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Line 11,469:
22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>
{{works with|OCaml|4.12.1}}
This is a close translation of the ATS. It may interest the reader to compare the two implementations.
(Much of the extra complication in the ATS comes from arrays being a linear type, and values of linear type having to be local to any function using them. This limitation could have been worked around, and arrays more similar to OCaml arrays could have been used.)
<lang OCaml>(*------------------------------------------------------------------*)
(* The Rosetta Code lexical analyzer, in OCaml. Based on the ATS. *)
(* When you compare this code to the ATS code, please keep in mind
that, although ATS has an ML-like syntax:
* The type system is not the same at all.
* Most ATS functions are not closures. Those that are will have
special notations such as "<cloref1>" associated with them. *)
(* The following functions are compatible with ASCII. *)
let is_digit ichar =
48 <= ichar && ichar <= 57
let is_lower ichar =
97 <= ichar && ichar <= 122
let is_upper ichar =
65 <= ichar && ichar <= 90
let is_alpha ichar =
is_lower ichar || is_upper ichar
let is_alnum ichar =
is_digit ichar || is_alpha ichar
let is_ident_start ichar =
is_alpha ichar || ichar = 95
let is_ident_continuation ichar =
is_alnum ichar || ichar = 95
let is_space ichar =
ichar = 32 || (9 <= ichar && ichar <= 13)
let reverse_list_to_string lst =
List.rev lst |> List.to_seq |> String.of_seq
(* Character input more like that of C. There are various advantages
and disadvantages to this method, but key points in its favor are:
(a) it is how character input is done in the original ATS code, (b)
Unicode code points are 21-bit positive integers. *)
let eof = (-1)
let input_ichar channel =
int_of_char (input_char channel)
| End_of_file -> eof
(* The type of an input character. *)
module Ch =
type t =
ichar : int;
line_no : int;
column_no : int
(* Inputting with unlimited pushback, and with counting of lines and
columns. *)
module Inp =
type t =
inpf : in_channel;
pushback : Ch.t list;
line_no : int;
column_no : int
let of_in_channel inpf =
{ inpf = inpf;
pushback = [];
line_no = 1;
column_no = 1
let get_ch inp =
match inp.pushback with
| ch :: tail ->
(ch, {inp with pushback = tail})
| [] ->
let ichar = input_ichar inp.inpf in
if ichar = int_of_char '\n' then
({ ichar = ichar;
line_no = inp.line_no;
column_no = inp.column_no },
{ inp with line_no = inp.line_no + 1;
column_no = 1 })
({ ichar = ichar;
line_no = inp.line_no;
column_no = inp.column_no },
{ inp with column_no = inp.column_no + 1 })
let push_back_ch ch inp =
{inp with pushback = ch :: inp.pushback}
(* Tokens, appearing in tuples with arguments, and with line and
column numbers. The tokens are integers, so they can be used as
array indices. *)
(* (token, argument, line_no, column_no) *)
type toktup_t = int * string * int * int
let token_ELSE = 0
let token_IF = 1
let token_PRINT = 2
let token_PUTC = 3
let token_WHILE = 4
let token_MULTIPLY = 5
let token_DIVIDE = 6
let token_MOD = 7
let token_ADD = 8
let token_SUBTRACT = 9
let token_NEGATE = 10
let token_LESS = 11
let token_LESSEQUAL = 12
let token_GREATER = 13
let token_GREATEREQUAL = 14
let token_EQUAL = 15
let token_NOTEQUAL = 16
let token_NOT = 17
let token_ASSIGN = 18
let token_AND = 19
let token_OR = 20
let token_LEFTPAREN = 21
let token_RIGHTPAREN = 22
let token_LEFTBRACE = 23
let token_RIGHTBRACE = 24
let token_SEMICOLON = 25
let token_COMMA = 26
let token_IDENTIFIER = 27
let token_INTEGER = 28
let token_STRING = 29
let token_END_OF_INPUT = 30
(* A *very* simple perfect hash for the reserved words. (Yes, this is
overkill, except for demonstration of the principle.) *)
let reserved_words =
[| "if"; "print"; "else"; ""; "putc"; ""; ""; "while"; "" |]
let reserved_word_tokens =
[| token_IF; token_PRINT; token_ELSE; token_IDENTIFIER;
token_PUTC; token_IDENTIFIER; token_IDENTIFIER; token_WHILE;
let reserved_word_lookup s line_no column_no =
if String.length s < 2 then
(token_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
let hashval = (int_of_char s.[0] + int_of_char s.[1]) mod 9 in
let token = reserved_word_tokens.(hashval) in
if token = token_IDENTIFIER || s <> reserved_words.(hashval) then
(token_IDENTIFIER, s, line_no, column_no)
(token, s, line_no, column_no)
(* Token to string lookup. *)
let token_names =
[| "Keyword_else";
"End_of_input" |]
let token_name token =
exception Unterminated_comment of int * int
exception Unterminated_character_literal of int * int
exception Multicharacter_literal of int * int
