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A configurable GUI version of the Black Box game, with a Knuth solver/helper.
<lang Phix>-- demo\rosetta\Black_Box.exw
constant title = "Black Box",
help_text = """
Discover the location of objects/atoms using the fewest probes/rays.
See distributed version for much longer help text and other comments.
integer size, -- eg 8
s1, s2, -- size+1|2
count, -- eg 4
mask -- eg #0b100000 (first such >size^2-count+1)
-- Note that new_game() contains limiting code.
sequence gameboard, -- actual, count 1's and size*size-count 0's.
eboard, -- one of "", as being enumerated through
results, -- results of rays/probes, {x,y,c,x,y} format
guessxy, -- locations (each element is {x,y})
guessclr, -- colours of "" (CD_BLUE for a guess,
-- CD_GREEN for correct,
-- CD_RED for wrong,
-- CD_YELLOW/CYAN for hints.
hidden, -- "" as saved during setup
possibles, -- up to 635,376 integer codes for 8*8 with 4 game,
-- each entry being possible for content of results,
-- but never deliberately driven over 100,000.
knowns, -- these "are" atoms (but "maybe" if tried<maxtry)
minmaxmove -- best move available, see minmaxcount
integer possible, -- # of possibles checked to be plausible(), ie
-- [posssible+1..$] are all subject to imminent
-- deletion by the idle handler, if invalid.
hinted, -- # of probes analysed by hint_explore().
minmaxcount -- best (so far)
atom tried, maxtry -- # of enumerations attempted/theoretical max.
bool hints_used = false -- (affects the scoring)
function probe(integer x, y, sequence board, bool bSort=true)
-- returns {x,y,c,rx,ry} primarily for use in redraw_cb(), and
-- secondarily for use in plausible().
-- where c is: -1 for reflection, 0 for hit, and +1 otherwise.
-- Note that for the latter you need to allocate an actual colour
-- elsewhere (if this did that it would spanner plausible() etc),
-- and also note that -2 is now in use for the ray/probe hint.
-- Also x,y and rx,ry re-ordered lowest-first to avoid duplicates,
-- except for hint exploration, which passes a bSort of false.
integer rx = x, ry = y, -- current/emerge point (ray)
dx = 0, dy = 0, -- direction of travel
moves = 0 -- debug aid
if x=0 then dx = +1 -- left entry, moving right
elsif y=0 then dy = +1 -- top " down
elsif x=s1 then dx = -1 -- right " left
elsif y=s1 then dy = -1 -- btm " up
else ?9/0 -- (sanity check)
end if
while true do
integer nx = rx+dx, -- next logical position
ny = ry+dy,
idx = (ny-1)*size+nx
if nx=0 or nx=s1 or ny=0 or ny=s1 then
if x=nx and y=ny then
return {x,y,-1,0,0} -- Reflection
elsif bSort then
{{x,y},{nx,ny}} = sort({{x,y},{nx,ny}})
end if
return {x,y,1,nx,ny} -- Emerges here
elsif idx<=0 then
?9/0 -- (sanity check)
elsif board[idx] then
return {x,y,0,0,0} -- Hit
-- aside: rather than check diagonally, nx/ny are
-- simply discarded when a deflection occurs,
-- and we actually check things laterally.
elsif dx=0 then
-- up/down movement, check sides
if nx>1 and board[idx-1] then
if nx<size and board[idx+1] then
dy = -dy -- 180
{dx,dy} = {1,0} -- right
-- (yep, both up & down deflected
-- right by an atom on the left)
end if
elsif nx<size and board[idx+1] then
{dx,dy} = {-1,0} -- left
-- (ditto left by one on the right)
{rx,ry} = {nx,ny}
end if
elsif dy=0 then
-- left/right movement, check above/below
if ny>1 and board[idx-size] then
if ny<size and board[idx+size] then
dx = -dx -- 180
{dx,dy} = {0,1} -- down
-- (yep, left & right are both
-- deflected down by one above)
end if
elsif ny<size and board[idx+size] then
{dx,dy} = {0,-1} -- up
-- (ditto up by one below)
{rx,ry} = {nx,ny}
end if
?9/0 -- (sanity check, dx,dy=={0,0}!?)
end if
if rx=0 or rx=s1 or ry=0 or ry=s1 then
{dx,dy} = {0,0} -- (outer swivel===reflection)
end if
-- guard against infinite loops, why not.
