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Chinese zodiac: Difference between revisions

Line 107:
"甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸" -- 天干 tiangan – heavenly stems
(words "jiă yĭ bĭng dīng wù jĭ gēng xīn rén gŭi")
ds :: [(String, String)]
ds =
Line 113:
(chars "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥") -- 地支 dizhi – terrestrial branches
(words "zĭ chŏu yín măo chén sì wŭ wèi shēn yŏu xū hài")
ws :: [(String, String, String)]
ws =
Line 120:
(words "mù huǒ tǔ jīn shuǐ")
(words "wood fire earth metal water")
xs :: [(String, String, String)]
xs =
Line 128:
(words "rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse goat monkey rooster dog pig")
ys :: [(String, String)]
ys = zip (chars "阳阴") (words "yáng yīn") -- 阴阳 yinyang – dark & light
chars :: String -> [String]
chars = (flip (:) [] <$>)
-- TRADITIONAL CYCLES --------------------------------------------------------
f农历 y =
Line 147 ⟶ 148:
, [[], show (rem i年份 60 + 1) ++ " of 60", e五行, e生肖, []] -- en
-- FORMATTING ----------------------------------------------------------------
colWidths :: [[Int]]
colWidths = [[6, 10, 7, 8, 3], [6, 11, 8, 8, 4], [6, 11, 8, 8, 4]]
showRows :: Int -> String
showRows y =
Line 159 ⟶ 160:
justifyLeft n c s = take n (s ++ replicate n c)
-- TEST OUTPUT ---------------------------------------------------------------
main :: IO ()


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