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Compiler/syntax analyzer: Difference between revisions

Added javascript and php versions
m (Fixed a bug in TokenType)
(Added javascript and php versions)
Line 3,656:
<lang javascript>
Token: type, value, line, pos
const TokenType = {
Keyword_if: 1, Keyword_else: 2, Keyword_print: 3, Keyword_putc: 4, Keyword_while: 5,
Op_add: 6, Op_and: 7, Op_assign: 8, Op_divide: 9, Op_equal: 10, Op_greater: 11,
Op_greaterequal: 12, Op_less: 13, Op_lessequal: 14, Op_mod: 15, Op_multiply: 16, Op_not: 17,
Op_notequal: 18, Op_or: 19, Op_subtract: 20,
Integer: 21, String: 22, Identifier: 23,
Semicolon: 24, Comma: 25,
LeftBrace: 26, RightBrace: 27,
LeftParen: 28, RightParen: 29,
End_of_input: 99
class Lexer {
constructor(source) {
this.source = source
this.pos = 1 // position in line
this.position = 0 // position in source
this.line = 1
this.chr = this.source.charAt(0)
this.keywords = {
"if": TokenType.Keyword_if,
"else": TokenType.Keyword_else,
"print": TokenType.Keyword_print,
"putc": TokenType.Keyword_putc,
"while": TokenType.Keyword_while
getNextChar() {
if (this.position >= this.source.length) {
this.chr = undefined
return this.chr
this.chr = this.source.charAt(this.position)
if (this.chr === '\n') {
this.pos = 0
return this.chr
error(line, pos, message) {
if (line > 0 && pos > 0) {
console.log(message + " in line " + line + ", pos " + pos + "\n")
} else {
follow(expect, ifyes, ifno, line, pos) {
if (this.getNextChar() === expect) {
return { type: ifyes, value: "", line, pos }
if (ifno === TokenType.End_of_input) {
this.error(line, pos, "follow: unrecognized character: (" + this.chr.charCodeAt(0) + ") '" + this.chr + "'")
return { type: ifno, value: "", line, pos }
div_or_comment(line, pos) {
if (this.getNextChar() !== '*') {
return { type: TokenType.Op_divide, value: "/", line, pos }
while (true) {
if (this.chr === '\u0000') {
this.error(line, pos, "EOF in comment")
} else if (this.chr === '*') {
if (this.getNextChar() === '/') {
return this.getToken()
} else {
char_lit(line, pos) {
let c = this.getNextChar() // skip opening quote
let n = c.charCodeAt(0)
if (c === "\'") {
this.error(line, pos, "empty character constant")
} else if (c === "\\") {
c = this.getNextChar()
if (c == "n") {
n = 10
} else if (c === "\\") {
n = 92
} else {
this.error(line, pos, "unknown escape sequence \\" + c)
if (this.getNextChar() !== "\'") {
this.error(line, pos, "multi-character constant")
return { type: TokenType.Integer, value: n, line, pos }
string_lit(start, line, pos) {
let value = ""
while (this.getNextChar() !== start) {
if (this.chr === undefined) {
this.error(line, pos, "EOF while scanning string literal")
if (this.chr === "\n") {
this.error(line, pos, "EOL while scanning string literal")
value += this.chr
return { type: TokenType.String, value, line, pos }
identifier_or_integer(line, pos) {
let is_number = true
let text = ""
while (/\w/.test(this.chr) || this.chr === '_') {
text += this.chr
if (!/\d/.test(this.chr)) {
is_number = false
if (text === "") {
this.error(line, pos, "identifer_or_integer unrecopgnized character: follow: unrecognized character: (" + this.chr.charCodeAt(0) + ") '" + this.chr + "'")
if (/\d/.test(text.charAt(0))) {
if (!is_number) {
this.error(line, pos, "invaslid number: " + text)
return { type: TokenType.Integer, value: text, line, pos }
if (text in this.keywords) {
return { type: this.keywords[text], value: "", line, pos }
return { type: TokenType.Identifier, value: text, line, pos }
getToken() {
let pos, line
// Ignore whitespaces
while (/\s/.test(this.chr)) { this.getNextChar() }
line = this.line; pos = this.pos
switch (this.chr) {
case undefined: return { type: TokenType.End_of_input, value: "", line: this.line, pos: this.pos }
case "/": return this.div_or_comment(line, pos)
case "\'": return this.char_lit(line, pos)
case "\"": return this.string_lit(this.chr, line, pos)
case "<": return this.follow("=", TokenType.Op_lessequal, TokenType.Op_less, line, pos)
case ">": return this.follow("=", TokenType.Op_greaterequal, TokenType.Op_greater, line, pos)
case "=": return this.follow("=", TokenType.Op_equal, TokenType.Op_assign, line, pos)
case "!": return this.follow("=", TokenType.Op_notequal, TokenType.Op_not, line, pos)
case "&": return this.follow("&", TokenType.Op_and, TokenType.End_of_input, line, pos)
case "|": return this.follow("|", TokenType.Op_or, TokenType.End_of_input, line, pos)
case "{": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.LeftBrace, value: "{", line, pos }
case "}": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.RightBrace, value: "}", line, pos }
case "(": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.LeftParen, value: "(", line, pos }
case ")": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.RightParen, value: ")", line, pos }
