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File size distribution: Difference between revisions

Ada version
(Added Wren)
(Ada version)
Line 12:
Is your file system predominantly devoted to a large number of smaller files, or a smaller number of huge files?
<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Directories; use Ada.Directories;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Dir_Iterators.Recursive;
procedure File_Size_Distribution is
type Exponent_Type is range 0 .. 18;
type File_Count is range 0 .. Long_Integer'Last;
Counts : array (Exponent_Type) of File_Count := (others => 0);
Non_Zero_Index : Exponent_Type := 0;
Directory_Name : constant String := (if Argument_Count = 0
then "."
else Argument (1));
Directory_Walker : Dir_Iterators.Recursive.Recursive_Dir_Walk
:= Dir_Iterators.Recursive.Walk (Directory_Name);
if not Exists (Directory_Name) or else Kind (Directory_Name) /= Directory then
Put_Line ("Directory does not exist");
end if;
for Directory_Entry of Directory_Walker loop
use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
Size_Of_File : File_Size;
Exponent : Exponent_Type;
if Kind (Directory_Entry) = Ordinary_File then
Size_Of_File := Size (Directory_Entry);
if Size_Of_File = 0 then
Counts (0) := Counts (0) + 1;
Exponent := Exponent_Type (Float'Ceiling (Log (Float (Size_Of_File),
Base => 10.0)));
Counts (Exponent) := Counts (Exponent) + 1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
for I in reverse Counts'Range loop
if Counts (I) /= 0 then
Non_Zero_Index := I;
end if;
end loop;
for I in Counts'First .. Non_Zero_Index loop
Put ("Less than 10**");
Put (Fixed.Trim (Exponent_Type'Image (I), Side => Left));
Put (": ");
Put (File_Count'Image (Counts (I)));
end loop;
end File_Size_Distribution;</lang>
<pre>Less than 10**0: 8
Less than 10**1: 0
Less than 10**2: 18
Less than 10**3: 88
Less than 10**4: 39
Less than 10**5: 8
Less than 10**6: 2
Less than 10**7: 1</pre>


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