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Angle difference between two bearings: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Haskell}}: (layout, function name, narrowed import)
m (→‎JS ES6: Layout, function name)
m (→‎{{header|Haskell}}: (layout, function name, narrowed import))
Line 185:
<lang Haskell>import Text.Printf (printf)
<lang Haskell>import Text.Printf
type Radians = Float
Line 193 ⟶ 192:
angleBetweenDegrees :: Degrees -> Degrees -> Degrees
angleBetweenDegrees a b = degrees $ relBearingbearingDelta (radians a) (radians b)
relBearingbearingDelta :: Radians -> Radians -> Radians
relBearingbearingDelta a b -- sign * dot-product
= sign * acos ((ax * bx) + (ay * by))
Line 213 ⟶ 212:
radians = (/ 180) . (pi *)
-- TEST -----------------------------------------------------------------------
main :: IO ()
main =
Line 227:
displayRow (x, y) =
printf "%6.2f° + %6.2f° -> %7.2f°" x y $ angleBetweenDegrees x y</lang>
<pre> 20.00° + 45.00° -> 25.00°


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