exception End_of_input_in_string_literal of int * int
exception End_of_line_in_string_literal of int * int
exception Unsupported_escape of int * int * int
exception Invalid_integer_literal of int * int * string
exception Unexpected_character of int * int * char
(* Skipping past spaces and comments. (A comment in the target
language is, if you think about it, a kind of space.) *)
let scan_comment inp line_no column_no =
let rec loop inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch.ichar = eof then
raise (Unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no))
else if ch.ichar = int_of_char '*' then
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = eof then
raise (Unterminated_comment (line_no, column_no))
else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '/' then
loop inp
loop inp
loop inp
let skip_spaces_and_comments inp =
let rec loop inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if is_space ch.ichar then
loop inp
else if ch.ichar = int_of_char '/' then
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '*' then
scan_comment inp ch.line_no ch.column_no |> loop
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
Inp.push_back_ch ch inp
loop inp
(* Integer literals, identifiers, and reserved words. *)
(* In ATS the predicate for simple scan was supplied by template
expansion, which (typically) produces faster code than passing a
function or closure (although passing either of those could have
been done). Here I pass the predicate as a function/closure. It is
worth contrasting the methods. *)
let rec simple_scan pred lst inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if pred ch.ichar then
simple_scan pred (char_of_int ch.ichar :: lst) inp
(lst, Inp.push_back_ch ch inp)
(* Demonstration of one way to make a new closure in OCaml. (In ATS,
one might see things that look similar but are actually template
operations.) *)
let simple_scan_iic = simple_scan is_ident_continuation
let scan_integer_literal inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
let _ = assert (is_digit ch.ichar) in
let (lst, inp) = simple_scan_iic [char_of_int ch.ichar] inp in
let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
if List.for_all (fun c -> is_digit (int_of_char c)) lst then
((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
raise (Invalid_integer_literal (ch.line_no, ch.column_no, s))
let scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
let _ = assert (is_ident_start ch.ichar) in
let (lst, inp) = simple_scan_iic [char_of_int ch.ichar] inp in
let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
let toktup = reserved_word_lookup s ch.line_no ch.column_no in
(toktup, inp)
(* String literals. *)
let scan_string_literal inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
let _ = assert (ch.ichar = int_of_char '"') in
let rec scan lst inp =
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = eof then
raise (End_of_input_in_string_literal
(ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\n' then
raise (End_of_line_in_string_literal
(ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '"' then
(lst, inp)
else if ch1.ichar <> int_of_char '\\' then
scan (char_of_int ch1.ichar :: lst) inp
let (ch2, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch2.ichar = int_of_char 'n' then
scan ('n' :: '\\' :: lst) inp
else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
scan ('\\' :: '\\' :: lst) inp
raise (Unsupported_escape (ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no,
let lst = '"' :: [] in
let (lst, inp) = scan lst inp in
let lst = '"' :: lst in
let s = reverse_list_to_string lst in
((token_STRING, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
(* Character literals. *)
let scan_character_literal_without_checking_end inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
let _ = assert (ch.ichar = int_of_char '\'') in
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = eof then
raise (Unterminated_character_literal
(ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
let (ch2, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch2.ichar = eof then
raise (Unterminated_character_literal
(ch.line_no, ch.column_no))
else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char 'n' then
let s = (int_of_char '\n' |> string_of_int) in
((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
else if ch2.ichar = int_of_char '\\' then
let s = (int_of_char '\\' |> string_of_int) in
((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
raise (Unsupported_escape
(ch1.line_no, ch1.column_no, ch2.ichar))
let s = string_of_int ch1.ichar in
((token_INTEGER, s, ch.line_no, ch.column_no), inp)
