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Water collected between towers: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
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(Add 8086 assembly)
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=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm> cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
jmp demo
;;; Calculate the amount of water a row of towers will hold
;;; Note: this will destroy the input array.
;;; Input: DX = tower array, CX = length of array
;;; Output: AX = amount of water
water: xor ax,ax ; Amount of water starts at zero
xor bx,bx ; BH = zero, BL = block count
.scanr: mov di,dx ; DI = right edge of towers
add di,cx
.rloop: dec di
cmp di,dx ; Reached beginning?
jl .out ; Then calculation is done.
cmp bh,[di] ; Otherwise, if the tower is zero,
je .rloop ; Keep scanning
xor bl,bl ; Set block count to zero
mov si,dx ; SI = left scanning edge
.scanl: cmp bh,[si] ; Is the column empty?
je .unit ; Then see whether to add an unit of water
dec byte [si] ; Otherwise, remove block from tower
inc bx ; And count it
jmp .next
.unit: test bl,bl ; Any blocks?
jz .next
inc ax ; If so, add unit of water
.next: inc si ; Scan rightward
cmp si,di ; Reached the right edge?
jbe .scanl ; If not, keep going
shr bl,1 ; If more than 1 block,
jnz .scanr ; Keep going
.out: ret
;;; Calculate and print the amount of water for each input
demo: mov si,series
.loop: lodsw ; Load pointer
test ax,ax ; If 0,
jz .done ; we're done.
xchg ax,dx
lodsw ; Load length
xchg ax,cx
push si ; Keep array pointer
call water ; Calculate amount of water
call prax ; Print AX
pop si ; Restore array pointer
jmp .loop
.done: ret
;;; Print AX as number
prax: mov bx,num ; Pointer to end of number string
mov cx,10 ; Divisor
.dgt: xor dx,dx ; Divide by 10
div cx
add dl,'0' ; Add ASCII 0 to remainder
dec bx ; Store digit
mov [bx],dl
test ax,ax ; If number not zero yet
jnz .dgt ; Find rest of digits
mov dx,bx ; Print number string
mov ah,9
int 21h
section .data
db '*****' ; Output number placeholder
num: db ' $'
;;; Series
t1: db 1,5,3,7,2
t2: db 5,3,7,2,6,4,5,9,1,2
t3: db 2,6,3,5,2,8,1,4,2,2,5,3,5,7,4,1
t4: db 5,5,5,5
t5: db 5,6,7,8
t6: db 8,7,7,6
t7: db 6,7,10,7,6
t_end: equ $
;;; Lengths and pointers
series: dw t1,t2-t1
dw t2,t3-t2
dw t3,t4-t3
dw t4,t5-t4
dw t5,t6-t5
dw t6,t7-t6
dw t7,t_end-t7
dw 0</lang>
<pre>2 14 35 0 0 0 0</pre>


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