Compiler/AST interpreter: Difference between revisions

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The complete implementation for the compiler tasks can be found in a GitHub repository at [] which includes full unit testing for the samples given in [[Compiler/Sample programs]].
The following code implements as AST interpreter for the output of the [ parser]
<lang scala>
package xyz.hyperreal.rosettacodeCompiler
import scala.collection.mutable
object ASTInterpreter {
def fromStdin = fromSource(Source.stdin)
def fromString(src: String) = fromSource(Source.fromString(src))
def fromSource(s: Source) = {
val lines = s.getLines
def load: Node =
if (!lines.hasNext)
else" +", 2) match {
case Array(name, value) => LeafNode(name, value)
case Array(";") => TerminalNode
case Array(name) => BranchNode(name, load, load)
val vars = new mutable.HashMap[String, Any]
def interpInt(n: Node) = interp(n).asInstanceOf[Int]
def interpBoolean(n: Node) = interp(n).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
def interp(n: Node): Any =
n match {
case TerminalNode => null
case LeafNode("Identifier", name) =>
vars get name match {
case None =>
vars(name) = 0
case Some(v) => v
case LeafNode("Integer", "'\\n'") => '\n'.toInt
case LeafNode("Integer", "'\\\\'") => '\\'.toInt
case LeafNode("Integer", value: String) if value startsWith "'" => value(1).toInt
case LeafNode("Integer", value: String) => value.toInt
case LeafNode("String", value: String) => unescape(value.substring(1, value.length - 1))
case BranchNode("Assign", LeafNode(_, name), exp) => vars(name) = interp(exp)
case BranchNode("Sequence", l, r) => interp(l); interp(r)
case BranchNode("Prts" | "Prti", a, _) => print(interp(a))
case BranchNode("Prtc", a, _) => print(interpInt(a).toChar)
case BranchNode("Add", l, r) => interpInt(l) + interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Subtract", l, r) => interpInt(l) - interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Multiply", l, r) => interpInt(l) * interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Divide", l, r) => interpInt(l) / interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Mod", l, r) => interpInt(l) % interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Negate", a, _) => -interpInt(a)
case BranchNode("Less", l, r) => interpInt(l) < interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("LessEqual", l, r) => interpInt(l) <= interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Greater", l, r) => interpInt(l) > interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("GreaterEqual", l, r) => interpInt(l) >= interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("Equal", l, r) => interpInt(l) == interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("NotEqual", l, r) => interpInt(l) != interpInt(r)
case BranchNode("And", l, r) => interpBoolean(l) && interpBoolean(r)
case BranchNode("Or", l, r) => interpBoolean(l) || interpBoolean(r)
case BranchNode("Not", a, _) => !interpBoolean(a)
case BranchNode("While", l, r) => while (interpBoolean(l)) interp(r)
case BranchNode("If", cond, BranchNode("If", yes, no)) => if (interpBoolean(cond)) interp(yes) else interp(no)
abstract class Node
case class BranchNode(name: String, left: Node, right: Node) extends Node
case class LeafNode(name: String, value: String) extends Node
case object TerminalNode extends Node
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