-- *2 because swivel/move counted separately.
moves += 1
if moves>2*size*size then ?9/0 end if
end while
end function
function plausible(sequence board)
for i=1 to length(results) do
sequence ri = results[i]
integer {x,y} = ri
if probe(x,y,board)!=ri then return false end if
end for
return true
end function
-- For the smaller games we could use almost any storage method, but to facilitate larger
-- boards with more atoms we should be as stingy with memory as possible. To that end an
-- enumeration is stored as a compact set of offsets to the next piece. For instance the
-- board {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,....1} is stored as offsets {4,6,8,64-18}
-- further using an appropriate mask to give (((((46*#40)+8)*#40)+6)*#40)+4 which can be
-- stored as a single integer/atom, yet unpacked quite easily, see next. Note there is
-- code in new_game(), for valuechanged_cb(), that ensures we can store count*bits, and
-- more by luck than judgement that (partly) helps avoid configurations that would take
-- far longer than the universe has existed to enumerate and scan even just the once.
function unpack(atom code)
sequence board = repeat(0,size*size)
integer offset = 0, r, check = 0
while code do
r = remainder(code,mask)
if r<=0 then ?9/0 end if -- sanity check
offset += r
board[offset] = 1
code = floor(code/mask)
check += 1
end while
if check!=count then ?9/0 end if -- sanity check
return board
end function
function pack(sequence board)
atom code = 0, pmask = 1
integer idx = 0, check = 0
while true do
integer prev = idx
idx = find(1,board,idx+1)
if idx=0 then exit end if
code = code + (idx-prev)*pmask
check += 1
pmask *= mask
end while
if check!=count then ?9/0 end if -- sanity check
-- if unpack(code)!=board then ?9/0 end if -- ""
return code
end function
procedure trim_possibles()
-- Re-process the possibles table as follows:
-- 111...222322323...$
-- where 111... is possibly empty ok [1..possible],
-- and 222322323 is some chunk [possible+1..limit],
-- with 2s for oks and 3s for now-failing entries,
-- which gets processed in a right-to-left order,
-- such that fails(3) get replaced from the (1)s,
-- being careful to quit early on any overlap, and
-- /or re-test same slot if the 111... exhausted.
-- Finally, trim off the dead head of possibles[].
-- The result is quite scrambled, but care we not.
integer limit = min(possible+100_000,length(possibles)),
limit0 = limit,
kill = 1 -- (actually 1 over)
while limit>max(possible,kill-1) do
if not plausible(unpack(possibles[limit])) then
possibles[limit] = possibles[kill]
if kill<=possible then
limit -= 1
end if
kill += 1
limit -= 1
end if
end while
possibles = possibles[kill..$]
possible = limit0-kill+1
end procedure
procedure enumerate()
atom limit = min(tried+100_000,maxtry)
while tried<limit and length(possibles)<100_000 do
tried += 1
if plausible(eboard) then
possibles &= pack(eboard)
possible += 1
end if
-- think abacus: find the first bead you can shift left,
-- and slam the rest of them hard right.
