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Reflection/Get source: Difference between revisions

Added Wren
(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
(Added Wren)
Line 477:
list proc $name $args $body
Wren doesn't have reflection as such but the command line version (Wren CLI) does have an easy way to obtain its own source code which can then be searched for where an object is defined
<lang ecmascript>import "os" for Platform, Process
import "io" for File
import "/pattern" for Pattern
var getSourceLines = Fn.new {
var fileName = Process.allArguments[1]
var text = File.read(fileName)
var sep = Platform.isWindows ? "\r\n" : "\n"
return [fileName, text.split(sep)]
var res = getSourceLines.call()
var fileName = res[0]
var lines = res[1]
// look for getSourceLines function
var funcName = "getSourceLines"
var p = Pattern.new("+1/s")
var i = 1
var found = 0
for (line in lines) {
var t = p.splitAll(line.trim())
if (t[0] == "var" && t[1] == funcName && t[2] == "=" && t[3] == "Fn.new") {
found = i
i = i + 1
System.print("File name : %(fileName)")
System.print("Function name : %(funcName)")
System.print("Line number : %(found > 0 ? found : "Function not found")")</lang>
File name : reflection_get_source.wren
Function name : getSourceLines
Line number : 5


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