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Compiler/code generator: Difference between revisions

Added Algol W
(Added Algol W)
Line 258:
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
<lang algolw>begin % code generator %
% parse tree nodes %
record node( integer type
; reference(node) left, right
; integer iValue % nString/nIndentifier number or nInteger value %
integer nIdentifier, nString, nInteger, nSequence, nIf, nPrtc, nPrts
, nPrti, nWhile, nAssign, nNegate, nNot, nMultiply
, nDivide, nMod, nAdd, nSubtract, nLess, nLessEqual
, nGreater, nGreaterEqual, nEqual, nNotEqual, nAnd, nOr
string(14) array ndName ( 1 :: 25 );
integer array nOp ( 1 :: 25 );
integer MAX_NODE_TYPE;
% string literals and identifiers - uses a linked list - a hash table might be better... %
string(1) array text ( 0 :: 4095 );
integer textNext, TEXT_MAX;
record textElement ( integer start, length; reference(textElement) next );
reference(textElement) idList, stList;
% op codes %
integer oFetch, oStore, oPush
, oAdd, oSub, oMul, oDiv, oMod, oLt, oGt, oLe, oGe, oEq, oNe
, oAnd, oOr, oNeg, oNot, oJmp, oJz, oPrtc, oPrts, oPrti, oHalt
string(6) array opName ( 1 :: 24 );
% code - although this is intended to be byte code, as we are going to output %
% an assembler source, we use integers for convenience %
% labelLocations are: ( - referencing location + 1 ) if they have been referenced but not defined yet, %
% zero if they are unreferenced and undefined, %
% ( referencing location + 1 ) if they are defined %
integer array byteCode ( 0 :: 4095 );
integer array labelLocation( 1 :: 4096 );
integer nextLocation, MAX_LOCATION, nextLabelNumber, MAX_LABEL_NUMBER;
% returns a new node with left and right branches %
reference(node) procedure opNode ( integer value opType; reference(node) value opLeft, opRight ) ; begin
node( opType, opLeft, opRight, 0 )
end opNode ;
% returns a new operand node %
reference(node) procedure operandNode ( integer value opType, opValue ) ; begin
node( opType, null, null, opValue )
end operandNode ;
% reports an error and stops %
procedure genError( string(80) value message ); begin
integer errorPos;
write( s_w := 0, "**** Code generation error: " );
errorPos := 0;
while errorPos < 80 and message( errorPos // 1 ) not = "." do begin
writeon( s_w := 0, message( errorPos // 1 ) );
errorPos := errorPos + 1
end while_not_at_end_of_message ;
writeon( s_w := 0, "." );
assert( false )
end genError ;
% reads a node from standard input %
reference(node) procedure readNode ; begin
reference(node) resultNode;
% parses a string from line and stores it in a string in the text array %
% - if it is not already present in the specified textElement list. %
% returns the position of the string in the text array %
integer procedure readString ( reference(textElement) value result txList; string(1) value terminator ) ; begin
string(256) str;
integer sLen, sPos, ePos;
logical found;
reference(textElement) txPos, txLastPos;
% get the text of the string %
str := " ";
sLen := 0;
str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
sLen := sLen + 1;
lPos := lPos + 1;
while lPos <= 255 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = terminator do begin
str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
sLen := sLen + 1;
lPos := lPos + 1
end while_more_string ;
if lPos > 255 then genError( "Unterminated String in node file." );
% attempt to find the text in the list of strings/identifiers %
txLastPos := txPos := txList;
found := false;
ePos := 0;
while not found and txPos not = null do begin
ePos := ePos + 1;
found := ( length(txPos) = sLen );