-- similar to binary counting, but you must always have
-- exactly 'count' beads (ie 1's), eg
-- choose(2*2,2) is 6:
-- 0b0011 0b0101 0b0110 0b1001 0b1010 0b1100
-- However, because we are scanning from top left down
-- to bottom right, it turned out better to do them in
-- reverse order, hence shift right and slam left (not
-- quite an exact mirror, but close enough).
integer idx = find(1,eboard), last = 1
while true do
eboard[idx] = 0
idx += 1
if idx>size*size then exit end if
if eboard[idx]=0 then
eboard[idx] = 1
end if
eboard[last] = 1
last += 1
end while
if idx=0 then exit end if
end while
end procedure
function idx_from_edge(integer x,y)
-- convert {x,y}, where one but not both of x,y are either 0
-- or s1, and the other is strictly 1..size, into 1..4*size.
-- if x=0 then x = 0 -- (logically, but obvs. pointless)
if x=s1 then x = size
elsif y=0 then y = size*2
elsif y=s1 then y = size*3
elsif x!=0 then ?9/0 end if -- not an edge?!
return x+y
end function
function edge_from_idx(integer xy)
-- convert 1..4*size into {0,1..size}/{s1,1..size}/{1..size,0}/{1..size,s1}
sequence res
integer c = floor((xy-1)/size)
switch c do
case 0: res = {0,xy}
case 1: res = {s1,xy-size}
case 2: res = {xy-size*2,0}
case 3: res = {xy-size*3,s1}
default: ?9/0
end switch
return res
end function
-- this is currently inlined, in case you were looking for it:
--procedure idx_from_x_y(integer x, y)
-- convert {1,1}..{size,size} to 1..size*size, for flat indexing
-- return (y-1)*size+x
--end function
function x_y_from_idx(integer idx)
-- convert 1..size*size to {1,1}..{size,size}
-- (absence of floor() on /size is a deliberate sanity check)
integer x = remainder(idx-1,size)+1,
y = (idx-x)/size + 1
return {x,y}
end function
function next_hint()
sequence edges = repeat(0,size*4)
integer x,y,r
for i=1 to length(results) do
{x,y,r} = results[i]
for j=1 to 1+(r==1) do
integer idx = idx_from_edge(x,y)
if edges[idx] then ?9/0 end if
edges[idx] = 1
{?,?,?,x,y} = results[i]
end for
end for
integer new_hinted = find(0,edges,hinted+1)
return new_hinted
end function
procedure explore_hints(integer new_hinted)
if new_hinted then
-- originally, it proved better to scan these backwards...
-- it now breaks (wrong tiles, I guess) if not flipped...
new_hinted = size*4+1-new_hinted
integer {x,y} = edge_from_idx(new_hinted), k
sequence rxy = {}, counts = {}
for i=1 to possible do
sequence p = probe(x,y,unpack(possibles[i]),false)
k = find(p,rxy)
if k=0 then
rxy = append(rxy,p)
counts = append(counts,1)
counts[k] += 1
end if
end for
k = max(counts)
if hinted=0
or minmaxcount=0
or k<minmaxcount then
minmaxcount = k
k = maxsq(counts,true)
minmaxmove = rxy[k]
minmaxmove[3] = -2
end if
new_hinted = size*4+1-new_hinted -- unflip
hinted = new_hinted
hinted = size*4
end if
end procedure
procedure find_common()
sequence all = repeat(1,size*size),
none = repeat(0,size*size)
for i=1 to possible do
