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Magic squares of doubly even order: Difference between revisions

Added Julia language
(Adding a python version)
(Added Julia language)
Line 973:
24 122 123 21 20 126 127 17 16 130 131 13
133 11 10 136 137 7 6 140 141 3 2 144</pre>
<lang julia># v0.6
function magicsquaredoubleeven(order::Int)
if order % 4 != 0; error("the order must be divisible by 4") end
sqr = Matrix{Int}(order, order)
mul = div(order, 4)
ext = vcat(1:mul, order-mul+1:order)
isext(i::Int, j::Int) = (i in ext) == (j in ext)
boolsqr = collect(isext(i, j) for i in 1:order, j in 1:order)
for i in linearindices(sqr)
if boolsqr[i]; sqr[i] = i end
if !boolsqr[end+1-i]; sqr[end+1-i] = i end
return sqr
for n in (4, 8, 12)
magicconst = div(n ^ 3 + n, 2)
sq = magicsquaredoubleeven(n)
println("Order: $n; magic constant: $magicconst.\nSquare:")
for r in 1:n, c in 1:n
@printf("%4i", sq[r, c])
if c == n; println() end
<pre>Order: 4; magic constant: 34.
1 12 8 13
15 6 10 3
14 7 11 2
4 9 5 16
Order: 8; magic constant: 260.
1 9 48 40 32 24 49 57
2 10 47 39 31 23 50 58
62 54 19 27 35 43 14 6
61 53 20 28 36 44 13 5
60 52 21 29 37 45 12 4
59 51 22 30 38 46 11 3
7 15 42 34 26 18 55 63
8 16 41 33 25 17 56 64
Order: 12; magic constant: 870.
1 13 25 108 96 84 72 60 48 109 121 133
2 14 26 107 95 83 71 59 47 110 122 134
3 15 27 106 94 82 70 58 46 111 123 135
141 129 117 40 52 64 76 88 100 33 21 9
140 128 116 41 53 65 77 89 101 32 20 8
139 127 115 42 54 66 78 90 102 31 19 7
138 126 114 43 55 67 79 91 103 30 18 6
137 125 113 44 56 68 80 92 104 29 17 5
136 124 112 45 57 69 81 93 105 28 16 4
10 22 34 99 87 75 63 51 39 118 130 142
11 23 35 98 86 74 62 50 38 119 131 143
12 24 36 97 85 73 61 49 37 120 132 144</pre>
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