sPos := 0;
while found and sPos < sLen do begin
found := str( sPos // 1 ) = text( start(txPos) + sPos );
sPos := sPos + 1
end while_not_found ;
txLastPos := txPos;
if not found then txPos := next(txPos)
end while_string_not_found ;
if not found then begin
% the string/identifier is not in the list - add it %
ePos := ePos + 1;
if txList = null then txList := textElement( textNext, sLen, null )
else next(txLastPos) := textElement( textNext, sLen, null );
if textNext + sLen > TEXT_MAX then genError( "Text space exhausted." )
else begin
for cPos := 0 until sLen - 1 do begin
text( textNext ) := str( cPos // 1 );
textNext := textNext + 1
end for_cPos
end if_not_found ;
end readString ;
% gets an integer from the line - no checks for valid digits %
integer procedure readInteger ; begin
integer n;
n := 0;
while line( lPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
n := ( n * 10 ) + ( decode( line( lPos // 1 ) ) - decode( "0" ) );
lPos := lPos + 1
end while_not_end_of_integer ;
end readInteger ;
string(256) line;
string(16) name;
integer lPos, tPos, ndType;
tPos := lPos := 0;
readcard( line );
% get the node type name %
while line( lPos // 1 ) = " " do lPos := lPos + 1;
name := "";
while lPos < 256 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
name( tPos // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
lPos := lPos + 1;
tPos := tPos + 1
end while_more_name ;
% determine the node type %
ndType := 1;
resultNode := null;
if name not = ";" then begin
% not a null node %
while ndType <= MAX_NODE_TYPE and name not = ndName( ndType ) do ndType := ndType + 1;
if ndType > MAX_NODE_TYPE then genError( "Malformed node." );
% handle the additional parameter for identifier/string/integer, or sub-nodes for operator nodes %
if ndType = nInteger or ndType = nIdentifier or ndType = nString then begin
while line( lPos // 1 ) = " " do lPos := lPos + 1;
if ndType = nInteger then resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readInteger )
else if ndType = nIdentifier then resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readString( idList, " " ) )
else % ndType = nString % resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readString( stList, """" ) )
else begin
% operator node %
reference(node) leftNode;
leftNode := readNode;
resultNode := opNode( ndType, leftNode, readNode )
end if_non_null_node ;
end readNode ;
% returns the next free label number %
integer procedure newLabel ; begin
nextLabelNumber := nextLabelNumber + 1;
if nextLabelNumber > MAX_LABEL_NUMBER then genError( "Program too complex" );
end newLabel ;
% defines the specified label to be at the next location %
procedure defineLabel ( integer value labelNumber ) ; begin
if labelLocation( labelNumber ) > 0 then genError( "Label already defined" )
else begin
% this is the first definition of the label, define it and if it has already been referenced, fill in the reference %
integer currValue;
currValue := labelLocation( labelNumber );
labelLocation( labelNumber ) := nextLocation + 1; % we store pc + 1 to ensure the label location is positive %
if currValue < 0 then % already referenced % byteCode( - ( currValue + 1 ) ) := labelLocation( labelNumber )
end defineLabel ;
% stores a byte in the code %
procedure genByte ( integer value byteValue ) ; begin
if nextLocation > MAX_LOCATION then genError( "Program too large" );
byteCode( nextLocation ) := byteValue;
nextLocation := nextLocation + 1
end genByte ;
% stores an integer in the code %
procedure genInteger ( integer value integerValue ) ; begin
% we are storing the bytes of the code in separate integers for convenience %
