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Damm algorithm: Difference between revisions

Add 8080 assembly
(Add 8080 assembly)
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112946 Validates as: 1B
=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm> org 100h
jmp demo
;;; Given an 0-terminated ASCII string containing digits in [DE],
;;; see if it matches its check digit. Returns with zero flag set
;;; if the string matches.
damm: mvi c,0 ; Interim digit in C, starts off at 0.
ldax d ; Get current byte from string
inx d ; Advance the pointer
ana a ; Is the byte zero?
jnz $+5 ; If not, go look up interim digit
cmp c ; But if so, see if the interim digit is also zero
ret ; And return whether this was the case
sui '0' ; Subtract ASCII 0
mov b,a ; Keep digit to be processed in B
mov a,c ; Calculate C*10 (interim digit row index)
add a ; * 2
add a ; * 4
add c ; * 5
add a ; * 10
add b ; Add column index
lxi h,dammit
add l ; Table lookup (assuming H doesn't change, i.e. it
mov l,a ; doesn't cross a page boundary).
mov c,m ; Get new interim digit from table
jmp damm+2 ; And check next character
;;; Table of interim digits
;;; NOTE: must not cross page boundary
dammit: db 0,3,1,7,5,9,8,6,4,2
db 7,0,9,2,1,5,4,8,6,3
db 4,2,0,6,8,7,1,3,5,9
db 1,7,5,0,9,8,3,4,2,6
db 6,1,2,3,0,4,5,9,7,8
db 3,6,7,4,2,0,9,5,8,1
db 5,8,6,9,7,2,0,1,3,4
db 8,9,4,5,3,6,2,0,1,7
db 9,4,3,8,6,1,7,2,0,5
db 2,5,8,1,4,3,6,7,9,0
;;; Demo code: see if the argument on the CP/M command line
;;; matches its input.
demo: lxi h,80h ; Zero-terminate input
mov e,m
mvi d,0
inx d
dad d
mov m,d
lxi d,82h ; Command line argument, skipping first space
call damm ; See if it validates
mvi c,9
lxi d,ok ; Print OK...
jz 5 ; ...if the checksum matches,
lxi d,no ; Print NOT OK otherwise.
jmp 5
no: db 'NOT '
ok: db 'OK$'</lang>
<pre>A>damm 5724
A>damm 5727
A>damm 112946
A>damm 112949
NOT OK</pre>


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