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Abbreviations, automatic: Difference between revisions

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4 djadomingu djaluna djamars djarason djaweps djabièrnè djasabra
2 Killachau Atichau Quoyllurchau Illapachau Chaskachau Kuychichau Intichau
<lang ksh>
# Abbreviations, automatic
# # Variables:
typeset -T Dow_T=(
typeset -a -h "Week day name array" dow
typeset -si -h "minimum length abbreviation" minabv
function init_dow {
_.dow=( $2 )
function print_wk {
typeset i ; typeset -si i
printf "(%d) " ${_.minabv}
for((i=0; i<${#_.dow[*]}; i++)); do
printf "%${_.minabv}s " ${_.dow[i]:0:${_.minabv}}
printf "\n"
# # Functions:
# # Function _file2arr(fn, arr) - read file fn into arr
function _file2arr {
typeset _fn ; _fn="$1"
typeset _arr ; nameref _arr="$2"
typeset _i ; typeset -si _i=0
while read; do
done < ${_fn}
# # Function _minabbr(buff) - return the min length abbr for items in buff
function _minabbr {
typeset _buf ; _buf="$1"
typeset _i _flg ; typeset -si _i=0 _cnt
typeset _item _list _abr
until (( _cnt == 7 )); do
unset _list
(( _i++ ))
for _item in ${_buf}; do
[[ ${_abr} == @(${_list}) ]] && break
(( _cnt++ ))
echo ${_i}
# main #
typeset -a dow langs
_file2arr "${dow_file}" dow
for ((i=0; i<${#dow[*]}; i++)); do
(( ! ${#dow[i]} )) && { print "Blank Input, line $((i+1))" ; continue ;}
alen=$(_minabbr "${dow[i]}")
Dow_T langs[i]
langs[i].init_dow ${alen} "${dow[i]}"
(( $((RANDOM%100+1))<=5 )) && { printf "%d. " $((i+1)) ; langs[i].print_wk ;}
15. (4) Dium Dill Dima Dime Dijo Dive Diss
Blank Input, line 26
46. (4) Dé_D Dé_L Dé_M Dé_C Dé_a Dé_h Dé_S
73. (2) do lu ma mi ju vi sá
83. (8) Chu?_Nhâ Thú*_Hai Thú*_Ba Thú*_Tu* Thú*_Na' Thú*_Sáu Thú*_Ba?
Blank Input, line 100


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