all = sq_and(all,unpack(possibles[i]))
if all==none then exit end if
end for
knowns = {}
for i=1 to length(all) do
if all[i] then
knowns = append(knowns,x_y_from_idx(i))
end if
end for
end procedure
include pGUI.e
Ihandle dlg, game_canvas, gridsize, atoms, score, hints, debug,
progress, declare
constant colour_table = {CD_RED,
#bfef45, -- Lime
#fabebe, -- Pink
#469990, -- Teal
#e6beff, -- Lavender
#9A6324, -- Brown
#fffac8, -- Beige
#800000, -- Maroon
#aaffc3, -- Mint
#808000, -- Olive
#ffd8b1, -- Apricot
#000075} -- Navy
function colour(integer c)
c = mod(c-1,length(colour_table))+1
return colour_table[c]
end function
constant CD_HINTS = CD_DARK_GREY, -- (where to fire probe)
CD_MAYBE = CD_YELLOW, -- (probably an atom [scan not yet finished])
CD_KNOWN = CD_CYAN -- (known atoms [scan finished])
procedure redraw()
end procedure
function idle_action()
integer new_hinted = 0
if possible<length(possibles) then
hinted = 0
elsif tried<maxtry and length(possibles)<100_000 then
hinted = 0
elsif IupGetInt(hints,"VALUE")
and hinted<size*4 then
if possible>1
and hinted<size*4 then
new_hinted = next_hint()
end if
if possible=1
or hinted=size*4 then
hinted = size*4
end if
return IUP_IGNORE -- (disables idle)
end if
string title = sprintf("%,d / %,d (%d%%)",{possible,tried,100*(tried/maxtry)})
if new_hinted then
title &= sprintf(", move %d/%d",{new_hinted,size*4})
end if
end function
constant idle_action_cb = Icallback("idle_action")
procedure start_idle()
end procedure
procedure new_game()
size = IupGetInt(gridsize,"VALUE")
s1 = size+1
s2 = size+2
count = IupGetInt(atoms,"VALUE")
while true do -- in case count too big
mask = #02
integer bits = 1
while mask<=size*size-count+1 do mask*=2 bits+=1 end while
-- Prevent overflow: must be able to store count*bits in a Phix atom.
-- count limits are therefore 13 on 5x5, 7 on 10x10, and 5 on 20x20,
-- on 32-bit, but 64-bit does 16 on 5x5, 9 on 10x10, and 7 on 20x20.
-- Many if not all of the silly-sized games this prohibits could not
-- possibly be fully analysed within a typical human lifespan anyway.
-- Besides just 5 atoms allows ambiguous/therefore unplayable games.
-- See also the comments before unpack() above. Trying to store too
-- many bits would trigger the sanity checks in pack()/unpack().
integer mb = iff(machine_bits()=32?53:64),
maxcount = min(floor(mb/bits),size*size)
if count<=maxcount then exit end if
count = maxcount
end while
eboard = repeat(0,size*size)
eboard[1..count] = 1
tried = 0
maxtry = choose(size*size,count)
possibles = {}
possible = 0
results = {}
guessxy = {}
guessclr = {}
hidden = {}
knowns = {}
minmaxcount = 0
gameboard = repeat(0,size*size)
bool active = IupGetInt(debug,"VALUE")
integer done = 0, x, y, xy
while done<count do
x = rand(size)
y = rand(size)
xy = (y-1)*size+x
if gameboard[xy]=0 then
gameboard[xy] = 1
hidden = append(hidden,{x,y})
done += 1
elsif not find(0,gameboard) then
?9/0 -- let's not loop forever!