genByte( integerValue ); genByte( 0 ); genByte( 0 ); genByte( 0 )
end genInteger ;
% generates an operation acting on an address %
procedure genDataOp ( integer value opCode, address ) ; begin
genByte( opCode );
genInteger( address )
end genDataOp ;
% generates a nullary operation %
procedure genOp0 ( integer value opCode ) ; begin
genByte( opCode )
end genOp0 ;
% generates a unary/binary operation %
procedure genOp ( reference(node) value n ) ; begin
gen( left(n) );
gen( right(n) ); % right will be null for a unary op so no code will be generated %
genByte( nOp( type(n) ) )
end genOp ;
% generates a jump operation %
procedure genJump ( integer value opCode, labelNumber ) ; begin
genByte( opCode );
% if the label is not defined yet - set it's location to the negative of the referencing location %
% so it can be resolved later %
if labelLocation( labelNumber ) = 0 then labelLocation( labelNumber ) := - ( nextLocation + 1 );
genInteger( labelLocation( labelNumber ) )
end genJump ;
% generates code for the node n %
procedure gen ( reference(node) value n ) ; begin
if n = null then % empty node % begin end
else if type(n) = nIdentifier then genDataOp( oFetch, iValue(n) )
else if type(n) = nString then genDataOp( oPush, iValue(n) - 1 )
else if type(n) = nInteger then genDataOp( oPush, iValue(n) )
else if type(n) = nSequence then begin
gen( left(n) );
gen( right(n) )
else if type(n) = nIf then % if-else % begin
integer elseLabel;
elseLabel := newLabel;
gen( left(n) );
genJump( oJz, elseLabel );
gen( left( right(n) ) );
if right(right(n)) = null then % no "else" part % defineLabel( elseLabel )
else begin
% have an "else" part %
integer endIfLabel;
endIfLabel := newLabel;
genJump( oJmp, endIfLabel );
defineLabel( elseLabel );
gen( right(right(n)) );
defineLabel( endIfLabel )
else if type(n) = nWhile then % while-loop % begin
integer loopLabel, exitLabel;
loopLabel := newLabel;
exitLabel := newLabel;
defineLabel( loopLabel );
gen( left(n) );
genJump( oJz, exitLabel );
gen( right(n) );
genJump( oJmp, loopLabel );
defineLabel( exitLabel )
else if type(n) = nAssign then % assignment % begin
gen( right( n ) );
genDataOp( oStore, iValue(left(n)) )
else genOp( n )
end gen ;
% outputs the generated code to standard output %
procedure emitCode ; begin
% counts the number of elements in a text element list %
integer procedure countElements ( reference(textElement) value txHead ) ; begin
integer count;
reference(textElement) txPos;
count := 0;
txPos := txHead;
while txPos not = null do begin
count := count + 1;
txPos := next(txPos)
end while_txPos_not_null ;
end countElements ;
integer pc, op;
reference(textElement) txPos;
% code header %
write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0
, "Datasize: ", countElements( idList )
, " Strings: ", countElements( stList )
% output the string literals %
txPos := stList;
while txPos not = null do begin
integer cPos;
write( """" );
cPos := 1; % start from 1 to skip over the leading " %
while cPos < length(txPos) do begin
writeon( s_w := 0, text( start(txPos) + cPos ) );
cPos := cPos + 1
end while_not_end_of_string ;
writeon( s_w := 0, """" );
txPos := next(txPos)
end while_not_at_end_of_literals ;
% code body %
pc := 0;
while pc < nextLocation do begin
op := byteCode( pc );
write( i_w := 4, s_w := 0, pc, " ", opName( op ) );
pc := pc + 1;
if op = oFetch or op = oStore then begin
% data load/store - add the address in square brackets %
writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "[", byteCode( pc ) - 1, "]" );
pc := pc + 4
else if op = oPush then begin
% push constant - add the constant %
writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, byteCode( pc ) );
pc := pc + 4
else if op = oJmp or op = oJz then begin
% jump - show the relative address in brackets and the absolute address %
writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "(", ( byteCode( pc ) - 1 ) - pc, ") ", byteCode( pc ) - 1 );
pc := pc + 4
end while_pc_lt_nextLocation
end emitCode ;
oFetch := 1; opName( oFetch ) := "fetch"; oStore := 2; opName( oStore ) := "store"; oPush := 3; opName( oPush ) := "push";
oAdd := 4; opName( oAdd ) := "add"; oSub := 5; opName( oSub ) := "sub"; oMul := 6; opName( oMul ) := "mul";
oDiv := 7; opName( oDiv ) := "div"; oMod := 8; opName( oMod ) := "mod"; oLt := 9; opName( oLt ) := "lt";
oGt := 10; opName( oGt ) := "gt"; oLe := 11; opName( oLe ) := "le"; oGe := 12; opName( oGe ) := "ge";
oEq := 13; opName( oEq ) := "eq"; oNe := 14; opName( oNe ) := "ne"; oAnd := 15; opName( oAnd ) := "and";
oOr := 16; opName( oOr ) := "or"; oNeg := 17; opName( oNeg ) := "neg"; oNot := 18; opName( oNot ) := "not";
oJmp := 19; opName( oJmp ) := "jmp"; oJz := 20; opName( oJz ) := "jz"; oPrtc := 21; opName( oPrtc ) := "prtc";
oPrts := 22; opName( oPrts ) := "prts"; oPrti := 23; opName( oPrti ) := "prti"; oHalt := 24; opName( oHalt ) := "halt";
nIdentifier := 1; ndName( nIdentifier ) := "Identifier"; nString := 2; ndName( nString ) := "String";
nInteger := 3; ndName( nInteger ) := "Integer"; nSequence := 4; ndName( nSequence ) := "Sequence";
nIf := 5; ndName( nIf ) := "If"; nPrtc := 6; ndName( nPrtc ) := "Prtc";
nPrts := 7; ndName( nPrts ) := "Prts"; nPrti := 8; ndName( nPrti ) := "Prti";
nWhile := 9; ndName( nWhile ) := "While"; nAssign := 10; ndName( nAssign ) := "Assign";
nNegate := 11; ndName( nNegate ) := "Negate"; nNot := 12; ndName( nNot ) := "Not";
nMultiply := 13; ndName( nMultiply ) := "Multiply"; nDivide := 14; ndName( nDivide ) := "Divide";
nMod := 15; ndName( nMod ) := "Mod"; nAdd := 16; ndName( nAdd ) := "Add";
nSubtract := 17; ndName( nSubtract ) := "Subtract"; nLess := 18; ndName( nLess ) := "Less";
nLessEqual := 19; ndName( nLessEqual ) := "LessEqual"; nGreater := 20; ndName( nGreater ) := "Greater";
nGreaterEqual := 21; ndName( nGreaterEqual ) := "GreaterEqual"; nEqual := 22; ndName( nEqual ) := "Equal";
nNotEqual := 23; ndName( nNotEqual ) := "NotEqual"; nAnd := 24; ndName( nAnd ) := "And";
nOr := 25; ndName( nOr ) := "Or";
MAX_NODE_TYPE := 25; TEXT_MAX := 4095; textNext := 0;
stList := idList := null;
for nPos := 1 until MAX_NODE_TYPE do nOp( nPos ) := -1;
nOp( nPrtc ) := oPrtc; nOp( nPrts ) := oPrts; nOp( nPrti ) := oPrti; nOp( nNegate ) := oNeg; nOp( nNot ) := oNot;
nOp( nMultiply ) := oMul; nOp( nDivide ) := oDiv; nOp( nMod ) := oMod; nOp( nAdd ) := oAdd; nOp( nSubtract ) := oSub;
nOp( nLess ) := oLt; nOp( nLessEqual ) := oLe; nOp( nGreater ) := oGt; nOp( nGreaterEqual ) := oGe; nOp( nEqual ) := oEq;
nOp( nNotEqual ) := oNe; nOp( nAnd ) := oAnd; nOp( nOr ) := oOr;
nextLocation := 0; MAX_LOCATION := 4095;
for pc := 0 until MAX_LOCATION do byteCode( pc ) := 0;
nextLabelNumber := 0; MAX_LABEL_NUMBER := 4096;
for lPos := 1 until MAX_LABEL_NUMBER do labelLocation( lPos ) := 0;
% parse the output from the syntax analyser and generate code from the parse tree %
gen( readNode );
genOp0( oHalt );
The While Counter example
Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
0 push 1
5 store [0]
10 fetch [0]
15 push 10
20 lt
21 jz (43) 65
26 push 0
31 prts
32 fetch [0]
37 prti
38 push 1
43 prts
44 fetch [0]
49 push 1
54 add
55 store [0]
60 jmp (-51) 10
65 halt


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