case "+": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Op_add, value: "+", line, pos }
case "-": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Op_subtract, value: "-", line, pos }
case "*": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Op_multiply, value: "*", line, pos }
case "%": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Op_mod, value: "%", line, pos }
case ";": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Semicolon, value: ";", line, pos }
case ",": this.getNextChar(); return { type: TokenType.Comma, value: ",", line, pos }
default: return this.identifier_or_integer(line, pos)
getTokenType(value) {
return Object.keys(TokenType).find(key => TokenType[key] === value)
printToken(t) {
//console.log(t.line+" "+t.pos+" "+this.getTokenType(t.type)+" "+t.value)
let result = (" " + t.line).substr(t.line.toString().length)
result += (" " + t.pos).substr(t.pos.toString().length)
result += (" " + this.getTokenType(t.type) + " ").substr(0, 16)
//"%5d %5d %-15s", this.line, this.pos, this.tokentype);
switch (t.type) {
case TokenType.Integer:
result += " " + t.value
case TokenType.Identifier:
result += " " + t.value
case TokenType.String:
result += " \""+ t.value + "\""
printTokens() {
let t
while ((t = this.getToken()).type !== TokenType.End_of_input) {
const fs = require("fs")
fs.readFile(process.argv[2], "utf8", (err, data) => {
l = new Lexer(data)
Line 4,775 ⟶ 4,992:
Print: Expecting 'LeftParen', found 'Op_subtract'
<lang PHP>
Token => type, value, line, cpos
class Lexer {
private $source, $cpos, $cposition, $line, $char, $keywords;
const Undefined = -1;
const TokenType = [
'Keyword_if' => 1, 'Keyword_else' => 2, 'Keyword_print' => 3, 'Keyword_putc' => 4, 'Keyword_while' => 5,
'Op_add' => 6, 'Op_and' => 7, 'Op_assign' => 8, 'Op_divide' => 9, 'Op_equal' => 10, 'Op_greater' => 11,
'Op_greaterequal' => 12, 'Op_less' => 13, 'Op_lessequal' => 14, 'Op_mod' => 15, 'Op_multiply' => 16, 'Op_not' => 17,
'Op_notequal' => 18, 'Op_or' => 19, 'Op_subtract' => 20,
'Integer' => 21, 'String' => 22, 'Identifier' => 23,
'Semicolon' => 24, 'Comma' => 25,
'LeftBrace' => 26, 'RightBrace' => 27,
'LeftParen' => 28, 'RightParen' => 29,
'End_of_input' => 99
public function __construct($source) {
$this->source = $source;
$this->cpos = 1; // position in line
$this->cposition = 0; // position in source
$this->line = 1;
$this->char = substr($this->source, 0, 1);
$this->keywords = [
'if' => Lexer::TokenType['Keyword_if'],
'else' => Lexer::TokenType['Keyword_else'],
'print' => Lexer::TokenType['Keyword_print'],
'putc' => Lexer::TokenType['Keyword_putc'],
'while' => Lexer::TokenType['Keyword_while']
private function getNextChar() {
if ($this->cposition >= strlen($this->source)) {
$this->char = Lexer::Undefined;
return $this->char;
$this->char = substr($this->source, $this->cposition, 1);
if ($this->char === "\n") {
$this->cpos = 0;
return $this->char;
private function error($line, $cpos, $message) {
if ($line > 0 && $cpos > 0) {
echo $message . ' in line ' . $line . ', pos ' . $cpos . '\n';
} else {
echo $message;
private function follow($expect, $ifyes, $ifno, $line, $cpos) {
if ($this->getNextChar() === $expect) {
return [ 'type' => $ifyes, 'value' => '', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
if ($ifno === Lexer::TokenType['End_of_input']) {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'follow: unrecognized character = (' . substr($this->char, 0, 1) . ') "'. $this->char . '"');
return [ 'type' => $ifno, 'value' => '', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
private function div_or_comment($line, $cpos) {
if ($this->getNextChar() !== '*') {
return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Op_divide'], 'value' => '/', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
while (true) {
if ($this->char === Lexer::Undefined) {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'EOF in comment');
} else if ($this->char === '*') {
if ($this->getNextChar() === '/') {
return $this->getToken();
} else {
private function char_lit($line, $cpos) {
$c = $this->getNextChar(); // skip opening quote
$n = mb_ord($c);
if ($c === "\'") {
$this->error(line, $cpos, 'empty character constant');
} else if ($c === '\\') {
$c = $this->getNextChar();
if ($c == 'n') {
$n = 10;
} else if ($c === "\\") {
$n = 92;
} else {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'unknown escape sequence \\' . c);
if ($this->getNextChar() !== '\'') {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'multi-character constant');
return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Integer'], 'value' => $n, 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
private function String_lit($start, $line, $cpos) {
$value = '';
while ($this->getNextChar() !== $start) {;