-- (should now be prevented by maxcount above)
end if
end while
IupSetInt(declare, "ACTIVE", active)
if active then
guessxy = hidden
guessclr = repeat(CD_BLUE,length(guessxy))
end if
hints_used = (IupGetInt(hints,"VALUE") and not active)
end procedure
-- saved in redraw_cb(), for click testing in button_cb():
integer wh, -- width and height
mx, my -- margins
-- saved in declare_cb(), for adding to the score (10 each)
integer wrong = 0
function redraw_cb(Ihandle ih, integer /*posx*/, integer /*posy*/)
integer {w,h} = IupGetIntInt(ih, "DRAWSIZE")
-- calc width/height and margins (saved for button_cb):
wh = min(floor((w-10)/s2),floor((h-10)/s2))
mx = floor((w-wh*(s2))/2)
my = floor((h-wh*(s2))/2)
cdCanvas cddbuffer = IupGetAttributePtr(ih,"DBUFFER")
-- outer edges (using one huge '+' shape)
-- the inner size*size board (square)
-- draw the grid lines
integer {lx,ly} = {mx,my}
for i=1 to size+1 do
lx += wh
ly += wh
end for
sequence edges = repeat(0,size*4)
integer x,y,c = 1, h2 = floor(wh/2), r,
rfrom = (minmaxcount==0 or IupGetInt(hints,"VALUE")=0)
for i=rfrom to length(results) do
{x,y,r} = iff(i=0?minmaxmove:results[i])
integer cb, ct
string txt
{txt,cb,ct} = iff(r=-2?{"+",CD_HINTS,CD_BLACK}:
for j=1 to 1+(r==1) do
integer cx = mx+wh*x,
cy = my+wh*(s1-y)
cdCanvasFont(cddbuffer, "Helvetica", CD_BOLD, h2)
cdCanvasText(cddbuffer, cx+h2, cy+h2, txt)
if i!=0 then
integer idx = idx_from_edge(x,y)
if edges[idx] then ?9/0 end if
edges[idx] = 1
if r=1 then
{?,?,?,x,y} = results[i]
c += (j=2)
end if
end if
end for
end for
sequence gxy = guessxy,
gclr = guessclr
if IupGetInt(hints,"VALUE") then
for i=1 to length(knowns) do
sequence ki = knowns[i]
if not find(ki,gxy) then
gxy = append(gxy,ki)
gclr = append(gclr,iff(tried<maxtry?CD_MAYBE:CD_KNOWN))
end if
end for
end if
for i=1 to length(gxy) do
{x,y} = gxy[i]
atom cx = mx+(x+0.5)*wh,
cy = my+(s1-y+0.5)*wh
r = floor(wh*4/5)
cdCanvasCircle(cddbuffer, cx, cy, r)
end for
-- IupSetStrAttribute(score,"TITLE","%d",{iff(hints_used?9999:sum(edges)+wrong*10)})
end function
function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
cdCanvas cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_GL, "10x10 %g", {res})
cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, CD_PARCHMENT)
{} = cdCanvasTextAlignment(cddbuffer, CD_CENTER)
end function
function canvas_resize_cb(Ihandle canvas)
cdCanvas cddbuffer = IupGetAttributePtr(canvas,"DBUFFER")
integer {canvas_width, canvas_height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE")
atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4
cdCanvasSetAttribute(cddbuffer, "SIZE", "%dx%d %g", {canvas_width, canvas_height, res})
end function
function declare_cb(Ihandle /*declare*/)
sequence add_h = repeat(true,length(hidden))
wrong = max(0,count-length(guessxy))
for i=1 to length(guessxy) do
integer k = find(guessxy[i],hidden)
if k then
guessclr[i] = CD_GREEN
add_h[k] = false
guessclr[i] = CD_RED
wrong += 1
end if
end for
for i=1 to length(add_h) do
if add_h[i] then
guessxy = append(guessxy,hidden[i])
guessclr = append(guessclr,CD_BLUE)
end if
end for
IupSetAttribute(declare, "ACTIVE", "NO")
end function
function button_cb(Ihandle canvas, integer button, pressed, x, y, atom /*pStatus*/)
Ihandle frame = IupGetParent(canvas)
string title = IupGetAttribute(frame,"TITLE")
if button=IUP_BUTTON1 and not pressed then -- (left button released)
x = floor((x-mx)/wh)
y = floor((y-my)/wh)
-- obviously, an x/y of 0 means left/top,
-- whereas s1 means right/btm,
-- and 1..size(both) is inner.