let scan_character_literal inp =
let (toktup, inp) =
scan_character_literal_without_checking_end inp in
let (_, _, line_no, column_no) = toktup in
let check_end inp =
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch.ichar = int_of_char '\'' then
let rec loop_to_end (ch1 : Ch.t) inp =
if ch1.ichar = eof then
raise (Unterminated_character_literal (line_no, column_no))
else if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '\'' then
raise (Multicharacter_literal (line_no, column_no))
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
loop_to_end ch1 inp
loop_to_end ch inp
let inp = check_end inp in
(toktup, inp)
let get_next_token inp =
let inp = skip_spaces_and_comments inp in
let (ch, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
let ln = ch.line_no in
let cn = ch.column_no in
if ch.ichar = eof then
((token_END_OF_INPUT, "", ln, cn), inp)
match char_of_int ch.ichar with
| ',' -> ((token_COMMA, ",", ln, cn), inp)
| ';' -> ((token_SEMICOLON, ";", ln, cn), inp)
| '(' -> ((token_LEFTPAREN, "(", ln, cn), inp)
| ')' -> ((token_RIGHTPAREN, ")", ln, cn), inp)
| '{' -> ((token_LEFTBRACE, "{", ln, cn), inp)
| '}' -> ((token_RIGHTBRACE, "}", ln, cn), inp)
| '*' -> ((token_MULTIPLY, "*", ln, cn), inp)
| '/' -> ((token_DIVIDE, "/", ln, cn), inp)
| '%' -> ((token_MOD, "%", ln, cn), inp)
| '+' -> ((token_ADD, "+", ln, cn), inp)
| '-' -> ((token_SUBTRACT, "-", ln, cn), inp)
| '<' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
((token_LESSEQUAL, "<=", ln, cn), inp)
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
((token_LESS, "<", ln, cn), inp)
| '>' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
((token_GREATEREQUAL, ">=", ln, cn), inp)
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
((token_GREATER, ">", ln, cn), inp)
| '=' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
((token_EQUAL, "==", ln, cn), inp)
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
((token_ASSIGN, "=", ln, cn), inp)
| '!' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '=' then
((token_NOTEQUAL, "!=", ln, cn), inp)
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch1 inp in
((token_NOT, "!", ln, cn), inp)
| '&' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '&' then
((token_AND, "&&", ln, cn), inp)
raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
char_of_int ch.ichar))
| '|' ->
let (ch1, inp) = Inp.get_ch inp in
if ch1.ichar = int_of_char '|' then
((token_OR, "||", ln, cn), inp)
raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
char_of_int ch.ichar))
| '"' ->
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
scan_string_literal inp
| '\'' ->
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
scan_character_literal inp
| _ when is_digit ch.ichar ->
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
scan_integer_literal inp
| _ when is_ident_start ch.ichar ->
let inp = Inp.push_back_ch ch inp in
scan_identifier_or_reserved_word inp
| _ -> raise (Unexpected_character (ch.line_no, ch.column_no,
char_of_int ch.ichar))
let print_token outf toktup =
let (token, arg, line_no, column_no) = toktup in
let name = token_name token in
let (padding, str) =
match 0 with
| _ when token = token_IDENTIFIER -> (" ", arg)
| _ when token = token_INTEGER -> (" ", arg)
| _ when token = token_STRING -> (" ", arg)
| _ -> ("", "")
Printf.fprintf outf "%5d %5d %s%s%s\n"
line_no column_no name padding str
let scan_text outf inp =
let rec loop inp =
let (toktup, inp) = get_next_token inp in
print_token outf toktup;
let (token, _, _, _) = toktup in
if token <> token_END_OF_INPUT then
loop inp
loop inp
let main () =
let inpf_filename =
if 2 <= Array.length Sys.argv then
let outf_filename =
if 3 <= Array.length Sys.argv then
let inpf =
if inpf_filename = "-" then
open_in inpf_filename
let outf =
if outf_filename = "-" then
open_out outf_filename
let inp = Inp.of_in_channel inpf in
scan_text outf inp
main ()
<pre>$ ocamlopt -O2 lex.ml && ./a.out compiler-tests/testcase3.t
5 16 Keyword_print
5 40 Op_subtract
6 16 Keyword_putc
6 40 Op_less
7 16 Keyword_if
7 40 Op_greater
8 16 Keyword_else
8 40 Op_lessequal
9 16 Keyword_while
9 40 Op_greaterequal
10 16 LeftBrace
10 40 Op_equal
11 16 RightBrace
11 40 Op_notequal
12 16 LeftParen
12 40 Op_and
13 16 RightParen
13 40 Op_or
14 16 Op_subtract
14 40 Semicolon
15 16 Op_not
15 40 Comma
16 16 Op_multiply
16 40 Op_assign
17 16 Op_divide
17 40 Integer 42
18 16 Op_mod
18 40 String "String literal"
19 16 Op_add
19 40 Identifier variable_name
20 26 Integer 10
21 26 Integer 92
22 26 Integer 32
23 1 End_of_input</pre>


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