if ($this->char === Lexer::Undefined) {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'EOF while scanning String literal');
if ($this->char === "\n") {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'EOL while scanning String literal');
$value .= $this->char;
return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['String'], 'value' => $value, 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
private function identifier_or_integer($line, $cpos) {
$is_number = true;
$text = '';
while (preg_match('/\w/', $this->char) || $this->char === '_') {
$text .= $this->char;
if (!preg_match('/\d/', $this->char)) {
$is_number = false;
if ($text === '') {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'identifer_or_integer: unrecopgnized character: (' . mb_ord($this->char) . ') "' . $this->char . '"');
if (preg_match('/\d/', substr($text, 0, 1))) {
if (!$is_number) {
$this->error($line, $cpos, 'invaslid number => ' . $text);
return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Integer'], 'value' => $text, 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
if (array_key_exists($text, $this->keywords)) {
return [ 'type' => $this->keywords[$text], 'value' => '', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Identifier'], 'value' => $text, 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
private function getToken() {
// Ignore whitespaces
while (preg_match('/\s/', $this->char)) { $this->getNextChar(); }
$line = $this->line; $cpos = $this->cpos;
switch ($this->char) {
case Lexer::Undefined: return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['End_of_input'], 'value' => '', 'line' => $this->line, 'cpos' => $this->cpos ];
case '/': return $this->div_or_comment($line, $cpos);
case '\'': return $this->char_lit($line, $cpos);
case "\"": return $this->String_lit($this->char, $line, $cpos);
case '<': return $this->follow('=', Lexer::TokenType['Op_lessequal'], Lexer::TokenType['Op_less'], $line, $cpos);
case '>': return $this->follow('=', Lexer::TokenType['Op_greaterequal'], Lexer::TokenType['Op_greater'], $line, $cpos);
case '=': return $this->follow('=', Lexer::TokenType['Op_equal'], Lexer::TokenType['Op_assign'], $line, $cpos);
case '!': return $this->follow('=', Lexer::TokenType['Op_notequal'], Lexer::TokenType['Op_not'], $line, $cpos);
case '&': return $this->follow('&', Lexer::TokenType['Op_and'], Lexer::TokenType['End_of_input'], $line, $cpos);
case '|': return $this->follow('|', Lexer::TokenType['Op_or'], Lexer::TokenType['End_of_input'], $line, $cpos);
case '{': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['LeftBrace'], 'value' => '{', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '}': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['RightBrace'], 'value' => '}', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '(': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['LeftParen'], 'value' => '(', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case ')': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['RightParen'], 'value' => ')', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '+': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Op_add'], 'value' => '+', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '-': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Op_subtract'], 'value' => '-', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '*': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Op_multiply'], 'value' => '*', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case '%': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Op_mod'], 'value' => '%', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case ';': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Semicolon'], 'value' => ';', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
case ',': $this->getNextChar(); return [ 'type' => Lexer::TokenType['Comma'], 'value' => ',', 'line' => $line, 'cpos' => $cpos ];
default: return $this->identifier_or_integer($line, $cpos);
private function getTokenType($value) {
return array_search($value, Lexer::TokenType);
private function printToken($t) {
$result = substr(' ' . $t['line'], strlen(strval($t['line'])));
$result .= substr(' ' . $t['cpos'], strlen(strval($t['cpos'])));
$result .= substr(' ' . $this->getTokenType($t['type']) . ' ', 0, 16);
switch ($t['type']) {
case Lexer::TokenType['Integer']:
$result .= ' ' . $t['value'];
case Lexer::TokenType['Identifier']:
$result .= ' ' . $t['value'];
case Lexer::TokenType['String']:
$result .= " \"". $t['value'] . "\"";
echo $result."\n";
public function printTokens() {
$t = '';
while (($t = $this->getToken())['type'] !== Lexer::TokenType['End_of_input']) {
$file = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$l = new Lexer($file);
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