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On Sunday, June 3, 2012, members of the FB List Serve were notified that Robert Purves had died after a long bout with cancer. The news came as a surprise to many FB developers who were unaware of Purves' illness. While coping with cancer, he continued as an active member of the FB community, improving FB, answering questions, solving problems, and posting exquisitely terse code often salted with pithy remarks from his wonderfully dry humor. He never mentioned his health problems and never complained. A tribute to Purves can be found at the bottom of the FB Home Page
A team of skilled developers who worked on the FB editor, who were also tutored at Purves' knee on his pet FB project, the FBtoC translator, continued his work keeping the Macintosh's oldest compiler viable for a new generation of coders and Apple's macOS changes.
CocoaUI, a collection of header classes thatbrought bring ARCApple's Cocoa(Automatic ReferenceFoundation + AppKit Counting) to FB, and a fast 64-bit Editor offering syntax highlighting, line numbers and variety of programmer conveniences have since been added to the IDE.
When Apple released Macs running on the ARM M1 chips in early 2021, FB and FBtoC were integrated into a single app that was updated to allow Universal code to be compiled on both the Intel and M1 platforms.


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