bool outerx = (x>=0 and x<=s1),
outery = (y>=0 and y<=s1),
innerx = (x>=1 and x<=size),
innery = (y>=1 and y<=size)
if innerx and innery then
sequence guess = {x,y}
integer k = find(guess,guessxy)
if k then
guessxy[k..k] = {}
guessclr[k..k] = {}
guessxy = append(guessxy,guess)
guessclr = append(guessclr,CD_BLUE)
end if
bool bActive = (length(guessxy)==count)
IupSetInt(declare, "ACTIVE", bActive)
if IupGetInt(debug,"VALUE")
and length(guessxy)=count then
hidden = guessxy
gameboard = repeat(0,size*size)
for i=1 to count do
{x,y} = hidden[i]
integer xy = (y-1)*size+x
gameboard[xy] = 1
end for
results = {}
end if
elsif (outerx and innery)
or (outery and innerx) then
sequence r = probe(x,y,gameboard)
if not find(r,results) then
results = append(results,r)
possible = 0
end if
end if
end if
end function
function new_game_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
end function
function exit_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
return IUP_CLOSE
end function
function help_cb(Ihandln /*ih*/)
end function
function key_cb(Ihandle /*dlg*/, atom c)
if c=K_ESC then return IUP_CLOSE end if
if c=K_F1 then return help_cb(NULL) end if
if c='?' then
-- an old diagnostic that I kept in...
for i=1 to min(5,length(possibles)) do
sequence s = unpack(possibles[i])
for j=1 to size do
s = s[size+1..$]
end for
end for
possible = 0
end if
end function
function valuechanged_cb(Ihandle ih)
if ih=hints then
hints_used = true
end if
end function
constant cb_valuechanged = Icallback("valuechanged_cb")
procedure main()
gridsize = IupText("SPIN=Yes, SPINMIN=1, SPINMAX=20, VALUE=8, RASTERSIZE=34x")
atoms = IupText("SPIN=Yes, SPINMIN=1, SPINMAX=16, VALUE=4, RASTERSIZE=34x")
score = IupLabel("","EXPAND=HORIZONTAL, PADDING=5x4")
hints = IupToggle(" Show Hints?","VALUE=YES, RIGHTBUTTON=YES, PADDING=5x4")
debug = IupToggle("Debug Mode?","VALUE=NO, RIGHTBUTTON=YES, PADDING=5x4")
progress = IupLabel("-","EXPAND=HORIZONTAL, PADDING=5x4")
declare = IupButton("Declare",Icallback("declare_cb"),"PADDING=5x4, ACTIVE=NO")
game_canvas = IupGLCanvas("RASTERSIZE=400x400")
Ihandle newgame = IupButton("New Game",Icallback("new_game_cb"),"PADDING=5x4"),
help = IupButton("Help (F1)",Icallback("help_cb"),"PADDING=5x4"),
quit = IupButton("E&xit",Icallback("exit_cb"),"PADDING=5x4"),
vbox = IupVbox({IupHbox({IupLabel("Size","PADDING=5x4"),gridsize,
game_frame = IupFrame(IupHbox({game_canvas},"MARGIN=3x3"),"TITLE=Game"),
option_frame = IupFrame(vbox,"TITLE=Options"),
full = IupHbox({game_frame,option_frame})
IupSetCallbacks({gridsize,atoms,hints,debug}, {"VALUECHANGED_CB", cb_valuechanged})
IupSetCallbacks(game_canvas, {"ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"),
"MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"),
"RESIZE_CB", Icallback("canvas_resize_cb"),
"BUTTON_CB", Icallback("button_cb")})
dlg = IupDialog(IupHbox({full},"MARGIN=3x3"))
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", title)
IupSetCallback(dlg, "K_ANY", Icallback("key_cb"))
IupSetAttributeHandle(dlg,"DEFAULTENTER", declare) --erm...??
IupSetAttribute(dlg, "RASTERSIZE", NULL)
IupSetStrAttribute(dlg, "MINSIZE", IupGetAttribute(dlg,"RASTERSIZE"))
sequence fixsize = {score,progress}
for i=1 to length(fixsize) do
Ihandle fi = fixsize[i]
IupSetAttributes(fi, "RASTERSIZE=%s, EXPAND=NO", {IupGetAttribute(fi,"RASTERSIZE")})
end for
end procedure


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