= z || right(@.r.c, 2)'║' /*build row by row. */
end /*c*/
z= z ' ' r"L" /*add rightside info.*/
if r==1 then z= z pad'L means shift a row left' /* " 1st help info.*/
if r==2 then z= z pad'R means shift a row right' /* " 2nd " " */
say pad z; if r\==N then say pad ind bar
end /*r*/
say pad ind bot; say;
say translate(col, '+', "-") ind ind ind '+ means shift a column up'; say
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default inputs:}}
──────── Playing a 16 game with a difficulity level of: 2
a- b- c- d- - means shift a column down
1R ║ 1║ 2║15║ 4║ 1L L means shift a row left
2R ║ 5║ 6║ 3║ 8║ 2L R means shift a row right
3R ║12║ 9║ 7║11║ 3L
4R ║13║14║10║16║ 4L
a+ b+ c+ d+ + means shift a column up
──────── Please enter a row number followed by a L or R, or
──────── enter a column letter followed by a + or - (or Quit):
c + ◄■■■■■■■■ user input
a- b- c- d- - means shift a column down
1R ║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 1L L means shift a row left
2R ║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 2L R means shift a row right
3R ║12║ 9║10║11║ 3L
4R ║13║14║15║16║ 4L
a+ b+ c+ d+ + means shift a column up
──────── Please enter a row number followed by a L or R, or
──────── enter a column letter followed by a + or - (or Quit):
3L ◄■■■■■■■■ user input
a- b- c- d- - means shift a column down
1R ║ 1║ 2║ 3║ 4║ 1L L means shift a row left
2R ║ 5║ 6║ 7║ 8║ 2L R means shift a row right
3R ║ 9║10║11║12║ 3L
4R ║13║14║15║16║ 4L
a+ b+ c+ d+ + means shift a column up
──────── Congratulations! The 16─puzzle is solved.
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